Family Search for PF03235 (DUF262)
PF03235 hits 60 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.
CjjRM3420_1536 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni str. RM3420
Aligns to 13:241 / 555 (41.3%), covers 100.0% of PF03235, 143.4 bits
c5426 Conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli CFT073
Aligns to 15:226 / 557 (38.1%), covers 100.0% of PF03235, 142.1 bits
HP1397 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
Aligns to 11:227 / 271 (80.1%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 135.8 bits
- The Helicobacter pylori J99 jhp0106 Gene, under the Control of the CsrA/RpoN Regulatory System, Modulates Flagella Formation and Motility
Kao, Frontiers in microbiology 2017 - “...ns /2.70 jhp1332 HP1439 Putative 1.85 ns /1.23 jhp1333 HP1440 Putative 7.22 *** /11.63 jhp1430 HP1397 Putative 3.23 *** /2.97 jhp1431 HP1396 Putative 3.74 *** /4.12 jhp1436 HP1391 Putative 2.16 ** /2.13 jhp1437 b HcpA family protein 1.63 ** /1.69 jhp1474 HP1566 Membrane protein 1.77 ***...”
- Alteration of the Helicobacter pylori membrane proteome in response to changes in environmental salt concentration
Voss, Proteomics. Clinical applications 2015 - “...D7FFD6 NA 2.53 Outer membrane protein HopA HP0229 HPB8_1699 D7FGE9 NA 2.53 Putative uncharacterized protein HP1397 HPB8_957 * & D7FEA7 NA 2.48 Putative uncharacterized protein HP0750 HPB8_1043 D7FEJ3 NA 2.43 Putative uncharacterized protein HP0833 HPB8_385 * D7FCN5 NA 2.4 cysteine-rich protein X HcpX HP1117 HPB8_513 *...”
- Differences in genome content among Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or gastric cancer reveal novel disease-associated genes
Romo-González, Infection and immunity 2009 - “...JHP0899 N/A, HP0965, JHP0899 N/A, HP1396, JHP1431 N/A, HP1397, JHP1430 N/A, N/A, JHP0616 N/A, N/A, JHP0961 N/A, N/A, JHP0959 N/A, N/A, JHP0960 N/A, N/A,...”
- Using macro-arrays to study routes of infection of Helicobacter pylori in three families
Raymond, PloS one 2008 - “...HP1383 restriction modification system S subunit HP1388 hypothetical protein HP1390 hypothetical protein HP1396 hypothetical protein HP1397 hypothetical protein HP1400+ iron(III) dicitrate transport protein (fecA) HP1402 type I restriction enzyme R protein (hsdR) HP1410 hypothetical protein HP1411 hypothetical protein HP1412 hypothetical protein HP1415 tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase (miaA)...”
- Acid-adaptive genes of Helicobacter pylori
Wen, Infection and immunity 2003 - “...HP1207 HP1236 HP1288 HP1289 HP1326 HP1327 HP1391 HP1397 HP1412 HP1440 HP1457 HP1499 HP1520 HP0433 Downloaded from on February 11, 2017...”
- Comparison of genetic divergence and fitness between two subclones of Helicobacter pylori
Björkholm, Infection and immunity 2001 - “...JHP0950, HP0999, HP1074, JHP0332, HP1250, HP1324, HP1396, HP1397, HP1405, HP1412, HP1439, JHP1408, HP1586 NA hsdS Ribosomal protein L28 Acyl carrier protein...”
HPB8_729 DUF262 and DUF1524 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori B8
D7FDN0 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori (strain B8)
Aligns to 8:220 / 687 (31.0%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 135.4 bits
jhp0462 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 8:217 / 706 (29.7%), covers 98.0% of PF03235, 135.3 bits
- Inter-species horizontal transfer resulting in core-genome and niche-adaptive variation within Helicobacter pylori
Saunders, BMC genomics 2005 - “...159 176 49 121 hypothetical protein HP0058 JHP0051 394 16 53 122 hypothetical protein HP0513 JHP0462 104 28 15 125 type I restriction enzyme M protein (hsdM) HP1403 JHP1423 299 340 44 132 hypothetical protein HP0731 JHP0668 110 80 32 139 hypothetical protein HP0508 JHP0458 84...”
- “...protein JHP0336 HP1089 27 54 53 hypothetical protein JHP0940 NAH 39 393 54 hypothetical protein JHP0462 HP0513 104 11 55 type II restriction enzyme (methyltransferase) JHP1409 NAH 37 15 58 hypothetical protein JHP1285 HP1371 55 25 59 hypothetical protein JHP0693 HP0756 19 1490 62 cag pathogenicity...”
K747_06625 DUF262 and DUF1524 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori UM032
Aligns to 7:218 / 689 (30.8%), covers 97.5% of PF03235, 135.1 bits
- Immunometabolism in biofilm infection: lessons from cancer
Mirzaei, Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.) 2022 - “...that seem to be correlated with biofilm production. Indeed, three hypothetical genes (K74_10375, K747_09130, and K747_06625) were remarkably associated with biofilm production (Wong et al. 2016 ). K747_06625 is prognosticated to hold a homing endonuclease and a ParB-like domain, the latter of which is correlated with...”
- Biophysical characterization of the homodimers of HomA and HomB, outer membrane proteins of Helicobacter pylori
Tamrakar, Scientific reports 2021 - “...globular domain likely contributes to dimer formation. Some of the hypothetical proteins (K74_10375, K747_09130, and K747_06625) and outer membrane protein is associated with biofilm formation, HomD, a member of Hom OMP family is associated with moderate biofilm former (58.3%) to hyper biofilm former (66.7%) H. pylori...”
- Helicobacter pylori Biofilm Formation and Its Potential Role in Pathogenesis
Hathroubi, Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBR 2018 - “...Indeed, three hypothetical genes (K74_10375, K747_09130, and K747_06625) were significantly correlated with biofilm formation (34). K747_06625 is predicted to...”
- “...formation by H. pylori Gene K74_10375 K747_09130 K747_06625 fucT homD cagA Gene product Hypothetical gene Hypothetical gene Hypothetical gene...”
- Comparative Genomics Revealed Multiple Helicobacter pylori Genes Associated with Biofilm Formation In Vitro
Wong, PloS one 2016 - “...95C, 5min; 35x (95C, 30s; 57C, 30s; 72C, 1min); 72C, 7min Reverse: AGCTCCAAAAGAGGGGTAGC hypothetical protein K747_06625 Forward: GGCTCACCACTATACCGCTT 1089 95C, 5min; 35x (95C, 30s; 57C, 30s; 72C, 1min); 72C, 7min Reverse: TGACCGGCTCTTTTGTGTCA outer membrane protein ( homD ) Forward: GACGCTCAAGGCAAGGTAGT 1409 95C, 5min; 35x (95C, 30s;...”
- “...forming strains, with 3 hypothetical genes (Hypothetical protein K747_10375, Hypothetical protein K747_09130 and Hypothetical protein K747_06625) and 4 functional genes (flagellar protein, cag pathogenicity island protein, outer membrane protein ( homD ) and alpha-(1,3)- fucosyltransferase) were identified to be significantly correlating with capability of forming biofilm...”
NMA2230 hypothetical protein from Neisseria meningitidis Z2491
Aligns to 11:243 / 571 (40.8%), covers 98.0% of PF03235, 133.0 bits
CJJ81176_0034 hypothetical protein from Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni 81-176
Aligns to 5:214 / 573 (36.6%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 131.4 bits
- The role of cydB gene in the biofilm formation by Campylobacter jejuni
Korkus, Scientific reports 2024 - “...CJJ81176_1185 Conserved hypothetical protein 15K CJJ81176_0128 Hypothetical protein C64 CJJ81176_1245 Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family protein E13 CJJ81176_0034 Hypothetical protein E17 CJJ81176_1363 Hypothetical protein E24 CJJ81176_1495 Bifunctional putA protein, putative E37 CJJ81176_0728 Conserved hypothetical protein TIGR00486 E40 CJJ81176_1309 Deoxycytidine triphosphate deaminase, putative E48 CJJ81176_1340 Motility accessory factor Effect...”
NP_463839 similar to unknown protein from Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e
Aligns to 8:239 / 553 (42.0%), covers 95.0% of PF03235, 129.0 bits
- Actinomycete integrative and conjugative elements
te, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2008 - “...of AICE Sco 5349 (65% G + C) is 28% identical to a hypothetical protein (NP_463839) of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e. This indicates that AICEs may also mediate genetic exchange outside of the actinomycetes. However, database searches fail to identify clear AICE homologues in...”
HPYLSS1_01469 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori SS1
Aligns to 7:242 / 584 (40.4%), covers 97.5% of PF03235, 127.6 bits
cg0841 hypothetical protein from Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032
Aligns to 8:222 / 811 (26.5%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 127.0 bits
- Ciprofloxacin triggered glutamate production by Corynebacterium glutamicum
Lubitz, BMC microbiology 2016 - “...protein 1.88 0.000 cg1978 - Hypothetical protein 1.72 0.000 cg1917 - Hypothetical protein 1.50 0.002 cg0841 - Conserved hypothetical protein 1.39 0.016 cg1743 - Conserved hypothetical protein 1.38 0.006 cg1937 - Putative secreted protein 1.22 0.015 cg3018 - Hypothetical protein 1.22 0.002 cg0451 - Putative membrane...”
- “..., radA , lexA (autoregulation) and divS and several genes of unknown function (cg2381, cg2026, cg0841, cg1977) of the 48 genes of the LexA regulon were upregulated. As known for C. glutamicum and other bacteria, autoproteolytic cleavage of the transcriptional regulator LexA is induced by RecA...”
- The Zur regulon of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032
Schröder, BMC genomics 2010 - “...sequence representing a regulatory gene region with a LexA binding site located in front of cg0841 [ 40 ] served as additional negative control. Likewise, Zur did not interact in vitro with the 21-bp motif located upstream of the adhA promoter region (Fig. 8A ). Furthermore,...”
- “...The negative control assay was performed with a 40-mer deduced from the upstream region of cg0841. (B) , DNA band shift assays with mutated versions of the 40-mers. Mutated versions were generated by introducing transitions into the candidate Zur-binding sites or into the genomic flanking regions....”
jhp1301 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 10:235 / 314 (72.0%), covers 97.5% of PF03235, 126.1 bits
- Differences in genome content among Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or gastric cancer reveal novel disease-associated genes
Romo-González, Infection and immunity 2009 - “...N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, JHP0925 HP0992, N/A HP1409, JHP1301, JHP1302 HP1410, JHP1303 HP0425, N/A HP0674, N/A (absent in all cancer isolates) N/A, JHP0940 (absent...”
- Identification of a genetic marker of Helicobacter pylori strains involved in gastric extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma of the MALT-type
Lehours, Gut 2004 - “...L M N JHP305 JHP428 JHP1031 JHP1044 JHP1285 JHP1301 JHP1424 JHP820 JHP921* JHP922* JHP946* JHP949* JHP950* JHP960* JHP961* JHP1297 JHP1409 JHP1462 HP322 HP476...”
- Identification of target genes regulated by the two-component system HP166-HP165 of Helicobacter pylori
Dietz, Journal of bacteriology 2002 - “...HP1411, and HP1412 are split into two separate ORFs (JHP1301 and JHP1302, JHP1304 and JHP1305, and JHP1306 and JHP1307, respectively). The ORFs adjacent to the...”
