VIMSS5646467 has 1005 amino acids
Query: DUF2723 [M=179] Accession: PF11028.12 Description: Protein of unknown function (DUF2723) Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom- E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Sequence Description ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- ----------- 1e-66 210.2 8.8 1e-66 210.2 8.8 2.3 2 VIMSS5646467 Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments): >> VIMSS5646467 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 ! 210.2 8.8 1e-66 1e-66 1 178 [. 43 222 .. 43 223 .. 0.98 2 ? -2.4 0.2 0.19 0.19 37 56 .. 570 589 .. 544 617 .. 0.48 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 210.2 bits; conditional E-value: 1e-66 DUF2723 1 DcGEfiaaaaklgvaHpPGaPlflllgrlfslla.sdaekvalrvNllsalssaatilflfltitrllrklvk.kkeelskaktiailgaglvgala 95 Dc+E+iaaa+kl+v+HpPGaPlfll+gr+fs+la +++ekva+++N+ s+++s+at++++f++i++l+r+++ ++++l+ ++ +i+gag++g l VIMSS5646467 43 DCSEYIAAAYKLQVTHPPGAPLFLLIGRMFSFLAgNNTEKVAFWINMSSVITSSATVMVVFWIISLLARRIIGkTTQDLQLYEAASIWGAGIIGVLS 139 9*********************************9999*********************************9989999******************* PP DUF2723 96 fafsdtfWfsaveaevYalsslftalvfwlilkweeeadeprserwlvliayliGLsigvhllnllvipaiallyyfkkykkl 178 ++f++tfW +a+eae Ya+s+l+++l +w++l+we + +prs +wl+l+ayliGLs+g++++++l+ipa++l++yfk+ +k+ VIMSS5646467 140 LTFCSTFWSNATEAETYACSTLLMSLTVWAMLNWEYTTPRPRSYQWLLLVAYLIGLSLGIRMFSVLTIPALCLIFYFKRVSKI 222 ******************************************************************************99876 PP == domain 2 score: -2.4 bits; conditional E-value: 0.19 DUF2723 37 aekvalrvNllsalssaati 56 + k+a+ + ++s+l+ + VIMSS5646467 570 QYKIAVTIGIISCLAVPSIM 589 33333333333333322222 PP
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