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Align WP_001549718.1 to PF02698 (DUF218)

WP_001549718.1 has 322 amino acids

Query:       DUF218  [M=132]
Accession:   PF02698.21
Description: DUF218 domain
Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains):
   --- full sequence ---   --- best 1 domain ---    -#dom-
    E-value  score  bias    E-value  score  bias    exp  N  Sequence       Description
    ------- ------ -----    ------- ------ -----   ---- --  --------       -----------
    2.2e-37  114.1   0.0    3.8e-37  113.4   0.0    1.3  1  WP_001549718.1  

Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments):
>> WP_001549718.1  
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 !  113.4   0.0   3.8e-37   3.8e-37       1     130 [.     148     291 ..     148     303 .. 0.85

  Alignments for each domain:
  == domain 1  score: 113.4 bits;  conditional E-value: 3.8e-37
          DUF218   1 daivVLGaal......evlaaRldeaaelyreg....kiivsGg.ggdeevseaeamarylleelgvpe.rilledksrnTyenarfskell... 80 
                     d+i+VLGa++      ++laaRld+a+++y+++    kiivsGg g+de++sea am+ryl++ +gv++ +il+e++s nTy n+++sk+++   
                     79*****888999999*****************99877******9889**************6.****77************************* PP

          DUF218  81 ..gk.rvllVTsafHmpRalllfrkag.........aptllpsaealsasses.qlraalrEy 130
                       ++ +++ VTs+fH+ Ral+l++k+g         +              ++  l+++++ y
  WP_001549718.1 242 yhEAvKIVCVTSQFHVLRALRLAQKLGlsidgvgshT-------------PYHfFLHVLIKDY 291
                     *95569********************84433333322.............2212444444444 PP

Or compare WP_001549718.1 to CDD or PaperBLAST