HP1409 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
HP0426 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
Aligns to 12:236 / 578 (38.9%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 125.9 bits
- The Helicobacter pylori J99 jhp0106 Gene, under the Control of the CsrA/RpoN Regulatory System, Modulates Flagella Formation and Motility
Kao, Frontiers in microbiology 2017 - “...*** /3.24 jhp1049 b Putative 3.53 *** /2.94 jhp1242 HP1322 Putative 2.60 ** /2.48 jhp1302 HP1409 Putative 2.83 ns /2.70 jhp1332 HP1439 Putative 1.85 ns /1.23 jhp1333 HP1440 Putative 7.22 *** /11.63 jhp1430 HP1397 Putative 3.23 *** /2.97 jhp1431 HP1396 Putative 3.74 *** /4.12 jhp1436 HP1391...”
- Association between Helicobacter pylori cagA-related genes and clinical outcomes in Colombia and Japan
Watada, BMC gastroenterology 2011 - “...file 1 . Among the 37 genes, the status of 9 genes (hp0186, hp0713, hp0967, hp1409, hp1410, jhp0045, jhp0046, jhp0950 , and jhp0951 ) were significantly correlated with the cagA status in our microarray data [ 18 ] (P = 0.026, 0.026, 0.014, 0.048, 0.030, 0.033,...”
- New implications on genomic adaptation derived from the Helicobacter pylori genome comparison
Lara-Ramírez, PloS one 2011 - “...of beta bands. The interactions with three proteins HP0887 (vacuolating cytotoxin precursor), HP0588 (ferrodoxin-like protein), HP1409 (hypothetical protein) was demonstrated by two-hybrid test [60] . HP1580, an uncharacterized protein and its H. pylori homologs in other H. pylori strains have been annotated in two sizes in...”
- Differences in genome content among Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or gastric cancer reveal novel disease-associated genes
Romo-González, Infection and immunity 2009 - “...N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, JHP0925 HP0992, N/A HP1409, JHP1301, JHP1302 HP1410, JHP1303 HP0425, N/A HP0674, N/A (absent in all cancer isolates) N/A, JHP0940...”
- “...two-component system confers urease-independent acid adaptation. The HP1409 and HP1410 genes, of unknown function, were also less frequent in cancer isolates...”
- Identification of a genetic marker of Helicobacter pylori strains involved in gastric extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma of the MALT-type
Lehours, Gut 2004 - “...JHP961* JHP1297 JHP1409 JHP1462 HP322 HP476 HP1105 HP1116 HP1371 HP1409 HP1402 None None None None None None None None None None None Putative poly E-rich...”
- Identification of target genes regulated by the two-component system HP166-HP165 of Helicobacter pylori
Dietz, Journal of bacteriology 2002 - “...(PCR amplified with primer pair 1187-5-1187-3) and HP1409 (PCR amplified with primer pair 1409-5-1409-3), respectively. RNA isolation. RNA was prepared as...”
- “...(9) and a 504-bp PstI-SacI fragment derived from ORF HP1409 which was obtained by PCR performed with primer pair HP1409-5-HP1409-3 on chromosomal DNA of H....”
- High-Salt Conditions Alter Transcription of Helicobacter pylori Genes Encoding Outer Membrane Proteins
Loh, Infection and immunity 2018 - “...HP0219 HP0213 HP0157 HP0135 HP0113 HP0112 HP0054 HP0427 HP0426 HP0426 HP0036 HP0025 HP0016 HP0015 HP1564 HP1541 HP1399 Gene name or function Membrane protein...”
- Screening Helicobacter pylori genes induced during infection of mouse stomachs
Singh, World journal of gastroenterology 2012 - “...Ycf5 F Ycf5 R HP0423 F HP0423 R HP0424 F HP0424 R HP0426 F HP0426 R HP0427 F HP0427 R Table 2 Primers used in this study Genes Primer sequences 5'-3' HP1 HP2A...”
- “...Type IV secretion system Predicted coding region HP0426 Predicted coding region HP0427 Predicted coding region HP0423 Predicted coding region HP0424 Motility...”
- Using macro-arrays to study routes of infection of Helicobacter pylori in three families
Raymond, PloS one 2008 - “...HP0414 IS200 insertion sequence from SARA17 HP0423 hypothetical protein HP0424 hypothetical protein HP0425 hypothetical protein HP0426 hypothetical protein HP0428 phage/colicin/tellurite resistance cluster terY protein HP0431 protein phosphatase 2C homolog (ptc1) HP0432 protein kinase C-like protein HP0433 hypothetical protein HP0434 hypothetical protein HP0436 hypothetical protein HP0437 IS605...”
- Characterization of the ArsRS regulon of Helicobacter pylori, involved in acid adaptation
Pflock, Journal of bacteriology 2006 - “...HP0081 HP0118 HP0120 HP0242* HP0305 HP0307* HP0423 HP0425 HP0426 HP0641 HP0731 HP0733 HP0963 HP0964 HP1154 HP1187 HP1188 HP1223 HP1408 HP1412 JHP0110 JHP0227...”
BCAL1172 hypothetical protein from Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315
Aligns to 10:234 / 590 (38.1%), covers 95.0% of PF03235, 125.5 bits
SCO5329 hypothetical protein from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)
Aligns to 12:239 / 565 (40.4%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 125.3 bits
- Expression of genes of the Pho regulon is altered in Streptomyces coelicolor
Millan-Oropeza, Scientific reports 2020 - “...all time points on both carbon sources (Fig. S3 ). Interestingly the genes sco6638 , sco5329 and sco0324 encoding putative endonuclease or nucleosidase are present and expressed in SC but absent or truncated in the SL . The abundance of these proteins in SC suggests the...”
- Actinomycete integrative and conjugative elements
te, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2008 - “...proteins (ZP_01980106; ZP_01705385) of the -proteobacteria Vibrio cholerae MZO-2 and Shewanella putrefaciens 200. The gene SCO5329 (52% G + C) of AICE Sco 5349 (65% G + C) is 28% identical to a hypothetical protein (NP_463839) of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e. This indicates that...”
jhp1430 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 12:233 / 282 (78.7%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 124.1 bits
- The Helicobacter pylori J99 jhp0106 Gene, under the Control of the CsrA/RpoN Regulatory System, Modulates Flagella Formation and Motility
Kao, Frontiers in microbiology 2017 - “...2.83 ns /2.70 jhp1332 HP1439 Putative 1.85 ns /1.23 jhp1333 HP1440 Putative 7.22 *** /11.63 jhp1430 HP1397 Putative 3.23 *** /2.97 jhp1431 HP1396 Putative 3.74 *** /4.12 jhp1436 HP1391 Putative 2.16 ** /2.13 jhp1437 b HcpA family protein 1.63 ** /1.69 jhp1474 HP1566 Membrane protein 1.77...”
- Differences in genome content among Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or gastric cancer reveal novel disease-associated genes
Romo-González, Infection and immunity 2009 - “...JHP0899 N/A, HP0965, JHP0899 N/A, HP1396, JHP1431 N/A, HP1397, JHP1430 N/A, N/A, JHP0616 N/A, N/A, JHP0961 N/A, N/A, JHP0959 N/A, N/A, JHP0960 N/A, N/A, JHP0830...”
TM0991 hypothetical protein from Thermotoga maritima MSB8
Aligns to 13:230 / 584 (37.3%), covers 97.5% of PF03235, 121.9 bits
- A pipeline for completing bacterial genomes using in silico and wet lab approaches
Puranik, BMC genomics 2015 - “...Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0989 TRQ2_1806 CTN_1588 Present hypothetical protein TM0990 TRQ2_1805 CTN_1587 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0991 TRQ2_1804 CTN_1586 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0992 Absent CTN_1585 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0993 Absent CTN_1584 Present hypothetical protein TM0994 Absent CTN_1583 Present hypothetical protein TM0995 Absent CTN_1582 Present hypothetical protein TM0996...”
CTN_1586 hypothetical protein from Thermotoga neapolitana DSM 4359
Aligns to 13:230 / 584 (37.3%), covers 97.5% of PF03235, 121.4 bits
- A pipeline for completing bacterial genomes using in silico and wet lab approaches
Puranik, BMC genomics 2015 - “...protein TM0989 TRQ2_1806 CTN_1588 Present hypothetical protein TM0990 TRQ2_1805 CTN_1587 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0991 TRQ2_1804 CTN_1586 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0992 Absent CTN_1585 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0993 Absent CTN_1584 Present hypothetical protein TM0994 Absent CTN_1583 Present hypothetical protein TM0995 Absent CTN_1582 Present hypothetical protein TM0996 TRQ2_1803 CTN_1581...”
jhp0174 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 5:214 / 567 (37.0%), covers 99.5% of PF03235, 121.3 bits
PmCQ2_004580 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Pasteurella multocida
Aligns to 39:225 / 412 (45.4%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 121.1 bits
- Attenuated vaccine PmCQ2Δ4555-4580 effectively protects mice against Pasteurella multocida infection
He, BMC veterinary research 2024 - “...PCR analysis showed that PmCQ245554580 missed six genes, including PmCQ2_004555, PmCQ2_004560, PmCQ2_004565, PmCQ2_004570, PmCQ2_004575, and PmCQ2_004580. Importantly, the virulence of PmCQ245554580 was reduced by approximately 2.810 9 times in mice. Notably, live PmCQ245554580 could provide 100%, 100% and 40% protection against PmA, PmB and PmF, respectively;...”
- “...dihydrouridine synthase DusB), PmCQ2_004565 (Fis family transcriptional regulator), PmCQ2_004570 (phosphorribosylformyl-glycinamidine synthase), PmCQ2_004575 (hypothetical protein), and PmCQ2_004580 (DUF 26-containing protein) (Fig. 2 B). Then, the 6 missing genes were identified by PCR and RT-qPCR, which is consistent with our whole-genome resequencing data (Fig. 2 C, D). As...”
DDV75_00040 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Campylobacter jejuni
Aligns to 11:247 / 563 (42.1%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 120.7 bits
- Identification of Novel Phage Resistance Mechanisms in Campylobacter jejuni by Comparative Genomics
Sørensen, Frontiers in microbiology 2021 - “...Position Product Gene Position Product Query cover Similarity E -value DDR89_00040 12.64214.393 DUF262 domain-containing protein DDV75_00040 12.65314.344 DUF262 domain-containing protein No significant similarity DDR89_00180 46.40450.144 Eco 57I restriction-modification methylase domain-containing protein DDV75_00180 46.52150.294 Eco 57I restriction-modification methylase domain-containing protein 88% 94.5% 0.0 DDR89_00185 50.147-52.291 AAA family...”
- “...sensitive CAMSA2002 and phage resistant CAMSA2038 both encode a DUF262-containing protein ( DDR89_00040 in CAMSA2002, DDV75_00040 in CAMSA2038) in the same location of the genomes, but the protein sequences show no similarity ( Table 2 ). We therefore conducted a detailed in silico analysis to predict...”
TRQ2_1804 hypothetical protein from Thermotoga sp. RQ2
Aligns to 13:230 / 584 (37.3%), covers 97.5% of PF03235, 120.7 bits
- A pipeline for completing bacterial genomes using in silico and wet lab approaches
Puranik, BMC genomics 2015 - “...hypothetical protein TM0989 TRQ2_1806 CTN_1588 Present hypothetical protein TM0990 TRQ2_1805 CTN_1587 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0991 TRQ2_1804 CTN_1586 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0992 Absent CTN_1585 Disrupted hypothetical protein TM0993 Absent CTN_1584 Present hypothetical protein TM0994 Absent CTN_1583 Present hypothetical protein TM0995 Absent CTN_1582 Present hypothetical protein TM0996 TRQ2_1803...”
