PaperBLAST – Find papers about a protein or its homologs


Similarities of Characterized Proteins

Comparing 3 sequences


AAM42629.1 sucrose hydrolase (SuxB;XCC3359) (EC 3.2.1.-) (see protein)
637 amino acids: PaperBLAST, CDD

Other Sequences with Hits

AAM38333.1 sucrose hydrolase (XAC3490) (EC 3.2.1.-) (see protein)
644 amino acids: PaperBLAST, CDD
77% identical to query, 98% coverage

Q6UVM5 sucrose alpha-glucosidase (EC from Xanthomonas axonopodis
AAQ93678.1 sucrose hydrolase (Suh) (EC 3.2.1.-) (see protein)
644 amino acids: PaperBLAST, CDD
77% identical to query, 98% coverage

Other Sequences without Hits
