PaperBLAST – Find papers about a protein or its homologs


Align Q9DA45 to PF05300 (MIC19_MIC25)

Q9DA45 has 258 amino acids

Query:       MIC19_MIC25  [M=168]
Accession:   PF05300.15
Description: MICOS complex subunit MIC19/MIC25
Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains):
   --- full sequence ---   --- best 1 domain ---    -#dom-
    E-value  score  bias    E-value  score  bias    exp  N  Sequence Description
    ------- ------ -----    ------- ------ -----   ---- --  -------- -----------
    4.4e-57  179.3   2.4    5.5e-57  179.0   2.4    1.1  1  Q9DA45    

Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments):
>> Q9DA45  
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 !  179.0   2.4   5.5e-57   5.5e-57       1     168 []      16     211 ..      16     211 .. 0.84

  Alignments for each domain:
  == domain 1  score: 179.0 bits;  conditional E-value: 5.5e-57
  MIC19_MIC25   1 SenVvnRmkessapak...........apspekpspss.........................aa.......geskapekeskppsaesssgrqpvee 55 
                  Se VvnRmk++s+p++           +   ++    +                         ++       g++k p ++ k psaes++g q+++ 
       Q9DA45  16 SESVVNRMKDCSQPSAgeqlvpgfgpsS---SA----PvptvplpaisvptvpapttpvptapSSsvrglpgGTCKGPLTDVKVPSAESGGGLQSSA- 105
                  9**************9666655553221...22....022333445555556666666655541145556668999999999999999999999999. PP

  MIC19_MIC25  56 eelrkkikeellkrleqeqaivqeelarlaerEreaaeeslkkallrerasteqErqkakqlakqLeekeaeLkkqdaFYkEQlarLeeknaefykvt 153
                        +ke+l k+++qeq +vq+e++r+a++E+eaae++lk++l++++as ++E+q++++la++Le++eaeL+++d+FYkEQ +r++eknae+yk++
                  ......****7.77************************************************************************************ PP

  MIC19_MIC25 154 teqfhkAatkaeaki 168
       Q9DA45 197 SQQFHEAASKAESTI 211
                  ************987 PP

Or compare Q9DA45 to CDD or PaperBLAST