B8F899 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Glaesserella parasuis serovar 5 (strain SH0165)
Aligns to 8:222 / 680 (31.6%), covers 99.5% of PF03235, 120.4 bits
- Transcriptomics of Haemophilus (Glässerella) parasuis serovar 5 subjected to culture conditions partially mimetic to natural infection for the search of new vaccine antigens.
Álvarez-Estrada, BMC veterinary research 2018 - “...protein P CP HAPS_RS09000 hypothetical protein B8F7Q0 |HAPS_1850|Uncharacterized protein P IM HAPS_RS10195 DUF262 domain-containing protein B8F899 |HAPS_2100|Uncharacterized protein P CP HAPS_RS10530 TolC family protein tolC B8F8F2 |tolC|RND efflux system outer membrane lipoprotein/RND superfamily resistance-nodulation-cell division antiporter P OM HAPS_RS10585 ligand-gated channel B8F8G2 |hxuC|Heme/hemopexin utilization protein C/outer...”
- “...domain HAPS_RS07950 CP Domain of the Thioredoxin-like superfamily HAPS_RS09000 B8F7Q0 IM Homology with permease HAPS_RS10195 B8F899 CP ParB-like and HNH nuclease domains The locus in the reference genome (SH0165 strain) is also indicated. a indicates that this was a single protein recognized as two different ones...”
CJSA_0008, DDR89_00040 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni IA3902
Cj0008 hypothetical protein Cj0008 from Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168
Aligns to 10:260 / 583 (43.1%), covers 98.0% of PF03235, 119.8 bits
- Identification of Novel Phage Resistance Mechanisms in Campylobacter jejuni by Comparative Genomics
Sørensen, Frontiers in microbiology 2021 - “...Phage resistant CAMSA2038 Similarity Gene Position Product Gene Position Product Query cover Similarity E -value DDR89_00040 12.64214.393 DUF262 domain-containing protein DDV75_00040 12.65314.344 DUF262 domain-containing protein No significant similarity DDR89_00180 46.40450.144 Eco 57I restriction-modification methylase domain-containing protein DDV75_00180 46.52150.294 Eco 57I restriction-modification methylase domain-containing protein 88% 94.5%...”
- “...and CAMSA2038 Phage sensitive CAMSA2002 and phage resistant CAMSA2038 both encode a DUF262-containing protein ( DDR89_00040 in CAMSA2002, DDV75_00040 in CAMSA2038) in the same location of the genomes, but the protein sequences show no similarity ( Table 2 ). We therefore conducted a detailed in silico...”
- Small Noncoding RNA CjNC110 Influences Motility, Autoagglutination, AI-2 Localization, Hydrogen Peroxide Sensitivity, and Chicken Colonization in Campylobacter jejuni
Kreuder, Infection and immunity 2020 (secret) - Comparison of epidemiologically linked Campylobacter jejuni isolated from human and poultry sources
Lajhar, Epidemiology and infection 2015 - “...size for each target gene indicates a positive result. Cj0008, 245 bp; Cj0122, 250 bp; Cj0265, 175 bp; panB (Cj0298c), 150 bp; Cj0423, 148 bp; cfrA (Cj0755),...”
- “...a significantly higher representation (P < 0*01) of Cj0008, gmhA2 and CJE1733. Interestingly, flgE2 and virB8 were not detected in any isolates regardless of...”
- Same-day subtyping of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli isolates by use of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification-binary typing
- “...gmhA2 flgE2 CJE1500 Cj0423 wlaN cfrA Cj1321 Cj0008 MBIT 80 60 MBIT Region Hurunui Christchurch Darfield Darfield Ashburton Waimakariri Christchurch Hurunui...”
- Cellular response of Campylobacter jejuni to trisodium phosphate
Riedel, Applied and environmental microbiology 2012 - “...30 min Systematic Fold change P Fold change P Product Cj0008 Cj0039c Cj0044c Cj0045c Cj0176c 2.2 1.3 -1.3 1.0 2.5 0.000 0.024 0.026 0.859 0.001 1.8 1.8 -2.0...”
- “...0.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Hypothetical protein Cj0008 GTP-binding protein typA homolog Hypothetical protein Cj0044c Putative iron-binding protein Putative...”
- Development and validation of a comparative genomic fingerprinting method for high-resolution genotyping of Campylobacter jejuni
- Comparison of molecular typing methods useful for detecting clusters of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli isolates through routine surveillance
- Closely related Campylobacter jejuni strains from different sources reveal a generalist rather than a specialist lifestyle
Gripp, BMC genomics 2011 - “...not found in other human strains. The bovine strain 04197 lacked the gene equivalent to Cj0008 (gene designation of strain 11168), which is a gene of unknown function in a metabolic gene cluster relating to a pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase. The allelic diversity between the strains comprised...”
- “...flagellin glycosylation gene cluster, in the human strain xy259. (B) Loss of ortholog to gene Cj0008 in 04197 nestled in between putative pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase large subunit gene gltB and small subunit gene gltD . (C) Common phage insertion in three ST-21 strains. The flanking genes...”
- Comparison of PCR binary typing (P-BIT), a new approach to epidemiological subtyping of Campylobacter jejuni, with serotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and multilocus sequence typing methods
Cornelius, Applied and environmental microbiology 2010 - “...on February 18, 2017 by University of California, Berkeley Cj0008 VOL. 76, 2010 RISK-BASED BINARY TYPING SYSTEM FOR C. JEJUNI 1537 TABLE 2--Continued Gene/ORF c...”
- Culture of Campylobacter jejuni with sodium deoxycholate induces virulence gene expression
Malik-Kale, Journal of bacteriology 2008 - “...sodium DOC Gene Change (fold) Functional classification dnaN Cj0008 Cj0037c Cj0040 Cj0073c Cj0080 Cj0100 Cj0114 rpmE exbB1 tonB1 Cj0188c Cj0189c Cj0190c tig...”
- “... on April 16, 2019 by guest Cj0002 Cj0008 Cj0037c Cj0040 Cj0073c Cj0080 Cj0100 Cj0114 Cj0155c Cj0179 Cj0181 Cj0188c Cj0189c Cj0190c Cj0193c...”
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BC_0944 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579
Aligns to 13:221 / 527 (39.7%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 118.8 bits
YPO3437 conserved hypothetical protein from Yersinia pestis CO92
Aligns to 23:241 / 636 (34.4%), covers 99.5% of PF03235, 118.4 bits
EF62_1081 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Enterococcus faecalis 62
Aligns to 12:265 / 583 (43.6%), covers 99.5% of PF03235, 117.4 bits
HPF57_0653 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori F57
Aligns to 8:218 / 682 (30.9%), covers 96.0% of PF03235, 115.3 bits
jhp0955 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 5:209 / 217 (94.5%), covers 95.0% of PF03235, 114.8 bits
jhp0572 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 8:218 / 683 (30.9%), covers 96.0% of PF03235, 114.1 bits
- The Helicobacter pylori J99 jhp0106 Gene, under the Control of the CsrA/RpoN Regulatory System, Modulates Flagella Formation and Motility
Kao, Frontiers in microbiology 2017 - “...OR UNKNOWN FUNCTION jhp0436 HP0484 Putative 3.38 *** /2.45 jhp0550 HP0603 Putative 2.17 *** /2.24 jhp0572 HP0629 Putative 1.54 * /3.54 jhp0753 HP0817 Putative 1.54 *** /1.69 jhp0936 b Putative 1.78 *** /3.24 jhp1049 b Putative 3.53 *** /2.94 jhp1242 HP1322 Putative 2.60 ** /2.48 jhp1302...”
- Differences in genome content among Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or gastric cancer reveal novel disease-associated genes
Romo-González, Infection and immunity 2009 - “...pepA, HP0570, JHP0517 aspS, HP0617, JHP0560 N/A, HP0629, JHP0572 N/A, HP0698, N/A N/A, HP0704, N/A fecA, fecA_2, HP0807, JHP0743 omp19, babB, HP0896, JHP1164...”
alr4229 hypothetical protein from Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
Aligns to 40:224 / 393 (47.1%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 113.3 bits
VC0395_A1364 hypothetical protein from Vibrio cholerae O395
Aligns to 14:230 / 663 (32.7%), covers 100.0% of PF03235, 112.4 bits
VC1766 conserved hypothetical protein from Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961
Aligns to 14:230 / 663 (32.7%), covers 100.0% of PF03235, 112.4 bits
HPG27_887 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori G27
Aligns to 9:263 / 456 (55.9%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 111.7 bits
jhp0873 putative from Helicobacter pylori J99
Aligns to 9:264 / 291 (88.0%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 111.7 bits
EF_B0059 hypothetical protein from Enterococcus faecalis V583
Aligns to 12:254 / 630 (38.6%), covers 99.5% of PF03235, 109.9 bits
- An enterococcal phage protein inhibits type IV restriction enzymes involved in antiphage defense
Bullen, Nature communications 2024 - “...resistance to phi47 infection is solely conferred by the activity of one of these genes, EF_B0059, encoding a putative type IV restriction enzyme (TIV-RE). We subsequently isolated phages that are resistant to restriction by EF_B0059 and discovered that the orf65 gene of phi47 encodes a small...”
- “...phi47 restriction were therefore likely encoded by one or more these 14 ORFs. Fig. 2 EF_B0059 encodes a putative type IV restriction enzyme that prevents infection by phi47. A Sequence alignments between the pheromone responsive plasmids pTEF2 and pCF10. Genes highlighted in yellow indicate a sequence...”
HP0629 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
Aligns to 8:217 / 681 (30.8%), covers 95.5% of PF03235, 107.4 bits
- Helicobacter pylori Modulates Heptose Metabolite Biosynthesis and Heptose-Dependent Innate Immune Host Cell Activation by Multiple Mechanisms
Hauke, Microbiology spectrum 2023 - “...2.2 0 HP0602 ( magIII ) 333.82 1.77 3.42 4.91E10 HP0603 80.49 1.86 3.64 2.29E03 HP0629 54.18 0.95 1.94 8.87E05 HP0715 556.56 1.71 3.27 0 HP0751 ( flaG ) 1,284.04 2.40 5.29 0 HP0752 ( fliD ) 688.1 1.59 3.01 0 HP0753 ( fliS ) 270.58...”
- The Helicobacter pylori J99 jhp0106 Gene, under the Control of the CsrA/RpoN Regulatory System, Modulates Flagella Formation and Motility
Kao, Frontiers in microbiology 2017 - “...UNKNOWN FUNCTION jhp0436 HP0484 Putative 3.38 *** /2.45 jhp0550 HP0603 Putative 2.17 *** /2.24 jhp0572 HP0629 Putative 1.54 * /3.54 jhp0753 HP0817 Putative 1.54 *** /1.69 jhp0936 b Putative 1.78 *** /3.24 jhp1049 b Putative 3.53 *** /2.94 jhp1242 HP1322 Putative 2.60 ** /2.48 jhp1302 HP1409...”
- Comparative genomic analysis of East Asian and non-Asian Helicobacter pylori strains identifies rapidly evolving genes
Duncan, PloS one 2013 - “...HP0635 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0897 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0398 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0629 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0973 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0167 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0120 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0583 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0119 hypothetical protein Hypothetical Conserved HP0681...”
- Differences in genome content among Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or gastric cancer reveal novel disease-associated genes
Romo-González, Infection and immunity 2009 - “...N/A pepA, HP0570, JHP0517 aspS, HP0617, JHP0560 N/A, HP0629, JHP0572 N/A, HP0698, N/A N/A, HP0704, N/A fecA, fecA_2, HP0807, JHP0743 omp19, babB, HP0896,...”
UU527 conserved hypothetical from Ureaplasma parvum serovar 3 str. ATCC 700970
Aligns to 307:527 / 971 (22.8%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 107.1 bits
CDQ83_18880 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Clostridium thermosuccinogenes
Aligns to 11:226 / 611 (35.4%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 105.6 bits
BF9343_1755 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343
Aligns to 11:219 / 551 (37.9%), covers 98.5% of PF03235, 103.3 bits
MW0374 hypothetical protein from Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus MW2
Aligns to 8:213 / 608 (33.9%), covers 93.5% of PF03235, 102.4 bits
VC1767 conserved hypothetical protein from Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961
Aligns to 20:187 / 470 (35.7%), covers 95.0% of PF03235, 101.2 bits
D7FGE9 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori (strain B8)
Aligns to 11:212 / 217 (93.1%), covers 81.4% of PF03235, 100.7 bits
ACG06_19220 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Aligns to 7:222 / 564 (38.3%), covers 99.0% of PF03235, 98.6 bits
Z5949 orf; conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933
Aligns to 8:93 / 94 (91.5%), covers 38.7% of PF03235, 97.2 bits
PFLU4242 hypothetical protein from Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25
Aligns to 8:218 / 527 (40.0%), covers 98.0% of PF03235, 97.1 bits
- Compensatory evolution of chromosomes and plasmids counteracts the plasmid fitness cost
Liu, Ecology and evolution 2024 - “...the mechanism. The following are some examples. 3.1 Global regulatory system gacA / gacS and PFLU4242 The gacA / gacS twocomponent system (TCS) exerts a positive regulatory role in enhancing the synthesis of extracellular proteins through the interaction with several small RNAs, which effectively suppress the...”
- “...may be crucial for preventing the dissemination of MDR plasmids among plants. The chromosomal gene PFLU4242 is identified as a key determinant of plasmid persistence in P.fluorescens SBW25, as mutations in PFLU4242 were observed through compensatory evolution (Hall etal., 2020 , 2021 ). The hypothesis suggests...”
- A chromosomal mutation is superior to a plasmid-encoded mutation for plasmid fitness cost compensation
Wright, PLoS biology 2024 - “ cost in SBW25 due to a specific genetic conflict with a chromosomal hypothetical gene PFLU4242, inducing a sustained SOS response and the maladaptive expression of chromosomal prophages leading to cell damage [ 12 ]. This costly cellular disruption can be negated by single CMs affecting...”
- “ pQBR57 acquisition. For clarity, we refer to SBW25 strains with a loss-of-function mutation in PFLU4242 as SBW25::chrCM to indicate chromosomal CM, and strains with a loss-of-function mutation in PQBR57_0059 as pQBR57::plaCM to indicate plasmid CM. Although both CMs evolved in SBW25 plasmid-carrying populations in potting...”
- Superiority of chromosomal compared to plasmid-encoded compensatory mutations
Wright, 2024 - Compensatory mutations reducing the fitness cost of plasmid carriage occur in plant rhizosphere communities
Bird, FEMS microbiology ecology 2023 - “ either the two-component global regulatory system, gacA/gacS , or the gene of unknown function PFLU4242 , which itself is positively regulated by gacA/gacS (Harrison et al. 2015 , Hall et al. 2021 ). Single mutations affecting either of these genes completely ameliorate the fitness cost...”
- “...wild-type SBW25 and of SBW25 with a deletion of either the gacS gene or the PFLU4242 gene. Next, we tracked the abundance of SBW25 with or without a plasmid for 4 weeks within bacterial communities inhabiting the rhizospheres of wheat plants. We quantified plasmid maintenance over...”
- Adaptive Evolution Compensated for the Plasmid Fitness Costs Brought by Specific Genetic Conflicts
Li, Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) 2023 - “...carrying the megaplasmids pQBR57 and pQBR103; the specific genetic conflict occurred as the SOS-response-related gene PFLU4242 mutation. However, there have been no studies on the relationship between specific genetic conflicts and the fitness cost of carrying ndm /IncX3 plasmids. Our work has previously revealed that the...”
- The evolution of infectious transmission promotes the persistence of mcr-1 plasmids
Yang, mBio 2023 - “...compensatory mutations in Pseudomonas fluorescens that target the two-component system GacA/GacS or the hypothetical protein PFLU4242 reduce the fitness cost of pQBR plasmids and increase their permissiveness ( 18 , 22 ). Several studies have shown that plasmid cost and persistence can often be improved by...”
- Compensatory mutations reducing the fitness cost of plasmid carriage occur in plant rhizosphere communities
Bird, 2022 - Plasmid fitness costs are caused by specific genetic conflicts enabling resolution by compensatory mutation
Hall, PLoS biology 2021 - “...disruption associated with plasmid carriage. We identify one of these compensatory loci, the chromosomal gene PFLU4242 , as the key mediator of the fitness costs of both plasmids, with the other compensatory loci either reducing expression of this gene or mitigating its deleterious effects by up-regulating...”
- “...mutation in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25, targeting the gacA/S global regulatory system or the hypothetical protein PFLU4242 , which individually ameliorate the fitness costs of megaplasmids pQBR103 (425 kb), pQBR57 (307 kb), or pQBR55 (157 kb) [ 29 , 38 ]. In this study, we describe an...”
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DIP1102 Conserved hypothetical protein from Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC 13129
Aligns to 10:254 / 602 (40.7%), covers 98.0% of PF03235, 89.9 bits
alr1266 hypothetical protein from Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
Aligns to 10:181 / 599 (28.7%), covers 94.0% of PF03235, 89.1 bits
SCO6638 hypothetical protein from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)
Aligns to 9:254 / 605 (40.7%), covers 99.5% of PF03235, 87.7 bits
- Expression of genes of the Pho regulon is altered in Streptomyces coelicolor
Millan-Oropeza, Scientific reports 2020 - “..., at all time points on both carbon sources (Fig. S3 ). Interestingly the genes sco6638 , sco5329 and sco0324 encoding putative endonuclease or nucleosidase are present and expressed in SC but absent or truncated in the SL . The abundance of these proteins in SC...”
