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Align SwissProt::Q13099 to PF10300 (Iml2-TPR_39)

SwissProt::Q13099 has 824 amino acids

Query:       Iml2-TPR_39  [M=467]
Accession:   PF10300.13
Description: Iml2/Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39
Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains):
   --- full sequence ---   --- best 1 domain ---    -#dom-
    E-value  score  bias    E-value  score  bias    exp  N  Sequence Description
    ------- ------ -----    ------- ------ -----   ---- --  -------- -----------

   [No hits detected that satisfy reporting thresholds]

Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments):

   [No targets detected that satisfy reporting thresholds]

Or compare SwissProt::Q13099 to CDD or PaperBLAST