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Align VIMSS60245 to PF06078 (DUF937)

VIMSS60245 has 195 amino acids

Query:       DUF937  [M=135]
Accession:   PF06078.15
Description: Bacterial protein of unknown function (DUF937)
Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains):
   --- full sequence ---   --- best 1 domain ---    -#dom-
    E-value  score  bias    E-value  score  bias    exp  N  Sequence   Description
    ------- ------ -----    ------- ------ -----   ---- --  --------   -----------
    8.6e-07   15.7   0.0    8.6e-07   15.7   0.0    2.8  3  VIMSS60245  

Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments):
>> VIMSS60245  
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 ?   -2.7   0.1      0.44      0.44      89      97 ..       6      14 ..       2      22 .. 0.53
   2 ?    0.8   9.7     0.034     0.034      57     114 ..      43      97 ..      30     117 .. 0.70
   3 !   15.7   0.0   8.6e-07   8.6e-07       5      57 ..     138     190 ..     134     194 .. 0.88

  Alignments for each domain:
  == domain 1  score: -2.7 bits;  conditional E-value: 0.44
      DUF937 89 aiLghllGn 97
                +iLg+ lG+
  VIMSS60245  6 SILGSALGG 14
                344444444 PP

  == domain 2  score: 0.8 bits;  conditional E-value: 0.034
      DUF937  57 alqsgkhdgsiLdnlgsllggggvaeelleGaaiLghllGnkqeevenalsqasGlds 114
                 a+q g+ +g++L +lgs+lgg g+   +   +++Lg llG+ + ++ +a+    G+++
                 6666778889**********9888884433356777777777666555544...3333 PP

  == domain 3  score: 15.7 bits;  conditional E-value: 8.6e-07
      DUF937   5 sqlgkqlisqiakqlGeseeqvqsavsaalPallgalkrnaatpegaagLlsa 57 
                 + +g  +++q+a ++G s++++++ +s++lP l++ l+  ++ p+g  ++ s 
                 56788899**********************************99997776665 PP

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