Curated BLAST for Genomes


Curated BLAST

Searching in Desulfuromonas acetexigens DSM 1397 (GCF_900111775.1)

Found 4 curated entries in PaperBLAST's database that match '' as complete word(s).

These curated entries have 4 distinct sequences.

Running ublast with E ≤ 0.01

Found 1 relevant proteins in Desulfuromonas acetexigens DSM 1397, or try another query

BQ4888_RS05425 BQ4888_03093 WP_092054671.1: fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein
is similar to:

BMULJ_04921 / A0A0H3KT28: 2,4-didehydro-3-deoxy-L-fuconate hydrolase (EC from Burkholderia multivorans

43% id,
73% cov

lra6 / Q1NEI7: 2,4-didehydro-3-deoxy-L-fuconate hydrolase (EC from Sphingomonas sp.

40% id,
71% cov

The hits are sorted by %identity * %coverage (highest first)

Running ublast against the 6-frame translation. All reading frames of at least 30 codons are included.

Found hits to 1 reading frames. Except for 1 reading frames, these were redundant with annotated proteins. These remaining reading frames may be pseudogenes, omissions in the genome annotation, or N-terminal extensions of annotated proteins.

33392-34444 (frame +2) on NZ_FOJJ01000007.1 Desulfuromonas acetexigens isolate DSM 1397, whole genome shotgun sequence
is similar to:

lra6 / Q1NEI7: 2,4-didehydro-3-deoxy-L-fuconate hydrolase (EC from Sphingomonas sp.
Also see hits to annotated proteins above

37% id,
88% cov

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory