Family Search for PF12223 (DUF3602)
PF12223 hits 5 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.
Q6BIT8 DEHA2G07722p from Debaryomyces hansenii (strain ATCC 36239 / CBS 767 / BCRC 21394 / JCM 1990 / NBRC 0083 / IGC 2968)
2 alignments in 40:159 / 208 (57.7%), covering up to 100.0% of PF12223, 88.3 bits
- DebaryOmics: an integrative -omics study to understand the halophilic behaviour of Debaryomyces hansenii
Navarrete, Microbial biotechnology 2022 - “...protein B5RTL6 _FS[Phospho (STY)]IGNSLLGSYR_ Nonspecific serine/threonine kinase Q6BII7 _S[Phospho (STY)]DTPTPVPEAQIR_ Elongation of fatty acids relatedprotein Q6BIT8 _VQDVDGPSNTSRENDLYAVAS[Phospho (STY)]NK_ Uncharacterized protein Q6BPF2 _TM[Oxidation (M)]DNSAAQLPS[Phospho (STY)]PADSRAPS[Phospho (STY)]VEEK_ Nonspecific serine/threonine kinase B5RUF3 _LSSSAPDES[Phospho (STY)]EIS[Phospho (STY)]ALENVTNDSIK_ PWWP protein. Histone methylation Q6BKZ0 _DLDLPESLQEDYESVINS[Phospho (STY)]ESESVR_ Uncharacterized protein B5RT30 _DENNLS[Phospho (STY)]DNEVSSDY[Phospho (STY)]VHDLK_ Oxidoreductase....”
NCU07503 hypothetical protein from Neurospora crassa OR74A
Aligns to 15:91 / 170 (45.3%), covers 100.0% of PF12223, 84.4 bits
- The proteome and phosphoproteome of Neurospora crassa in response to cellulose, sucrose and carbon starvation
Xiong, Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B 2014 - “...showed an increase in abundance in both NC vs Suc and Avi vs NC comparisons. NCU07503, encoding a hypothetical protein, was the only one that decreased in abundance in both comparisons. Thirteen proteins showed increased abundance on NC vs Suc, but decreased abundance on Avi vs...”
- Early colony establishment in Neurospora crassa requires a MAP kinase regulatory network
Leeder, Genetics 2013 - “...NCU03013 NCU03960 NCU04122 NCU04192 NCU04732 NCU05814 NCU06698 NCU07503 NCU07802 NCU08332 NCU08824 NCU09560 NCU09562 NCU09693 a b Mutants show fusion...”
- “...NCU05400 NCU05814 NCU06115 NCU06919 NCU07029 NCU07313 NCU07503 NCU07528 NCU07609 NCU07610 NCU07719 NCU08332 NCU08656 NCU08824 4 SI Annotation Synaptobrevin...”
- Exploring the bZIP transcription factor regulatory network in Neurospora crassa
Tian, Microbiology (Reading, England) 2011 - “...genes shared between the CPC-1 and NcAp-1 Cd 2+ regulons encode hypothetical proteins (NCU02888 and NCU07503), two encode predicted reductases (NCU04510 and NCU09821), one encodes a predicted pyruvate decarboxylase (NCU02397), one encodes a probable urate oxidase (NCU07853), and the last encodes a predicted epimerase/dehydratase (NCU00884). DISCUSSION...”
AFUA_3G08440 conserved hypothetical protein from Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
Aligns to 22:99 / 137 (56.9%), covers 100.0% of PF12223, 83.4 bits
FOXG_05014 hypothetical protein from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici 4287
Aligns to 30:107 / 143 (54.5%), covers 91.2% of PF12223, 67.7 bits
PAR32_YEAST / Q12515 Protein PAR32; Protein phosphorylated after rapamycin 32 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast) (see 3 papers)
NP_010108 Par32p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C
YDL173W Putative protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; YDL173W is not an essential gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Aligns to 2:77 / 295 (25.8%), covers 72.5% of PF12223, 67.4 bits
- function: Involved in resistance to cisplatin.
- Identification of a Novel Regulatory Mechanism of Nutrient Transport Controlled by TORC1-Npr1-Amu1/Par32.
Boeckstaens, PLoS genetics 2015 - GeneRIF: This study identifies the function of Amu1/Par32 in acute control of ammonium transport in response to variations in nitrogen availability.
- A novel ER membrane protein Ehg1/May24 plays a critical role in maintaining multiple nutrient permeases in yeast under high-pressure perturbation
Kurosaka, Scientific reports 2019 - “...0.30.1 1.00.0 2.61.5 1.20.5 YDL172C 4.30.5 0.50.1 0.90.1 3.50.1 1.10.3 0.80.1 0.80.1 2.30.4 0.90.1 PAR32 YDL173W 4.20.3 0.60.1 1.10.2 3.40.1 1.10.2 0.80.0 0.80.1 1.90.2 0.80.2 YGL218W 3.30.2 0.30.0 0.50.0 2.70.1 0.30.0 0.40.0 0.80.1 1.10.1 0.80.1 AVL9 YLR114C 3.80.5 0.20.0 0.60.1 2.30.6 0.20.1 0.40.1 0.60.1 0.90.1 0.70.1...”
- Identification and Functional Testing of Novel Interacting Protein Partners for the Stress Sensors Wsc1p and Mid2p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Santiago-Cartagena, G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 2019 - “...cytoplasm; has similarity to E. coli RNase PH and to human hMtr3p (EXOSC6) nonviable PAR32 YDL173W MID2 Protein of unknown function; hyperphosphorylated upon rapamycin treatment in a Tap42p-dependent manner; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; PAR32 is not an essential gene viable PDC1...”
- Transcription-dependent spreading of the Dal80 yeast GATA factor across the body of highly expressed genes
Ronsmans, PLoS genetics 2019 - “...the right). The UGA3 mRNA is highlighted using the red box. The neighboring genes ( YDL173W , GLT1 and YDL169C ) are also indicated. The snapshot was produced using the VING software [ 94 ]. In parallel, we identified 546 genes showing significantly altered expression (fold-change...”
- Feedback regulation of TORC1 by its downstream effectors Npr1 and Par32
Varlakhanova, Molecular biology of the cell 2018 - “...function. The YDL172C ORF fully overlaps with the C-terminal 155 codons of the ORF of YDL173W , which encodes Par32 (phosphorylated after rapamycin). We hypothesized that, since Par32 is regulated by rapamycin, it is part of the TORC1 signaling network. Deletion of Par32, indeed, resulted in...”
- Identification of a Novel Regulatory Mechanism of Nutrient Transport Controlled by TORC1-Npr1-Amu1/Par32
Boeckstaens, PLoS genetics 2015 - “...mechanism of ammonium transport control remain unsolved. Here, we cloned AMU1 by functional complementation identifying YDL173w / PAR32 , a gene of unknown function. We show that the phosphorylation status of Amu1/Par32 is dynamically controlled by TORC1-Npr1 in response to the quality of the nitrogen supply....”
- “...revealed that they all were transformed by a plasmid bearing one common gene, namely the YDL173w ORF. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005382.g003 Fig 3 The amu1 suppressor mutation restores growth of Npr1-lacking cells on ammonium. Growth tests on solid medium containing, as the sole nitrogen source, ammonium 1 mM (Am1)...”
- The protein transportation pathway from Golgi to vacuoles via endosomes plays a role in enhancement of methylmercury toxicity
Hwang, Scientific reports 2014 - “...characterised VMA1 YDL185W Vacuolar ATPase V1 domain subunit A 0.78 YDJ1 YNL064C Protein chaperone 0.74 YDL173W YDL173W Unknown function 0.89 YHR029C YHR029C Unknown function 0.33 YJL120W YJL120W Unknown function 0.52 YLL014W YLL014W Unknown function 0.71 YLR111W YLR111W Unknown function 0.78 YOL087C YOL087C Unknown function 0.55...”
- Dissecting a complex chemical stress: chemogenomic profiling of plant hydrolysates
Skerker, Molecular systems biology 2013 - “...YNL147W LSM7 Other YBR255W MTC4 Other YDL040C NAT1 Other YOR209C NPT1 Other YDR360W OPI7 Other YDL173W PAR32 Other YHR071W PCL5 Other YGR240C PFK1 Other YGR233C PHO81 Other YPR153W Putative protein Other YDR529C QCR7 Other YMR283C RIT1 Other YJR063W RPA12 Other YOL138C RTC1 Other YGL100W SEH1 Other...”
- A Whole Genome Screen for Minisatellite Stability Genes in Stationary-Phase Yeast Cells
Alver, G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 2013 - “...TMT1 YER175c YKL151C YKL151c BUD28 YLR062c OXP1 YKL215c TPK3 YKL166c YKL187C YKL187c CAR1 YPL111w PAR32 YDL173w TPO2 YGR138c YLR125W YLR125w COT1 YOR316c PDC5 YLR134w TRP4 YDR354w YLR225C YLR225c CUE2 YKL090w PDR12 YPL058c TUM1 YOR251c YML053C YML053c CYC7 YEL039c PFA4 YOL003c UBC11 YOR339c YML089C YML089c DFG5 YMR238w...”
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Or search for genetic data about PF12223 in the Fitness Browser
by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory