GapMind for catabolism of small carbon sources


4-hydroxybenzoate catabolism in Novosphingobium aromaticivorans DSM 12444

Best path

pcaK, pobA, ligA, ligB, ligC, ligI, ligU, ligJ, ligK


Overview: 4-hydroxybenzoate catabolism in GapMind is based on aerobic oxidation to 3,4-hydroxybenzoate (protocatechuate), followed by meta, ortho, or para cleavage; or reduction to benzoyl-CoA (part of a MetaCyc pathway for phenol degradation, link)

72 steps (47 with candidates)

Or see definitions of steps

Step Description Best candidate 2nd candidate
pcaK 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter pcaK SARO_RS07960
pobA 4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase SARO_RS12260
ligA protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, alpha subunit SARO_RS14270 SARO_RS06170
ligB protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, beta subunit SARO_RS14265 SARO_RS06175
ligC 2-hydroxy-4-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase SARO_RS14260
ligI 2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylate hydrolase SARO_RS14300
ligU 4-oxalomesaconate tautomerase SARO_RS14295
ligJ 4-carboxy-2-hydroxymuconate hydratase SARO_RS14275 SARO_RS16970
ligK 4-oxalocitramalate aldolase SARO_RS14290 SARO_RS17865
Alternative steps:
ackA acetate kinase
acs acetyl-CoA synthetase, AMP-forming SARO_RS13240 SARO_RS13225
adh acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (not acylating) SARO_RS17045 SARO_RS05980
ald-dh-CoA acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, acylating SARO_RS19310 SARO_RS17070
atoB acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase SARO_RS04040 SARO_RS05335
badH 2-hydroxy-cyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase SARO_RS07160 SARO_RS19210
badI 2-ketocyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA hydrolase SARO_RS05345 SARO_RS04305
badK cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase SARO_RS04305 SARO_RS09500
bamB class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamB subunit
bamC class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamC subunit
bamD class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamD subunit
bamE class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamE subunit
bamF class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamF subunit
bamG class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamG subunit
bamH class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamH subunit SARO_RS03665 SARO_RS11555
bamI class II benzoyl-CoA reductase, BamI subunit SARO_RS03675
bcrA ATP-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase, alpha subunit
bcrB ATP-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase, beta subunit
bcrC ATP-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase, gamma subunit
bcrD ATP-dependent benzoyl-CoA reductase, delta subunit
boxA benzoyl-CoA epoxidase, subunit A
boxB benzoyl-CoA epoxidase, subunit B
boxC 2,3-epoxybenzoyl-CoA dihydrolase
boxD 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase
catI 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit A (CatI) SARO_RS19630
catJ 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit B (CatJ) SARO_RS19635
Ch1CoA cyclohex-1-ene-1-carbonyl-CoA dehydrogenase SARO_RS04295 SARO_RS08250
dch cyclohexa-1,5-diene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase SARO_RS04305 SARO_RS06415
ech (S)-3-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA hydro-lyase SARO_RS04305 SARO_RS07105
fadB (S)-3-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA dehydrogenase SARO_RS02760 SARO_RS18115
fcbT1 tripartite 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter, substrate-binding component FcbT1
fcbT2 tripartite 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter, small DctQ-like component FcbT2
fcbT3 tripartite 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter, large permease subunit FcbT3
gcdH glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase SARO_RS17970 SARO_RS08250
had 6-hydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carbonyl-CoA dehydrogenase SARO_RS18190
hcl 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA ligase SARO_RS16055
hcrA 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase, alpha subunit
hcrB 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase, beta subunit
hcrC 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase, gamma subunit SARO_RS16660 SARO_RS08535
mhpD 2-hydroxypentadienoate hydratase SARO_RS17075 SARO_RS19315
mhpE 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase SARO_RS19305 SARO_RS17065
oah 6-oxocyclohex-1-ene-1-carbonyl-CoA hydratase
paaF 2,3-dehydroadipyl-CoA hydratase SARO_RS04305 SARO_RS18985
paaH 3-hydroxyadipyl-CoA dehydrogenase SARO_RS02760 SARO_RS18115
paaJ2 3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase SARO_RS20000 SARO_RS04040
pcaB 3-carboxymuconate cycloisomerase SARO_RS06550
pcaC 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase SARO_RS20005
pcaD 3-oxoadipate enol-lactone hydrolase SARO_RS20005
pcaF succinyl-CoA:acetyl-CoA C-succinyltransferase SARO_RS20000 SARO_RS04040
pcaG protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, beta subunit
pcaH protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, alpha subunit
pcaI 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit A (PcaI) SARO_RS19990 SARO_RS02835
pcaJ 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit B (PcaJ) SARO_RS19995 SARO_RS02825
pimB 3-oxopimeloyl-CoA:CoA acetyltransferase SARO_RS04340 SARO_RS19705
pimC pimeloyl-CoA dehydrogenase, small subunit SARO_RS07860 SARO_RS04995
pimD pimeloyl-CoA dehydrogenase, large subunit SARO_RS07855 SARO_RS18660
pimF 6-carboxyhex-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase
praA protocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase
praB 2-hydroxymuconate 6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase SARO_RS17080 SARO_RS19930
praC 2-hydroxymuconate tautomerase SARO_RS17055
praD 2-oxohex-3-enedioate decarboxylase SARO_RS17060 SARO_RS17230
pta phosphate acetyltransferase SARO_RS16710
xylF 2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde hydrolase SARO_RS17095 SARO_RS17225

Confidence: high confidence medium confidence low confidence
transporter – transporters and PTS systems are shaded because predicting their specificity is particularly challenging.

This GapMind analysis is from Apr 09 2024. The underlying query database was built on Sep 17 2021.



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About GapMind

Each pathway is defined by a set of rules based on individual steps or genes. Candidates for each step are identified by using ublast (a fast alternative to protein BLAST) against a database of manually-curated proteins (most of which are experimentally characterized) or by using HMMer with enzyme models (usually from TIGRFam). Ublast hits may be split across two different proteins.

A candidate for a step is "high confidence" if either:

where "other" refers to the best ublast hit to a sequence that is not annotated as performing this step (and is not "ignored").

Otherwise, a candidate is "medium confidence" if either:

Other blast hits with at least 50% coverage are "low confidence."

Steps with no high- or medium-confidence candidates may be considered "gaps." For the typical bacterium that can make all 20 amino acids, there are 1-2 gaps in amino acid biosynthesis pathways. For diverse bacteria and archaea that can utilize a carbon source, there is a complete high-confidence catabolic pathway (including a transporter) just 38% of the time, and there is a complete medium-confidence pathway 63% of the time. Gaps may be due to:

GapMind relies on the predicted proteins in the genome and does not search the six-frame translation. In most cases, you can search the six-frame translation by clicking on links to Curated BLAST for each step definition (in the per-step page).

For more information, see:

If you notice any errors or omissions in the step descriptions, or any questionable results, please let us know

by Morgan Price, Arkin group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory