VIMSS10088142 has 353 amino acids
Query: DUF295 [M=259] Accession: PF03478.22 Description: Domain of unknown function (DUF295) Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom- E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Sequence Description ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- ----------- 1.5e-37 115.7 0.0 1.9e-37 115.4 0.0 1.1 1 VIMSS10088142 Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments): >> VIMSS10088142 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 ! 115.4 0.0 1.9e-37 1.9e-37 2 259 .] 54 326 .. 53 326 .. 0.80 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 115.4 bits; conditional E-value: 1.9e-37 DUF295 2 Pwll.lpddeeedsst.lfslpd.gklyr..rlklPeg..rrrcvgssggwLltaderssnlfllnpltgarieLPplstlpve.......ellir 83 Pwl+ +p+ ++ed s+ lf+ ++ +k+y+ r + r++++sg+w+l+ d+ nl++++++++ +i+L pl+ e ++ VIMSS10088142 54 PWLMlFPEGDNEDGSVlLFNPEEeEKIYKtkR-----YfsGIRFLANSGKWFLLIDSL-FNLYIIDVFSENKIDLLPLEE---SlldkeesE-DLT 139 ****778877777777899976689***9643.....134456*************97.67*************888842...022355652.445 PP DUF295 84 kvvlsaspssdyvvvlisgesggklafcrsgdssWttieee......gegyedvvfhkgkfYaltntgevvvldl.gsdeplevs.....evvks. 166 +++ +yvvvl+++ +g++ fc++gd+++t+i+ + +g+ d+v+ + ++Y+ t + + +ldl +++ ++v+ +v +s VIMSS10088142 140 GLLWVDEKTAEYVVVLFFNFPSGNVGFCKKGDDHYTKIPLHcgvpwrLQGLIDAVLLGYRLYIRTELSYIRILDLsTQQGFEDVNkyepfQVFSSt 235 5554555889***999998669*****************99*****977999***********************876777777777777666556 PP DUF295 167 kerkylVessGelllVrrylkk.eskrtvefeVykl.dleeeakweevesLgdralFlgsnssfsvsasdfpglkgNcIYftddk...k...eerd 254 ++ +++V ++Ge+llV+++l++ + + ++f ++k d + + eev+sLgd+al+l n ++ +++ + +N+IYft+ + + d VIMSS10088142 236 QDCSIAVTTRGEVLLVKSILDNtTIGSHRRFCIFKNiDYN-P--QEEVDSLGDEALLL--NLGILLPS-----IAPNSIYFTRHGriyHkehFNLD 321 5588*******************5566689****985665.3..48************..99999876.....79*******96656515565577 PP DUF295 255 igvyd 259 ++v++ VIMSS10088142 322 LCVFN 326 89987 PP
Or compare VIMSS10088142 to CDD or PaperBLAST