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Align XP_005097110.1 to PF20173 (ZnF_RZ-type)

XP_005097110.1 has 1887 amino acids

Query:       ZnF_RZ-type  [M=54]
Accession:   PF20173.2
Description: RZ type zinc finger domain
Scores for complete sequences (score includes all domains):
   --- full sequence ---   --- best 1 domain ---    -#dom-
    E-value  score  bias    E-value  score  bias    exp  N  Sequence       Description
    ------- ------ -----    ------- ------ -----   ---- --  --------       -----------
    2.1e-26   77.7   1.0    2.1e-26   77.7   1.0    4.4  7  XP_005097110.1  

Domain annotation for each sequence (and alignments):
>> XP_005097110.1  
   #    score  bias  c-Evalue  i-Evalue hmmfrom  hmm to    alifrom  ali to    envfrom  env to     acc
 ---   ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- -------    ------- -------    ------- -------    ----
   1 ?   -6.3   3.8         1         1      13      20 ..    1278    1285 ..    1272    1293 .. 0.78
   2 ?   -9.7   7.7         1         1      24      38 ..    1388    1401 ..    1378    1411 .. 0.68
   3 ?   -7.1   5.8         1         1      25      37 ..    1419    1433 ..    1415    1440 .. 0.70
   4 ?   -8.6   6.7         1         1      25      39 ..    1437    1452 ..    1433    1454 .. 0.75
   5 ?  -13.7  11.0         1         1      23      38 ..    1472    1488 ..    1464    1490 .. 0.72
   6 ?   -2.6   0.1      0.25      0.25      29      41 ..    1567    1579 ..    1566    1579 .. 0.81
   7 !   77.7   1.0   2.1e-26   2.1e-26       7      53 ..    1802    1850 ..    1797    1851 .. 0.91

  Alignments for each domain:
  == domain 1  score: -6.3 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
     ZnF_RZ-type   13 kCpnGHpY 20  
                      +Cp GH +
  XP_005097110.1 1278 TCPGGHQC 1285
                      58888865 PP

  == domain 2  score: -9.7 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
     ZnF_RZ-type   24 eCGrameesrCpeCg 38  
                      eCG+    ++C +C+
  XP_005097110.1 1388 ECGHLC-SGTCGRCQ 1401
                      565533.45666665 PP

  == domain 3  score: -7.1 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
     ZnF_RZ-type   25 CGram..eesrCpeC 37  
                      CG+a   + s Cp C
  XP_005097110.1 1419 CGHACraKCSDCPPC 1433
                      888873344667766 PP

  == domain 4  score: -8.6 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
     ZnF_RZ-type   25 CGrameesrCp.eCga 39  
                      C +a   s+Cp  Cga
  XP_005097110.1 1437 CENACCHSKCPkACGA 1452
                      6667778899966887 PP

  == domain 5  score: -13.7 bits;  conditional E-value: 1
     ZnF_RZ-type   23 geCGrameesrCp.eCg 38  
                      + C ++ e+  C+ +C+
  XP_005097110.1 1472 ERCCQPCERPPCNmRCK 1488
                      56889999988886676 PP

  == domain 6  score: -2.6 bits;  conditional E-value: 0.25
     ZnF_RZ-type   29 meesrCpeCgatI 41  
                      + ++ Cp C++ I
  XP_005097110.1 1567 IAMKACPLCKSVI 1579
                      56789****9877 PP

  == domain 7  score: 77.7 bits;  conditional E-value: 2.1e-26
     ZnF_RZ-type    7 g..tghwYkCpnGHpYvigeCGrameesrCpeCgatIGGeshnlaagnt 53  
                      g  +g+wYkC +GH+Y+igeCG+ameesrCpeC++tIGG++h+l+a+n+
                      33589*****************************************996 PP

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