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Family Search for PF10221 (Mat89Bb)

April 2024: See Interactive Tools for Functional Annotation of Bacterial Genomes for advice on using these tools.

PF10221 hits 5 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.

INT13_HUMAN / Q9NVM9 Integrator complex subunit 13; Cell cycle regulator Mat89Bb homolog; Germ cell tumor 1; Protein asunder homolog; Sarcoma antigen NY-SAR-95 from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 5 papers)
Aligns to 4:692 / 706 (97.6%), covers 99.9% of PF10221, 994.1 bits

INT13_MOUSE / Q8QZV7 Integrator complex subunit 13; Cell cycle regulator Mat89Bb homolog; Protein asunder homolog; Spermatogenesis-associated protein 30 from Mus musculus (Mouse) (see 2 papers)
Aligns to 4:692 / 732 (94.1%), covers 99.9% of PF10221, 989.0 bits

INT13_XENLA / Q6GLY5 Integrator complex subunit 13; Cell cycle regulator Mat89Bb homolog; Germ cell tumor 1; Protein asunder homolog; Sarcoma antigen NY-SAR-95 from Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) (see paper)
Aligns to 4:701 / 715 (97.6%), covers 99.9% of PF10221, 981.1 bits

XP_016875124 integrator complex subunit 13 isoform X6 from Homo sapiens
2 alignments in 4:635 / 649 (97.4%), covering up to 60.1% of PF10221, 891.6 bits

INT13_DROME / Q9VEX5 Protein asunder; Cell cycle regulator Mat89Bb; Integrator complex subunit 13; Maternal transcript 89Bb; Set apart in position or space protein from Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) (see 5 papers)
NP_524379 asunder from Drosophila melanogaster
Aligns to 2:667 / 689 (96.7%), covers 99.6% of PF10221, 695.4 bits

Or search for genetic data about PF10221 in the Fitness Browser

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory