Align asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) (EC (characterized)
to candidate WP_028321394.1 H567_RS0110675 asparagine synthase B
Query= BRENDA::F2DJ31 (589 letters) >NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 Length = 540 Score = 317 bits (813), Expect = 6e-91 Identities = 207/521 (39%), Positives = 292/521 (56%), Gaps = 37/521 (7%) Query: 1 MCGILAVLGVGDVSLAKRSRIIELSRRLRHRGPDWSGIHSFEDCYLAHQRLAIVDPTSGD 60 MCGI +G D R + L HRGPD GIH E+ H RL+IVD G Sbjct: 1 MCGIAGCIGTTDTETVNR-----MLDALGHRGPDDRGIHPRENLVFGHTRLSIVDVAKGH 55 Query: 61 QPLYNEDKTVVVTVNGEIYNHEELKAKLK-SHQFQTGSDCEVIAHLYEEYGEEFVDMLDG 119 QP+ + + NGEIYN +LK L+ H F+T SD EVI HLY+E G E V LDG Sbjct: 56 QPILANGGSAGIICNGEIYNFRQLKHSLRPKHSFKTDSDTEVILHLYQEKGPECVKELDG 115 Query: 120 MFSFVLLDTRDKTFIAARDAIGICPLYMGWGLDGSVWFSSEMKVLS-DDCERFISFPPGH 178 MF+F L D + F+ ARD IGI PLY G+ G+++F+SE+ ++ + FP GH Sbjct: 116 MFAFALFD--NDAFLMARDPIGIKPLYYGY-RQGALYFTSELGAMTLAGVDEVHEFPAGH 172 Query: 179 LYSSKTGGLRRWYNPPWFSESIPSTPYDPLL--IRESFEKAVIKRLMTD--VPFGVLLSG 234 Y+ ++G +R + PP E T +P+ IRE+F +AV KRL+ D VP G SG Sbjct: 173 YYTPESGFVRYYDIPP--IEDHLLTDIEPVCRRIRETFVRAVKKRLLADSEVPVGSFCSG 230 Query: 235 GLDSSLVASVVSRHLAETKVARQWGNKLHTFCIGLKG-----SPDLKAAKEVADYLGTVH 289 GLDSSLVA++ + + LHTF +G+K S D+KAAK A ++G+ H Sbjct: 231 GLDSSLVAAIAAEEIP----------NLHTFVVGMKDASGDVSDDVKAAKIAAAHIGSTH 280 Query: 290 HELHFTVQEGIDALEEVIYHIETYDVTTIRASTPMFLMSRKIKSLGVKMVLSGEGSDEIF 349 HEL FT E +AL VI +ETYD + +R + P + + K+ + V +VL+GEG+DE+F Sbjct: 281 HELLFTEAEYHEALPLVIQKLETYDPSLVRCAVPCY-FTCKLAARYVTVVLTGEGADELF 339 Query: 350 GGYLYFHKAPNKKELHEETCRKIKALHLYDCLRANKATSAWGLEARVPFLDKNFINVAMD 409 GY Y P K L+ E R I LH + RA++ + LE RVPFLD + I+++M Sbjct: 340 TGYHYMKHFPFDK-LNLEARRCIGNLHNINLQRADRMGMHFNLELRVPFLDVDMIDLSMK 398 Query: 410 LDPECKMIRRDLGRIEKWVLRNAFDDNEKPYLPKHILYRQKEQFSDGVGYSWIDGLKDHA 469 + E K+ +IEKW+LR AF+D + YLP IL+R K Q++ G G + + A Sbjct: 399 IPAELKIREHHGAKIEKWILRMAFEDTD--YLPDDILWRYKVQYTQGAGCESLG--EQMA 454 Query: 470 SAHVSDSMMTNASFVYPENTPTTKEAYYYRTVFEKFYPKNA 510 A +SD PE ++KEA YY +F +F+P+++ Sbjct: 455 EAAMSDEEYLQIRAENPEAVISSKEAAYYFKIFREFHPQDS 495 Lambda K H 0.319 0.136 0.415 Gapped Lambda K H 0.267 0.0410 0.140 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1 Number of Sequences: 1 Number of Hits to DB: 701 Number of extensions: 41 Number of successful extensions: 10 Number of sequences better than 1.0e-02: 1 Number of HSP's gapped: 1 Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 1 Length of query: 589 Length of database: 540 Length adjustment: 36 Effective length of query: 553 Effective length of database: 504 Effective search space: 278712 Effective search space used: 278712 Neighboring words threshold: 11 Window for multiple hits: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.4 bits) X2: 38 (14.6 bits) X3: 64 (24.7 bits) S1: 41 (21.8 bits) S2: 53 (25.0 bits)
Align candidate WP_028321394.1 H567_RS0110675 (asparagine synthase B)
to HMM TIGR01536 (asnB: asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) (EC
# hmmsearch :: search profile(s) against a sequence database # HMMER 3.3.1 (Jul 2020); # Copyright (C) 2020 Howard Hughes Medical Institute. # Freely distributed under the BSD open source license. # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # query HMM file: ../tmp/path.aa/TIGR01536.hmm # target sequence database: /tmp/gapView.1210351.genome.faa # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: TIGR01536 [M=517] Accession: TIGR01536 Description: asn_synth_AEB: asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom- E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Sequence Description ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- ----------- 5e-130 420.8 0.1 5.5e-109 351.4 0.0 2.9 2 NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments): >> NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 ! 351.4 0.0 5.5e-109 5.5e-109 1 381 [. 2 352 .. 2 360 .. 0.94 2 ! 64.8 0.1 4e-22 4e-22 445 517 .] 362 440 .. 353 440 .. 0.92 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 351.4 bits; conditional E-value: 5.5e-109 TIGR01536 1 CgiagivdlkakakeeeeaikemletlahRGPDaegvwkdekeenailghrRLaiidlsegaQPlsnek.evv 72 Cgiag++ +++ e++++ml++l hRGPD++g++ en ++gh RL+i+d+ +g+QP+ +++ ++ NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 2 CGIAGCIGTTDT-----ETVNRMLDALGHRGPDDRGIHPR---ENLVFGHTRLSIVDVAKGHQPILANGgSAG 66 ********9774.....89*****************7666...8************************9999* PP TIGR01536 73 ivfnGEIYNheeLreeleekGyeFetksDtEViLaayeewgeelverLeGmFAfalwdekkgelflaRDrlGi 145 i++nGEIYN+++L++ l+ k ++F+t+sDtEViL++y+e g e+v++L+GmFAfal+d+ +++++aRD++Gi NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 67 IICNGEIYNFRQLKHSLRPK-HSFKTDSDTEVILHLYQEKGPECVKELDGMFAFALFDN--DAFLMARDPIGI 136 ********************.**************************************..************ PP TIGR01536 146 kPLYyaseqgkllfaSEiKallalk..eikaeldkealaelltlqlvptektlfkevkelepakaldgeekle 216 kPLYy++ qg+l+f SE+ a++ + e+++++ ++++++ +++ + ++++p+++ +++e NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 137 KPLYYGYRQGALYFTSELGAMTLAGvdEVHEFPAGHYYTPESGFV----------RYYDIPPIEDH-LLTDIE 198 ********************99888889***********999999..........689*****997.666666 PP TIGR01536 217 eywevekeevkeseeelveelrelledavkkrlvad..vpvgvllSGGlDSslvaaiakkeaksevktFsigf 287 +++++re++ +avkkrl ad vpvg++ SGGlDSslvaaia++e++ +++tF++g+ NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 199 P---------------VCRRIRETFVRAVKKRLLADseVPVGSFCSGGLDSSLVAAIAAEEIP-NLHTFVVGM 255 5...............99****************6644899**********************.8******** PP TIGR01536 288 e.dskdld.eskaarkvadelgtehkevliseeevlkeleevilale..eptairasiplyllsklarekgvk 356 + s d++ + kaa+ +a+++g++h+e+l++e+e+ ++l+ vi +le +p +r ++p y+ +kla + v+ NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 256 KdASGDVSdDVKAAKIAAAHIGSTHHELLFTEAEYHEALPLVIQKLEtyDPSLVRCAVPCYFTCKLAARY-VT 327 *6566665145799999*****************************************************.** PP TIGR01536 357 VvLsGeGaDElfgGYeyfreakaee 381 VvL+GeGaDElf GY+y +++++++ NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 328 VVLTGEGADELFTGYHYMKHFPFDK 352 *****************99887765 PP == domain 2 score: 64.8 bits; conditional E-value: 4e-22 TIGR01536 445 elllsdllrakDrvsmahslEvRvPflDkelvelalsippelklr....dgkeKvlLreaaee..llPeeile 511 +l++ +l++ Dr+ m lE+RvPflD ++++l ++ip+elk+r ++ eK++Lr a+e+ +lP++il+ NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 362 GNLHNINLQRADRMGMHFNLELRVPFLDVDMIDLSMKIPAELKIRehhgAKIEKWILRMAFEDtdYLPDDILW 434 56788899************************************97777789**********99********* PP TIGR01536 512 RkKeaf 517 R K ++ NCBI__GCF_000422285.1:WP_028321394.1 435 RYKVQY 440 ***987 PP Internal pipeline statistics summary: ------------------------------------- Query model(s): 1 (517 nodes) Target sequences: 1 (540 residues searched) Passed MSV filter: 1 (1); expected 0.0 (0.02) Passed bias filter: 1 (1); expected 0.0 (0.02) Passed Vit filter: 1 (1); expected 0.0 (0.001) Passed Fwd filter: 1 (1); expected 0.0 (1e-05) Initial search space (Z): 1 [actual number of targets] Domain search space (domZ): 1 [number of targets reported over threshold] # CPU time: 0.03u 0.01s 00:00:00.04 Elapsed: 00:00:00.03 # Mc/sec: 8.15 // [ok]
This GapMind analysis is from Jul 25 2024. The underlying query database was built on Jul 25 2024.
Each pathway is defined by a set of rules based on individual steps or genes. Candidates for each step are identified by using ublast (a fast alternative to protein BLAST) against a database of manually-curated proteins (most of which are experimentally characterized) or by using HMMer with enzyme models (usually from TIGRFam). Ublast hits may be split across two different proteins.
A candidate for a step is "high confidence" if either:
Otherwise, a candidate is "medium confidence" if either:
Other blast hits with at least 50% coverage are "low confidence."
Steps with no high- or medium-confidence candidates may be considered "gaps." For the typical bacterium that can make all 20 amino acids, there are 1-2 gaps in amino acid biosynthesis pathways. For diverse bacteria and archaea that can utilize a carbon source, there is a complete high-confidence catabolic pathway (including a transporter) just 38% of the time, and there is a complete medium-confidence pathway 63% of the time. Gaps may be due to:
GapMind relies on the predicted proteins in the genome and does not search the six-frame translation. In most cases, you can search the six-frame translation by clicking on links to Curated BLAST for each step definition (in the per-step page).
For more information, see:
If you notice any errors or omissions in the step descriptions, or any questionable results, please let us know
by Morgan Price, Arkin group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory