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Align U6CWZ8 to PF20173 (ZnF_RZ-type)

U6CWZ8 has 1921 amino acids

Query:       ZnF_RZ-type  [M=54]
Accession:   PF20173.2
Description: RZ type zinc finger domain
Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains):
   --- full sequence ---   --- best 1 domain ---    -#dom-
    E-value  score  bias    E-value  score  bias    exp  N  Sequence Description
    ------- ------ -----    ------- ------ -----   ---- --  -------- -----------
    7.5e-26   75.9   1.1    7.5e-26   75.9   1.1    4.3  5  U6CWZ8    

Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments):
>> U6CWZ8  
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 ?   -2.6   1.2      0.24      0.24      22      37 ..    1441    1455 ..    1439    1461 .. 0.77
   2 ?  -11.5   9.5         1         1      23      40 ..    1484    1492 ..    1480    1508 .. 0.47
   3 ?   -5.3   8.6         1         1      16      39 ..    1549    1570 ..    1547    1571 .. 0.85
   4 ?   -3.6   0.2      0.48      0.48      33      41 ..    1621    1629 ..    1617    1629 .. 0.85
   5 !   75.9   1.1   7.5e-26   7.5e-26       7      53 ..    1843    1891 ..    1837    1892 .. 0.91

  Alignments for each domain:
  == domain 1  score: -2.6 bits;  conditional E-value: 0.24
  ZnF_RZ-type   22 igeCGrameesrCpeC 37  
                   + +CG++   ++C  C
       U6CWZ8 1441 VLDCGHPCP-GSCHSC 1455
                   679999985.567777 PP

  == domain 2  score: -11.5 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
  ZnF_RZ-type   23 geCGrameesrCpeCgat 40  
                   ge         Cp C++t
       U6CWZ8 1484 GE---------CPPCQRT 1492
                   44.........4444332 PP

  == domain 3  score: -5.3 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
  ZnF_RZ-type   16 nGHpYvigeCGrameesrCpeCga 39  
                   +GHp+ ig CG++   ++C  C++
                   89*98.8******96.58999986 PP

  == domain 4  score: -3.6 bits;  conditional E-value: 0.48
  ZnF_RZ-type   33 rCpeCgatI 41  
                    Cp C+ +I
       U6CWZ8 1621 VCPVCQVPI 1629
                   7****9987 PP

  == domain 5  score: 75.9 bits;  conditional E-value: 7.5e-26
  ZnF_RZ-type    7 g..tghwYkCpnGHpYvigeCGrameesrCpeCgatIGGeshnlaagnt 53  
                   g  +ghw+kCpnGH+Yvi +CG+am+++ Cp+C++ IGG +h+l+++n+
                   3458*****************************************9997 PP

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