SwissProt::A6X8Z9 has 381 amino acids
Query: Tex55 [M=146] Accession: PF17819.5 Description: Testis-specific expressed protein 55 Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom- E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Sequence Description ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- ----------- 2e-69 218.6 6.9 2e-69 218.6 6.9 2.3 2 SwissProt::A6X8Z9 Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments): >> SwissProt::A6X8Z9 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 ? -1.1 2.1 0.11 0.11 24 83 .. 85 143 .. 64 165 .. 0.58 2 ! 218.6 6.9 2e-69 2e-69 1 146 [] 230 368 .. 230 368 .. 0.99 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: -1.1 bits; conditional E-value: 0.11 Tex55 24 attvqayspldtrltsnfvakdqasseklPsisskldy.siskekiqateitpddisefeq 83 ++ +a + + rl++ q ++lPs s + + +i +++ e t +++sef++ SwissProt::A6X8Z9 85 HAERRASQQAERRLSER--RTSQPPNQQLPSHSERKTSgKIDGQESLLSEQTDQETSEFDD 143 45555666666666666..556667777787765433313333333444555556666654 PP == domain 2 score: 218.6 bits; conditional E-value: 2e-69 Tex55 1 CkfedsetdlseskvsletetesattvqayspldtrltsnfvakdqasseklPsisskldysiskekiqateitpddisefeqerssqeekq 92 C+fedse++l +skvs+++etesatt+qay+++dt+lt++ +s+eklPsi++k++ys+s+ekiq+te+t+d+++ f+q rssq+++q SwissProt::A6X8Z9 230 CTFEDSEAEL-PSKVSTTEETESATTIQAYNTQDTELTTS------TSHEKLPSITTKVYYSSSPEKIQTTEYTSDTTPVFDQGRSSQRSSQ 314 **********.****************************9......9********************************************* PP Tex55 93 tyrkrfPpivyeDPYqvsLrYmekhniLqifqqitenlvyekpedplsfmldqv 146 ++r+rfPpiv+eDPY+v+LrY+ekhniL+ifqqitenlvye+p+dpl+fmldqv SwissProt::A6X8Z9 315 SSRWRFPPIVFEDPYHVALRYVEKHNILHIFQQITENLVYERPDDPLYFMLDQV 368 ****************************************************98 PP
Or compare SwissProt::A6X8Z9 to CDD or PaperBLAST