- Quantitative Proteome and Phosphoproteome Analyses of <i>Streptomyces coelicolor</i> Reveal Proteins and Phosphoproteins Modulating Differentiation and Secondary Metabolism
Rioseras, Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP 2018 - “...-2.7 0.4 0.2 SCO4301 4 - 1.5 - 2.8 SCO6476 n.s. - 1.4 - 2.6 SCO6638 n.s. 1 1.3 2 2.5 SCO6717 n.s. - -1.4 - 0.4 Cell division 1 SCO1416 5 SffA n.s. 0.8 n.s. 1.7 SCO1662 n.s. ParJ 0.33 0.55 1.3 1.5 SCO2077 n.s....”
- Uncovering genes with divergent mRNA-protein dynamics in Streptomyces coelicolor
Jayapal, PloS one 2008 - “...regulatory protein AdpA (SCO2792) involved in morphological differentiation [29] and a protein of unknown function (SCO6638) displayed increasing protein trends although the corresponding mRNA levels were relatively constant. This indicates a possible role for growth dependent control of these genes by bldA , the only S....”
- New pleiotropic effects of eliminating a rare tRNA from Streptomyces coelicolor, revealed by combined proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of liquid cultures
Hesketh, BMC genomics 2007 - “...N/A down Predicted 6 transmembrane domains; pI = 10.43 SCO6637 hypothetical protein 0.000788 N/A down SCO6638 hypothetical protein 0.000415 N/A down SCO6808 possible ArsR-family regulator 0.00219 N/A down Predicted mwt = 13271 Da SCO6958 putative membrane protein 0.036 N/A up Predicted 3 transmembrane domains; pI= 8.7;...”
- “...five genes up-regulated in the bldA mutant SCO3088, SCO3285, SCO3286, SCO5166, SCO6958; the TTA-containing gene SCO6638; and the ribosomal protein genes SCO4648, SCO4702, SCO4705, SCO4717. See Additional File 2 for these results. 3 from ScoDB [55] 4 from a Welch t-test applying the Benjamini and Hochberg...”
HP0513 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
Aligns to 1:173 / 658 (26.3%), covers 80.4% of PF03235, 83.9 bits
VCA0199 hypothetical protein from Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961
Aligns to 259:412 / 638 (24.1%), covers 96.5% of PF03235, 83.2 bits
- The quorum sensing transcription factor AphA directly regulates natural competence in Vibrio cholerae
Haycocks, PLoS genetics 2019 - “...r 105925 105897 gtatgaaaccttagtcatgg (VCA0098) 180601 180618 ctctgcatccagatgcagga (VCA0162) VCA0163 215501 215472 tcattcaagcgtttgcatag (VCA0198) r VCA0199 220027 219980 tgtggaaacttgttgaatag (VCA0202) 270051 270033 catttccacaggtttcataa VCA0249 a VCA0249 a 292440 292420 tgtggaaacttgttgaatag (VCA0275) 310741 310644 ctatggttttttttgcatag VCA0291 VCA0291 354757 354789 ctatgcgcttttttgcttag VCA0367 a VCA0367 a 428574 428600 ctattcaacaagtttccaca...”
- QstR-dependent regulation of natural competence and type VI secretion in Vibrio cholerae
Jaskólska, Nucleic acids research 2018 - “...the probes. Additionally, a few proteins were specifically eluted from the comEA probe. Most notably VCA0199 (uncharacterized protein) was highly enriched on the comEA probe, as well as two other transcriptional regulators ( Supplementary Table S5 ). However, strains carrying deletions of these genes were fully...”
- High-throughput sequencing reveals suppressors of Vibrio cholerae rpoE mutations: one fewer porin is enough
Davis, Nucleic acids research 2009 - “...derived from C6706 were used ( 20 ). A related mutant with an insertion in vca0199 was also used, both with the KnR transposon still present (BD2034) and with the majority of the transposon excised by flippase (BD2041). Transposons were also excised from a subset of...”
- “...alone, followed by patching to plates containing kanamycin, led to similar conclusions.) Point mutations in vca0199, vc2413 and the ompU ( vc0633 ) promoter and 5UTR were introduced using plasmids pBD2038, pBD2036, pBD2049 and pBD2088, respectively. Deletions in ompU and ompT were introduced using the previously...”
orf2 / A0A023I190 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine oxidase from Shinella sp. (strain HZN7) (see paper)
Aligns to 16:235 / 562 (39.1%), covers 98.0% of PF03235, 81.2 bits
alr5156 hypothetical protein from Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
Aligns to 10:164 / 168 (92.3%), covers 52.8% of PF03235, 74.0 bits
BanLI Type II restriction enzyme recognizing RTCAGG, ?; CCTGAY from Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis CNCM I-2494
Aligns to 23:159 / 372 (36.8%), covers 93.5% of PF03235, 71.6 bits
STM14_2479, STMUK_2024 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. UK-1
Aligns to 27:163 / 171 (80.1%), covers 31.7% of PF03235, 65.0 bits
AYJ09_01105 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum
Aligns to 10:155 / 361 (40.4%), covers 94.0% of PF03235, 63.0 bits
HP0938 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
Aligns to 9:81 / 115 (63.5%), covers 24.6% of PF03235, 50.0 bits
D7FDB0 DUF262 domain-containing protein from Helicobacter pylori (strain B8)
Aligns to 4:81 / 115 (67.8%), covers 24.6% of PF03235, 49.5 bits
Z5950 orf; conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933
Aligns to 6:121 / 452 (25.7%), covers 38.2% of PF03235, 47.5 bits
HP0187 hypothetical protein from Helicobacter pylori 26695
Aligns to 1:93 / 95 (97.9%), covers 35.2% of PF03235, 44.8 bits
Or search for genetic data about PF03235 in the Fitness Browser
by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory