Other Characterized Proteins Similar to ortA
Finding the characterized proteins for ortA (2-amino-4-oxopentanoate thiolase, alpha subunit) in L-arginine catabolism
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Definition of ortA
- Curated sequence C1FW06: 2-amino-4-ketopentanoate thiolase alpha subunit; AKP thiolase; AKPT; EC 2-amino-4-oxopentanoate thiolase (subunit 1/2) (EC AKP thiolase α subunit (EC
- Curated sequence E3PY98: 2-amino-4-ketopentanoate thiolase alpha subunit; AKP thiolase; AKPT; EC
- Ignore hits to items matching when looking for 'other' hits
- Comment: 2-amino-4-oxopentanoate thiolase ( is heteromeric
Fetched 2 sequences
Running ublast to find other characterized proteins with 40% identity and 70% coverage
Found hits to 0 other characterized sequences. (Found 2 hits including self hits.)