Searching in Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102 ATCC 29133; PCC 73102 (GCF_000020025.1)
Found 63 curated entries in PaperBLAST's database that match '' as complete word(s).
These curated entries have 52 distinct sequences.
Running ublast with E ≤ 0.01
Found 3 relevant proteins in Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102 ATCC 29133; PCC 73102, or try another query
NPUN_RS17345 Npun_R3430 WP_012409815.1: type I polyketide synthase is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
BKTB_CUPNH / Q0KBP1: Beta-ketothiolase BktB; Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase; Acetyl-CoA acyltransferase; EC; EC from Cupriavidus necator | 23% id, 74% cov |
Q0K368: acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (EC from Cupriavidus necator | 23% id, 56% cov |
PfGW456L13_2411: Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens | 25% id, 45% cov |
NPUN_RS14490 Npun_R2847 WP_012409371.1: pitrilysin family protein is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
P07256: acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (EC from Zoogloea ramigera | 22% id, 75% cov |
NPUN_RS15370 Npun_R3024 WP_012409513.1: type I polyketide synthase is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
fadA / Q88L01: FadA (EC; EC from Pseudomonas putida | 31% id, 17% cov |
The hits are sorted by %identity * %coverage (highest first)
Running ublast against the 6-frame translation. All reading frames of at least 30 codons are included.
Found hits to 3 reading frames. Except for 1 reading frames, these were redundant with annotated proteins. These remaining reading frames may be pseudogenes, omissions in the genome annotation, or N-terminal extensions of annotated proteins.
4291420-4294356 (frame -1) on NC_010628.1 Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102, complete sequence is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
THIL_ALLVD / P45369: Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase; Acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase; Beta-ketothiolase; EC from Allochromatium vinosum | 32% id, 25% cov |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory