SwissProt::O94673 has 403 amino acids
Query: DUF2838 [M=111] Accession: PF10998.12 Description: Protein of unknown function (DUF2838) Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom- E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Sequence Description ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- ----------- 1.1e-47 147.1 6.6 1.1e-47 147.1 6.6 2.2 2 SwissProt::O94673 Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments): >> SwissProt::O94673 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 ! 147.1 6.6 1.1e-47 1.1e-47 1 111 [] 111 221 .. 111 221 .. 1.00 2 ? -1.1 0.9 0.12 0.12 52 80 .. 325 350 .. 312 374 .. 0.54 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 147.1 bits; conditional E-value: 1.1e-47 DUF2838 1 dklsFvlgvlnvlltalllgkapellplvytvlllvllplryvtyrkkklhYfllDlCYfvnllllllllvlpeskelfkavfvlanGplal 92 dklsF+lgv +++ltall+g+ape ++l+yt++l+v+lplry+ty++k+++Yf++D+CY+ n+lll++++++pes++lf++ +++++G+la+ SwissProt::O94673 111 DKLSFALGVSTCILTALLVGMAPESMHLWYTIQLFVYLPLRYYTYQRKGYEYFIADFCYWGNILLLVYIWIFPESRRLFILSYSISYGTLAW 202 8******************************************************************************************* PP DUF2838 93 AiitwrnslvfhsldkvtS 111 ++++wrnsl+fhs+dk+tS SwissProt::O94673 203 SVVAWRNSLLFHSIDKITS 221 ******************8 PP == domain 2 score: -1.1 bits; conditional E-value: 0.12 DUF2838 52 YfllDlCYfvnllllllllvlpeskelfk 80 ++++ + Y ++++l + l++ + +l+ SwissProt::O94673 325 FMIIQYLYSITTMLPCSLWYNN---KLYS 350 4444444444444444444422...2222 PP
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