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Family Search for PF03690 (UPF0160)

PF03690 hits 19 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.

MYG1_MOUSE / Q9JK81 MYG1 exonuclease; Protein Gamm1; EC 3.1.-.- from Mus musculus (Mouse) (see 3 papers)
NP_068359 MYG1 exonuclease precursor from Mus musculus
Aligns to 45:365 / 380 (84.5%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 459.0 bits

AT5G41970 hypothetical protein from Arabidopsis thaliana
F4K000 Metal-dependent protein hydrolase from Arabidopsis thaliana
Aligns to 52:371 / 373 (85.8%), covers 100.0% of PF03690, 458.3 bits

Q641W2 MYG1 exonuclease from Rattus norvegicus
Aligns to 46:366 / 381 (84.3%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 457.3 bits

MYG1_HUMAN / Q9HB07 MYG1 exonuclease; EC 3.1.-.- from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 4 papers)
Aligns to 46:366 / 376 (85.4%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 455.2 bits

Q58DG1 MYG1 exonuclease from Bos taurus
Aligns to 46:366 / 381 (84.3%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 455.1 bits

B4FTN5 Metal-dependent protein hydrolase from Zea mays
Aligns to 63:382 / 384 (83.3%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 453.7 bits

G7PHU7 MYG1 exonuclease from Macaca fascicularis
Aligns to 46:366 / 376 (85.4%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 453.6 bits

B9RYS8 Protein MYG1, putative from Ricinus communis
Aligns to 52:371 / 373 (85.8%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 452.6 bits

NP_067653 MYG1 exonuclease precursor from Homo sapiens
Aligns to 46:366 / 376 (85.4%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 452.6 bits

CNAG_06946 hypothetical protein from Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii H99
Aligns to 26:346 / 348 (92.2%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 447.6 bits

YEY6_YEAST / P40093 MYG1 protein YER156C from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast) (see paper)
YER156C Putative protein of unknown function; identified as interacting with Hsp82p in a high-throughput two-hybrid screen; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Aligns to 16:337 / 338 (95.3%), covers 100.0% of PF03690, 438.0 bits

SPAC694.04c conserved eukaryotic protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Aligns to 6:319 / 324 (96.9%), covers 100.0% of PF03690, 427.1 bits

Afu1g08980 UPF0160 domain protein MYG1, putative from Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
Aligns to 16:362 / 364 (95.3%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 410.9 bits

C1G2H7 MYG1 protein from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (strain Pb18)
PADG_02343 uncharacterized protein from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18
Aligns to 16:358 / 362 (94.8%), covers 99.7% of PF03690, 400.1 bits

HCBG_05336 MYG1 protein from Histoplasma capsulatum G186AR
C0NQQ6 MYG1 protein from Ajellomyces capsulatus (strain G186AR / H82 / ATCC MYA-2454 / RMSCC 2432)
Aligns to 16:370 / 371 (95.7%), covers 100.0% of PF03690, 394.7 bits

TGME49_115250 GAMM1 protein, putative from Toxoplasma gondii ME49
2 alignments in 195:597 / 603 (62.5%), covering up to 77.7% of PF03690, 339.1 bits

CAB249, CHAB577_0269 MYG1 family protein from Chlamydia abortus
Aligns to 6:283 / 289 (96.2%), covers 97.2% of PF03690, 157.9 bits

CAB1_0263 MYG1 family protein from Chlamydia abortus LLG
Aligns to 6:283 / 289 (96.2%), covers 97.2% of PF03690, 157.5 bits

CT386 predicted metal dependent hydrolase from Chlamydia trachomatis D/UW-3/CX
CTL0642 hypothetical protein from Chlamydia trachomatis 434/Bu
Aligns to 6:284 / 289 (96.5%), covers 97.2% of PF03690, 154.5 bits

Or search for genetic data about PF03690 in the Fitness Browser

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory