Family Search for PF09906 (DUF2135)
PF09906 hits 4 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.
PA4487 hypothetical protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Aligns to 193:248 / 263 (21.3%), covers 100.0% of PF09906, 73.0 bits
- Assembly of an atypical α-macroglobulin complex from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Zouhir, Scientific reports 2018 - “...deletion in PA4488 ( magE ) in PA01 This work PA01 magF Internal deletion in PA4487 ( magF ) in PA01 This work PA01 pEX100T_Op Internal deletion of whole operon mag PA4492-PA4487 Robert-Genthon et al . 15 E. coli Top10 Cloning strain Invitrogen E. coli pRK2013...”
- Unique features of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa α2-macroglobulin homolog
Robert-Genthon, mBio 2013 - “ encode proteins of unknown function ( ). The operon consisting of PA4492 to PA4487 was named the magABCDEF operon and contains genes magA to magF , with PA4489 encoding the P . aeruginosa A2M homolog. A2M belongs to a family of proteins that includes...”
- “...predicts an operon with five additional open reading frames that we named magABCDEF (PA4492 to PA4487) ( Fig.1B ). Specific antibodies raised against recombinant MagD detected two distinct polypeptides in crude extracts of P.aeruginosa strains, one corresponding to the predicted size of the native MagD protein...”
- Determination of the regulon and identification of novel mRNA targets of Pseudomonas aeruginosa RsmA
Brencic, Molecular microbiology 2009 - “...hypothetical protein PA2540 28.6 conserved hypothetical protein PA2541 11.9 probable CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase PA4492 operon ** PA4487 3.2 conserved hypothetical protein PA4489 4.4 conserved hypothetical protein PA4491 4.9 conserved hypothetical protein PA4492 5.8 conserved hypothetical protein Type III Secretion Genes PA0044_ exoT -3.3 exoenzyme T PA1689 -3.2...”
YfaP / b2225 DUF2135 domain-containing protein YfaP from Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 (see paper)
Aligns to 199:244 / 258 (17.8%), covers 100.0% of PF09906, 68.2 bits
PSF113_RS56935 YfaP family protein from Pseudomonas ogarae
Aligns to 182:238 / 252 (22.6%), covers 100.0% of PF09906, 56.2 bits
PA4492 hypothetical protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Aligns to 199:255 / 269 (21.2%), covers 100.0% of PF09906, 56.2 bits
- The World of Stable Ribonucleoproteins and Its Mapping With Grad-Seq and Related Approaches
Gerovac, Frontiers in molecular biosciences 2021 - “ al., 2012 ; Yakhnin et al., 2013 ) and pslA , PA0081 , and PA4492 in P. aeruginosa ( Brencic and Lory, 2009 ; Irie et al., 2010 ). The majority of Hfq-dependent sRNAs in S. Typhimurium form complexes of 350 kDa, and even larger...”
- Proteome profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 identifies novel responders to copper stress
Wright, BMC microbiology 2019 - “...PA3920 6.2 0.001 12 Probable metal transporting P-type ATPase Cytoplasmic Membrane [Class 3] Class 3 PA4492 4.7 0.006 1 MagA Unknown [Class 3]; Cytoplasmic Membrane [Class 1] Class 1 PA2520 4.3 0.007 1 Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) divalent metal cation efflux transporter CzcA Cytoplasmic Membrane [Class 2];...”
- Assembly of an atypical α-macroglobulin complex from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Zouhir, Scientific reports 2018 - “...Origin or Refeence PA01 Sequenced laboratory strain J. Mougous, USA PA01 magA Internal deletion in PA4492 ( magA ) in PA01 This work PA01 magB Internal deletion in PA4491 ( magB ) in PA01 This work PA01 magC Internal deletion in PA4490 ( magC) in PA01...”
- The AlgZR two-component system recalibrates the RsmAYZ posttranscriptional regulatory system to inhibit expression of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretion system
Intile, Journal of bacteriology 2014 - “...we constructed translational fusions with genes tssA1 and PA4492. Both genes were placed under the control of their native promoters. A previous study found...”
- A sequence-based approach for prediction of CsrA/RsmA targets in bacteria with experimental validation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Kulkarni, Nucleic acids research 2014 - “...), yhdA ( csrD ), stm1697 , ydiV in S. Typhimurium ( 36 ) and PA4492, PA2541 and pslA in P. aeruginosa ( 34 , 39 ). The first category of targets is more amenable to identification via computational sequence-based approaches, since searching for targets with...”
- Unique features of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa α2-macroglobulin homolog
Robert-Genthon, mBio 2013 - “...all predicted to encode proteins of unknown function ( ). The operon consisting of PA4492 to PA4487 was named the magABCDEF operon and contains genes magA to magF , with PA4489 encoding the P . aeruginosa A2M homolog. A2M belongs to a family of proteins...”
- “...of PA4489 predicts an operon with five additional open reading frames that we named magABCDEF (PA4492 to PA4487) ( Fig.1B ). Specific antibodies raised against recombinant MagD detected two distinct polypeptides in crude extracts of P.aeruginosa strains, one corresponding to the predicted size of the native...”
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix polysaccharide Psl is regulated transcriptionally by RpoS and post-transcriptionally by RsmA
Irie, Molecular microbiology 2010 - “...base-pairing between the SD and the anti-SD in the imperfect stem-loop. PA0081 , PA0082 and PA4492 have recently been identified as direct targets of RsmA ( Brencic and Lory, 2009 ). Unlike pslA , RsmA binding sites appear to overlap with either the start codon, putative...”
- Post-transcriptional global regulation by CsrA in bacteria
Timmermans, Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 2010 - “...Unknown P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa [67] [67] PA4492 Hypothetical protein Negative Unknown P. aeruginosa [67] STM1987 c-di-GMP metabolism; diguanylate cyclase...”
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Or search for genetic data about PF09906 in the Fitness Browser
by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory