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Family Search for PF10228 (HPF1)

PF10228 hits 9 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.

HPF1_HUMAN / Q9NWY4 Histone PARylation factor 1 from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 18 papers)
NP_060337 histone PARylation factor 1 from Homo sapiens
Aligns to 77:328 / 346 (72.8%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 376.5 bits

XP_063131294 UPF0609 protein C4orf27 homolog isoform X1 from Rattus norvegicus
Aligns to 77:328 / 354 (71.2%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 374.8 bits

Q8CFE2 Histone PARylation factor 1 from Mus musculus
Aligns to 77:328 / 346 (72.8%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 372.6 bits

HPF1_DANRE / Q7SXS8 Histone PARylation factor 1 from Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio) (see paper)
Aligns to 80:329 / 348 (71.8%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 355.4 bits

LOC101902204 LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: histone PARylation factor 1-like from Bos taurus
Aligns to 166:415 / 433 (57.7%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 352.4 bits

A7RS11 Histone PARylation factor 1 from Nematostella vectensis
Aligns to 62:310 / 327 (76.1%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 343.2 bits

B7P8X7 Histone PARylation factor 1 from Ixodes scapularis
Aligns to 99:347 / 372 (66.9%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 312.8 bits

NP_649589 histone PARylation factor 1 from Drosophila melanogaster
Aligns to 176:428 / 449 (56.3%), covers 100.0% of PF10228, 281.1 bits

XP_036010205 histone PARylation factor 1 isoform X3 from Mus musculus
Aligns to 1:169 / 187 (90.4%), covers 62.9% of PF10228, 204.6 bits

Or search for genetic data about PF10228 in the Fitness Browser

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory