WP_041475701.1 has 265 amino acids
Query: DUF4123 [M=123] Accession: PF13503.10 Description: Domain of unknown function (DUF4123) Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains): --- full sequence --- --- best 1 domain --- -#dom- E-value score bias E-value score bias exp N Sequence Description ------- ------ ----- ------- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- ----------- 5.6e-22 64.5 2.4 5.6e-22 64.5 2.4 2.2 2 WP_041475701.1 Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments): >> WP_041475701.1 # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to envfrom env to acc --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 ! 64.5 2.4 5.6e-22 5.6e-22 2 122 .. 13 131 .. 12 132 .. 0.90 2 ? -0.7 1.5 0.087 0.087 64 106 .. 190 236 .. 154 241 .. 0.61 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 64.5 bits; conditional E-value: 5.6e-22 DUF4123 2 YaLlDgaadpellelleaesgeaase.LyagtpeeelaevgPwLveledaselsallr...leeegwgpslglllaSaapleelarhLrsllqvr 92 ++LlD ++p++ +l+ ++ + a++ L+++t+++ l+e gP+Lv+l+ +al+ l+ w glll+S+ p+++l +hLr++l v+ WP_041475701.1 13 WLLLDVPSAPGAAWLVHTQFAKARCFaLFENTELHGLREHGPLLVDLRHS---PALVSlcrLDPRSW---PGLLLVSPSPAAQLLAHLRRMLTVT 101 79************************************************...55544221444444...57789******************** PP DUF4123 93 lpdgeavllRfydprvlrallptldeeqrs 122 l + +ll +y+p+++ + + +d++++s WP_041475701.1 102 LGLHHKALLSYYNPHIASYFFDGCDPQELS 131 ***************************986 PP == domain 2 score: -0.7 bits; conditional E-value: 0.087 DUF4123 64 wgpslglllaSaapleelarhLrsllqvrlp....dgeavllRfydp 106 ++++++ ++ ++ ++l L++ l + ++ ++lR+++p WP_041475701.1 190 ERHAWQWSRSTGCDYQRLWGDLQQGLTLGFTeravLDDWLWLRLQHP 236 33457776666778888888888877666643444455555665555 PP
Or compare WP_041475701.1 to CDD or PaperBLAST