Searching in Lentibacillus jeotgali Grbi (GCF_000224785.1)
Found 7 curated entries in PaperBLAST's database that match 'glutamylputrescine oxidase' as complete word(s).
These curated entries have 4 distinct sequences.
Running ublast with E ≤ 0.01
Found 4 relevant proteins in Lentibacillus jeotgali Grbi, or try another query
ON01_RS09245 LGRBI_RS0109925 WP_010530753.1: FAD-dependent oxidoreductase is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
PUUB_ECOLI / P37906: Gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidoreductase; Gamma-Glu-Put oxidase; Gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase; EC 1.4.3.- from Escherichia coli | 25% id, 53% cov |
ON01_RS16630 LGRBI_RS0117690 WP_010532146.1: glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase/oxidase is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
PUUB_ECOLI / P37906: Gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidoreductase; Gamma-Glu-Put oxidase; Gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase; EC 1.4.3.- from Escherichia coli | 29% id, 22% cov |
ON01_RS05665 LGRBI_RS0106050 WP_138919729.1: FAD-dependent oxidoreductase is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
Pf6N2E2_80: gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase (EC 1.4.3.-) from Pseudomonas fluorescens | 45% id, 11% cov |
AO356_21495: gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase (EC 1.4.3.-) from Pseudomonas fluorescens | 39% id, 12% cov |
PP_2448: Gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase (EC 1.4.3.-) from Pseudomonas putida | 37% id, 12% cov |
ON01_RS08085 LGRBI_RS0108695 WP_010530527.1: GMC family oxidoreductase is similar to: | PaperBLAST |
AO356_21495: gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase (EC 1.4.3.-) from Pseudomonas fluorescens | 57% id, 7% cov |
The hits are sorted by %identity * %coverage (highest first)
Running ublast against the 6-frame translation. All reading frames of at least 30 codons are included.
Found hits to 2 reading frames. These were all redundant with annotated proteins.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory