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Family Search for PF06634 (DUF1156)

PF06634 hits 31 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.

M.Bbr10543I Type II methyltransferase recognizing RCCCCYG with methylation at 5(Nm4C) from Bordetella bronchiseptica NCTC10543
Aligns to 14:89 / 965 (7.9%), covers 100.0% of PF06634, 112.1 bits

M.CoxT2IV Type II methyltransferase recognizing CCCCGC with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Cupriavidus oxalaticus T2
Aligns to 13:86 / 951 (7.8%), covers 100.0% of PF06634, 108.4 bits

M.RpaV Type II methyltransferase recognizing GCCCGCC with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009
Aligns to 15:86 / 944 (7.6%), covers 100.0% of PF06634, 108.0 bits

M.Kpn9159II Type II methyltransferase recognizing AACCGT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Klebsiella pneumoniae NCTC9159
Aligns to 14:89 / 970 (7.8%), covers 100.0% of PF06634, 106.6 bits

M.Cma10206VI Type II methyltransferase recognizing TGGAGG with methylation at 4(m6A) from Corynebacterium matruchotii NCTC10206
Aligns to 12:83 / 929 (7.8%), covers 97.3% of PF06634, 105.0 bits

M.Cma14266III Type II methyltransferase recognizing TGGAGG with methylation at 4(m6A) from Corynebacterium matruchotii ATCC 14266
Aligns to 12:83 / 929 (7.8%), covers 97.3% of PF06634, 102.9 bits

M.Lqu12376II Type II methyltransferase recognizing GGACTK with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Legionella quateirensis NCTC12376
Aligns to 14:87 / 951 (7.8%), covers 100.0% of PF06634, 98.3 bits

M.Tam77409IV Type II methyltransferase recognizing CCRCTC with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Thermus amyloliquefaciens YIM 77409
Aligns to 8:75 / 942 (7.2%), covers 98.6% of PF06634, 96.8 bits

M.Cfa24236III Type II methyltransferase recognizing TACCGT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Citrobacter farmeri CCRI-24236
Aligns to 14:90 / 970 (7.9%), covers 100.0% of PF06634, 88.7 bits

CCALI_00449 DUF1156 domain-containing protein from Chthonomonas calidirosea T49
Aligns to 2:66 / 987 (6.6%), covers 69.9% of PF06634, 82.4 bits

RB454 probable predicted DNA methylase containing a Zn-ribbon from Pirellula sp. 1
Aligns to 21:84 / 1003 (6.4%), covers 97.3% of PF06634, 70.2 bits

Nham_1353 putative predicted DNA methylase containing a Zn-ribbon from Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14
Aligns to 25:87 / 995 (6.3%), covers 69.9% of PF06634, 69.9 bits

M.Nsi260I Type II methyltransferase recognizing CAACAT with methylation at 5(m6A) from Neisseria sicca FDAARGOS_260
Aligns to 23:86 / 976 (6.6%), covers 98.6% of PF06634, 68.3 bits

M.Pbo13188I Type II methyltransferase recognizing CTCAAT with methylation at 5(m6A) from Paenibacillus borealis DSM 13188
Aligns to 18:82 / 944 (6.9%), covers 87.7% of PF06634, 66.7 bits

M.Vsp61001IV Type II methyltransferase recognizing CAACAT with methylation at 5(m6A) from Vibrio species HBUAS61001
Aligns to 19:82 / 1000 (6.4%), covers 98.6% of PF06634, 66.5 bits

M.Spu10737VI Type II methyltransferase recognizing GCACAC with methylation at 5(m6A) from Shewanella putrefaciens NCTC10737
Aligns to 19:82 / 1004 (6.4%), covers 97.3% of PF06634, 65.4 bits

M.Pae6684I Type II methyltransferase recognizing CAACAG with methylation at 5(m6A) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PSE6684
Aligns to 24:87 / 1005 (6.4%), covers 97.3% of PF06634, 64.7 bits

M.EcoA17I Type II methyltransferase recognizing RGACAG with methylation at 5(m6A) from Escherichia coli A17
M.EcoHBIV Type II methyltransferase recognizing RGACAG with methylation at 5(m6A) from Escherichia coli HB-Coli0
Aligns to 18:81 / 945 (6.8%), covers 68.5% of PF06634, 60.9 bits

M.Cko86II Type II methyltransferase recognizing RGACAG with methylation at 5(m6A) from Citrobacter koseri FDAARGOS_86
Aligns to 18:81 / 945 (6.8%), covers 68.5% of PF06634, 60.9 bits

M.PfrJS9IV Type II methyltransferase recognizing ARCCCC with methylation at 5(Nm4C) from Propionibacterium freudenreichii JS9
M.PfrJS9aIV Type II methyltransferase recognizing ARCCCC with methylation at 5(Nm4C) from Propionibacterium freudenreichii JS9a
Aligns to 13:82 / 968 (7.2%), covers 82.2% of PF06634, 48.7 bits

PF0568 hypothetical protein from Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638
Aligns to 16:83 / 144 (47.2%), covers 80.8% of PF06634, 45.2 bits

M.PhoIII Type II methyltransferase recognizing GCNAGA with methylation at 4(m6A) from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
PH0905 hypothetical protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3
Aligns to 10:76 / 996 (6.7%), covers 80.8% of PF06634, 42.7 bits

M.TliII Type II methyltransferase recognizing GCAGG with methylation at 3(m6A) from Thermococcus litoralis
Aligns to 10:74 / 1023 (6.4%), covers 78.1% of PF06634, 36.7 bits

TRQ2_1808 hypothetical protein from Thermotoga sp. RQ2
CTN_1590 hypothetical protein from Thermotoga neapolitana DSM 4359
Aligns to 9:71 / 1008 (6.2%), covers 65.8% of PF06634, 35.4 bits

TM0987 conserved hypothetical protein from Thermotoga maritima MSB8
Aligns to 9:71 / 1008 (6.2%), covers 65.8% of PF06634, 35.4 bits

M.PaqY4III Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Pseudemcibacter aquimaris Y4
Aligns to 30:96 / 711 (9.4%), covers 74.0% of PF06634, 34.0 bits

M.Bbr8344I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella bronchiseptica NCTC8344
M.Bbr10542I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella bronchiseptica NCTC10542
Aligns to 43:95 / 731 (7.3%), covers 45.2% of PF06634, 33.3 bits

M.Nve54II Type II methyltransferase recognizing TCCTCGG with methylation at 5(Nm4C) from Natrinema versiforme BOL5-4
FEJ81_19855 DUF1156 domain-containing protein from Natrinema versiforme
Aligns to 26:86 / 965 (6.3%), covers 65.8% of PF06634, 32.3 bits

M.Bpe137II Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella pertussis 137
M.Bpe10910I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella pertussis NCTC10910
M.Bpe13667I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella pertussis NCTC13667
M.Bpe1920II Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella pertussis B1920
M.Bpe195I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella pertussis FDAARGOS_195
Aligns to 43:95 / 731 (7.3%), covers 45.2% of PF06634, 31.7 bits

M.Bbr8762I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella bronchiseptica NCTC8762
Aligns to 43:95 / 731 (7.3%), covers 45.2% of PF06634, 31.7 bits

M.Bpa5952I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella parapertussis NCTC5952
M.Bpa10520I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella parapertussis NCTC10520
M.Bpa10853I Type II methyltransferase recognizing AAGCTT with methylation at 4(Nm4C) from Bordetella parapertussis NCTC10853
Aligns to 43:95 / 731 (7.3%), covers 45.2% of PF06634, 31.7 bits

Or search for genetic data about PF06634 in the Fitness Browser

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory