Family Search for PF20238 (BIM1-like_dom)
PF20238 hits 39 sequences in PaperBLAST's database above the trusted cutoff. Showing all hits. Or show only hits to curated sequences or try another family.
PADG_04289 uncharacterized protein from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18
Aligns to 16:157 / 204 (69.6%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 138.8 bits
- Identification and immunogenic potential of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Gonçales, Frontiers in fungal biology 2023 - “...(H/L34) ( Figure1 ). Additionally, a group of GPI-proteins of unknown function, including PADG_03914, PADG_02867, PADG_04289, PADG_05482, PADG_07620, PADG_04649, PADG_08385, PADG_07354, PADG_06677, PADG_02955, PADG_06557, and PADG_00497, showed elevated expression in mycelia, indicating their potential roles in regulating the mycelial phase of P. brasiliensis ( Figure1 )....”
An01g14820 uncharacterized protein from Aspergillus niger
Aligns to 29:175 / 272 (54.0%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 134.6 bits
BC1G_07573 hypothetical protein from Botrytis cinerea B05.10
Aligns to 18:157 / 228 (61.4%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 134.2 bits
- Common protein sequence signatures associate with Sclerotinia borealis lifestyle and secretion in fungal pathogens of the Sclerotiniaceae
Badet, Frontiers in plant science 2015 - “...characteristic hydrophilic inner core of the dimer. (D) Multiple protein sequence alignment of B. cinerea BC1G_07573 (sTEKhot = 7.07), S. borealis SBOR_1255 (sTEKhot = 3.79), S. sclerotiorum SS1G_03146 (sTEKhot = 1.58) and the AA11 Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase from Aspergillus oryzae (4MAH_A). (E) Superimposition of A. oryzae...”
- “ standard error of the mean from two independent biological replicates. The COG including SS1G_03146, BC1G_07573, and SBOR_1255 is remarkable for including three proteins with high (>1) but with very variable sTEKhot, ranging from 1.58 (SS1G_03146) to 7.07 (BC1G_07573). No interproscan domain or GO terms were...”
CIMG_07738 uncharacterized protein from Coccidioides immitis RS
Aligns to 15:156 / 209 (67.9%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 134.1 bits
Afu6g02800 GPI anchored protein, putative from Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
B0YDG5 GPI anchored protein, putative from Aspergillus fumigatus (strain CBS 144.89 / FGSC A1163 / CEA10)
Aligns to 16:162 / 242 (60.7%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 129.6 bits
- Genes differentially expressed in conidia and hyphae of Aspergillus fumigatus upon exposure to human neutrophils
Sugui, PloS one 2008 - “...the genes encoding a copper transporter (Afu6g02810), a metalloreductase (Afu6g602820) and a putative GPI-anchored protein (Afu6g02800) Since these three genes are located adjacent to each other on chromosome 6, a deletion vector was constructed to delete all three genes at once. The vector was constructed by...”
- “...a 950-bp fragment and a 520-bp fragment flanking the coding regions of the first gene Afu6g02800 and the third gene Afu6g02820, respectively. The deletion constructs were then cloned into the pDHt/SK2 vector [22] and integrated into the B-5233 genome via Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated transformation [22] ....”
- Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles Produced by Aspergillus fumigatus Protoplasts
Rizzo, mSphere 2020 - “...putative B0Y688 AFUB_066060 GPI-anchored cell wall organization protein Ecm33 B0Y5M3 AFUB_063890 Ecm33 GPI-anchored protein, putative B0YDG5 AFUB_095500 Cell wall integrity signaling protein Lsp1, putative B0Y7E0 AFUB_073480 Pil1 Cell wall serine-threonine-rich galactomannoprotein Mp1 B0YEP2 AFUB_099880 Mp1 1,3-Beta-glucanosyltransferase Gel1 B0XT72 AFUB_018250 Gel1 1,3-Beta-glucanosyltransferase Gel4 B0XVI5 AFUB_022370 Gel4 Mannan...”
C3VER8 Copper acquisition factor BIM1-like domain-containing protein from Hyaloscypha finlandica
Aligns to 17:163 / 206 (71.4%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 123.9 bits
- The haustorial transcriptome of the cucurbit pathogen Podosphaera xanthii reveals new insights into the biotrophy and pathogenesis of powdery mildew fungi.
Polonio, BMC genomics 2019 - “...40.277 Pxanthii_hau_25818 257 Q08656 ATP synthase protein. Neurospora crassa 1.00E-18 72.92% 13 37.807 Pxanthii_hau_27,213 1001 C3VER8 Putative uncharacterized protein. Cadophora finlandica. 9.00E-61 59.49% 14 32.385 Pxanthii_hau_15585 1295 A0A0B1P6R5 Uncharacterized protein. Uncinula necator . 0.044 90% 15 30.763 Pxanthii_hau_10927 1975 L8B996 Uncharacterized protein. Phlebia radiata . 0.001...”
- “...DH14 0.0 53.81% Pxanthii_hau_15,694 602 Q12737 Bilirubin oxidase. Myrothecium verrucaria. 4.0e-145 47.51% Pxanthii_hau_27,213 PHEC27213 209 C3VER8 Putative uncharacterized protein. Cadophora finlandica. 6.00e-71 53% Pxanthii_hau_0000217529 PHEC217529 86 A0A0A2WL92 Uncharacterized protein. Beauveria bassiana D15 1.00E-51 99% a Number of amino acids in the unprocessed form (with signal peptide)...”
PADG_04649 uncharacterized protein from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18
Aligns to 18:165 / 228 (64.9%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 122.0 bits
- Identification and immunogenic potential of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Gonçales, Frontiers in fungal biology 2023 - “...). Additionally, a group of GPI-proteins of unknown function, including PADG_03914, PADG_02867, PADG_04289, PADG_05482, PADG_07620, PADG_04649, PADG_08385, PADG_07354, PADG_06677, PADG_02955, PADG_06557, and PADG_00497, showed elevated expression in mycelia, indicating their potential roles in regulating the mycelial phase of P. brasiliensis ( Figure1 ). Figure1 Quantitative transcriptional...”
CIMG_10032 expression library immunization antigen 1 from Coccidioides immitis RS
Aligns to 18:164 / 224 (65.6%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 121.9 bits
VC83_07867 uncharacterized protein from Pseudogymnoascus destructans
Aligns to 15:157 / 214 (66.8%), covers 97.1% of PF20238, 120.0 bits
- Pseudogymnoascus destructans transcriptome changes during white-nose syndrome infections
Reeder, Virulence 2017 - “...4.25E-07 522.8 88.4 1.23E-09 Cell Wall Remodeling VC83_03500 Spherulin-1A SR1A_PHYPO 22.2 9.41E-05 31.4 758.3 6.99E-06 VC83_07867 Uncharacterized protein AFUA_6G02800 YA280_ASPFU 21.2 8.97E-08 169.0 3783.0 5.93E-11 VC83_00788 Endochitinase 1 CHI1_APHAL 11.6 2.07E-04 106.9 1327.3 1.93E-05 VC83_07327 Probable glucan endo-1,3--glucosidase eglC EGLC_NEOFI 6.5 1.93E-03 221.5 1489.4 4.95E-04 VC83_04729...”
An12g07750 uncharacterized protein from Aspergillus niger
Aligns to 16:162 / 230 (63.9%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 117.2 bits
CNAG_01653 cytokine inducing-glycoprotein from Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii H99
Aligns to 33:176 / 281 (51.2%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 115.7 bits
- The ER Protein Translocation Channel Subunit Sbh1 Controls Virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans
Santiago-Tirado, mBio 2023 - “...Virulence citations 24 h/0 h RNA-seq CNAG_00150 Serine endoptidase, cell wall SP1-23 5.24 53 1.68 CNAG_01653 CIG1 Cytokine-inducing glycoprotein SP1-19 4.00 68 385.34 CNAG_01172 PBX1 Beta-helix containing protein SP1-18 3.68 55 , 53 , 56 0.78 CNAG_04735 MPR1 Extracellular metalloproteinase (Mep1) SP1-19 3.44 53 , 59...”
- Gene Expression of Diverse Cryptococcus Isolates during Infection of the Human Central Nervous System
Yu, mBio 2021 - “...CNAG_06699 GPD1 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1,858 Y N CNAG_07561 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 1,817 Y N Iron uptake CNAG_01653 CIG1 Cytokine inducing-glycoprotein 9,821 Y N CNAG_00815 a SIT1 MFS transporter, SIT family 3,740 N N Pentose-phosphate pathway CNAG_01984 TAL1 Transaldolase 2,057 Y Y pH response CNAG_06400 PMA1 Plasma membrane...”
- Unveil the transcriptional landscape at the Cryptococcus-host axis in mice and nonhuman primates
Li, PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2019 - “...H99 was used to generate nine knockout mutants. Nine genes including CNAG_00331 , CNAG_00699 , CNAG_01653 , CNAG_01980 , CNAG_05075 , CNAG_05678 , CNAG_06312 , CNAG_06346 , and CNAG_07457 , were deleted by overlapping PCR method [ 50 ]. Integration cassettes were constructed using overlap PCR....”
- The structural unit of melanin in the cell wall of the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
Camacho, The Journal of biological chemistry 2019 (secret) - Cryptococcus neoformans can form titan-like cells in vitro in response to multiple signals
Trevijano-Contador, PLoS pathogens 2018 - “...clathrin light chain 0.8 2.2 8.0E-03 CNAG_04904 clathrin heavy chain 1.0 2.5E-03 2.3 5.6E-03 Others CNAG_01653 cytokine inducing-glycoprotein Cig1 1.0 1.4E-02 3.5 2.0E-03 CNAG_00815 Siderophore-iron transporter 1.2 1.1E-03 4.4 6.3E-11 CNAG_02500 calnexin 3.1 1.0E-12 3.6 2.0E-05 Diverse genes encoding closely related enzymes involved in amino sugar...”
- “...were also induced in titan-like cells compared to cells of regular size. One of them (CNAG_01653) encoded Cig1, (initially annotated as cytokine inducing glycoprotein), which is involved in iron uptake from heme groups and is overexpressed during iron limitation conditions [ 46 , 47 ]. Iron...”
- The Monothiol Glutaredoxin Grx4 Regulates Iron Homeostasis and Virulence in Cryptococcus neoformans
Attarian, mBio 2018 - “...0.57 5.20 5.50 0.54 CNAG_07519 SIT1 / ARN1 Conserved hypothetical protein 2.23 0.64 2.07 0.68 CNAG_01653 CIG1 Cytokine inducing-glycoprotein, putative a hemophore 2.29 0.64 1.32 1.10 CNAG_07865 Ferro-O 2 -oxidoreductase 2.55 0.94 1.99 1.20 Heme biosynthesis CNAG_01721 HEM3 Porphobilinogen deaminase 0.15 2.62 1.71 0.22 CNAG_02460 HEM13...”
- Galectin-3 impacts Cryptococcus neoformans infection through direct antifungal effects
Almeida, Nature communications 2017 - “...mitochondrial XM_012192590.1 2.72 0.0000 1.8 12.3 CNAG_02592 Thioredoxin reductase GliT XM_012197279.1 2.69 0.0000 10.3 66.7 CNAG_01653 Cytokine inducing-glycoprotein XM_012191929.1 2.59 0.0000 9.7 58.6 CNAG_04070 Exonuclease XM_012193425.1 2.53 0.0000 1.9 11.0 CNAG_05266 Membrane protein, variant XM_012195873.1 2.51 0.0000 1.4 8.2 CNAG_03442 Phosphatidylinositol glycan, class T XM_012195613.1 2.47...”
- The Zinc Finger Protein Mig1 Regulates Mitochondrial Function and Azole Drug Susceptibility in the Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus neoformans
Caza, mSphere 2016 - “...mitochondrial aconitase, HEM4 (CNAG_01908), encoding a uroporphyrinogen III synthase involved in heme biosynthesis, and CIG1 (CNAG_01653), encoding a putative hemophore involved heme uptake. Experiments were carried out in triplicate. Values are reported as the means standard errors of the means (SEM). Statistical significance was calculated using...”
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Q96UH1 Cytokine inducing-glycoprotein from Cryptococcus neoformans
Aligns to 22:165 / 271 (53.1%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 115.3 bits
CNC01660 cytokine inducing-glycoprotein from Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21
Aligns to 33:176 / 282 (51.1%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 115.2 bits
- Allergen1 regulates polysaccharide structure in Cryptococcus neoformans
Jain, Molecular microbiology 2013 - “...related to iron-transport i.e., FTR1 , FRE1 , CNM02430, CNM02420, CNB02540, CNG00120, CNH01230, CNG00110, CNG00950, CNC01660, CNK02840, CNB00400, CNI01980 and -actin as control. The mRNA levels were normalized against their respective -actin and expression was calculated using the delta-delta CT method. The fold change was calculated...”
- “...Gene ID and Accession number Fold Change RC2-SM vs RC2- all1 CIG1 , cytokine inducing-glycoprotein; CNC01660 19.7 Ferric-chelate reductase activity: CNG00110 15.87 High-affinity iron permease, FTR1: CNC05700 6.52 FRE1 , ferroxidase: CNC05690 5.94 Hypothetical protein: CNK02840 3.94 Metalloreductase, ferric-chelate reductase activity: CNG00950 2.72 Zinc-Finger protein putative:...”
- Interaction of Cryptococcus neoformans Rim101 and protein kinase A regulates capsule
O'Meara, PLoS pathogens 2010 - “ capsule-inducing conditions. Category Gene ID Description a Fold change (WT/ rim101 ) Metal homeostasis CNC01660 cytokine inducing-glycoprotein CIG1 471.88 CNE04530 siderochrome-iron transporter SIT1 81.14 CNM02420 acidic laccase, putative FET3 20.75 CNM02430 ferric permease CFT1 16.59 CNG00950 metalloreductase 16.09 CND01080 copper uptake transporter CTR4 7.09 Cell...”
FOXG_02393 hypothetical protein from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici 4287
Aligns to 17:155 / 232 (59.9%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 112.5 bits
- Copper acquisition is essential for plant colonization and virulence in a root-infecting vascular wilt fungus
Palos-Fernández, PLoS pathogens 2024 - “...siderophore iron transporter Others FOXG_04389 sod3 sod2 sod3 Fe-Mn family superoxide dismutase FOXG_01130 Uncharacterized protein FOXG_02393 Uncharacterized protein FOXG_06143 Aminotransferase FOXG_07771 SAM domain-containing protein FOXG_08010 DJ-1_PfpI domain-containing protein FOXG_17215 Acetoacetate-CoA ligase The 16 Fo genes induced under copper limitation in a Mac1-dependent manner encode known proteins...”
- “...divergently transcribed genes sharing a common promoter region with multiple Mac1-binding sites ( fre10 / FOXG_02393 and fre12 / ctr1b ) ( S5B and S5C Fig ); and 5) a gene cluster composed of FOXG_18820 and sod3 , which are transcribed in the same direction, containing...”
E6R316 Cytokine inducing-glycoprotein, putative from Cryptococcus gattii serotype B (strain WM276 / ATCC MYA-4071)
Aligns to 33:176 / 285 (50.5%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 109.1 bits
X325_EMENI / Q5B428 Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein ANIA_04702; LPMO-like protein ANIA_04702; X325 family protein ANIA_04702 from Emericella nidulans (strain FGSC A4 / ATCC 38163 / CBS 112.46 / NRRL 194 / M139) (Aspergillus nidulans) (see paper)
Aligns to 22:201 / 244 (73.8%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 105.2 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (PubMed:37452022). Acts as a cell surface-bound protein that functions in the copper-accumulation pathway (By similarity). May also act as the major cell wall sensor that regulates MAP kinase-dependent hyphal anastomosis, the fusion of hyphal cells (By similarity).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
X325_WAIAR / A0A4P9I8G4 Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein X325; LPMO-like protein X325; X325 family protein from Waitea arvalis (Laetisaria arvalis) (see paper)
Aligns to 19:170 / 238 (63.9%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 104.9 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (PubMed:31932718). Acts as a cell surface-bound protein that functions in the copper-accumulation pathway (By similarity). May also act as the major cell wall sensor that regulates MAP kinase-dependent hyphal anastomosis, the fusion of hyphal cells (By similarity).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
X325_LACBS / B0CPC6 Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein X325; LPMO-like protein X325; X325 family protein from Laccaria bicolor (strain S238N-H82 / ATCC MYA-4686) (Bicoloured deceiver) (Laccaria laccata var. bicolor) (see paper)
Aligns to 20:163 / 206 (69.9%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 104.4 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (PubMed:31932718). Involved in fungal-cell-wall remodeling during Laccaria-Populus symbiosis (PubMed:31932718). Acts as a cell surface- bound protein that functions in the copper-accumulation pathway (By similarity). May also act as the major cell wall sensor that regulates MAP kinase-dependent hyphal anastomosis, the fusion of hyphal cells (By similarity).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
An07g04620 uncharacterized protein from Aspergillus niger
Aligns to 24:201 / 244 (73.0%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 103.8 bits
X325_NEUCR / V5IRP6 Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein ham-7; LPMO-like protein ham-7; Hyphal anastamosis protein 7; X325 family protein ham-7 from Neurospora crassa (strain ATCC 24698 / 74-OR23-1A / CBS 708.71 / DSM 1257 / FGSC 987) (see 3 papers)
Aligns to 16:183 / 229 (73.4%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 103.2 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (Probable). Acts as the major cell wall sensor that regulates MAK-1- dependent hyphal anastomosis, the fusion of hyphal cells (PubMed:21666072, PubMed:22879952, PubMed:25279949). May also act as a cell surface-bound protein that functions in the copper-accumulation pathway (By similarity).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
disruption phenotype: Leads to alteration in cell fusion between conidial anastomosis tubes (PubMed:21666072). Displays reduced basal MAK-1 activity (PubMed:22879952, PubMed:25279949).
AFUA_5G08800, Afu5g08800 conserved hypothetical protein from Aspergillus fumigatus Af293
Aligns to 23:200 / 239 (74.5%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 103.2 bits
- A possible role for fumagillin in cellular damage during host infection by Aspergillus fumigatus
Guruceaga, Virulence 2018 - “...NosA Afu4g09710 rosA 3.87 6.59 C6 transcription factor Afu5g00950 3.71 1.26 4.09 0.72 Hypothetical protein Afu5g08800 3.99 4.82 Pectin lyase Afu5g10170 3.79 4.50 Pectin lyase Afu5g10380 3.57 3.31 C6 transcription factor Afu5g14290 4.36 1.16 Aldehyde dehydrogenase Afu7g01000 4.11 7.86 Indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase Afu7g02010 4.19 5.94 5.72 8.21...”
- Investigation of Aspergillus fumigatus biofilm formation by various "omics" approaches
Muszkieta, Frontiers in microbiology 2013 - “...5.6 2.49 238.51 7.90 AFUA_8G00900 Cell surface antigen spherulin 4, putative 7.31 2.87 212.52 7.73 AFUA_5G08800 Hypothetical protein 8.32 3.06 155.28 7.28 AFUA_3G01500 Hypothetical protein 4.89 2.29 117.44 6.88 AFUA_5G13250 DUF614 domain protein 9.8 3.29 98.50 6.62 AFUA_1G14560 Alpha-mannosidase 3.99 2.00 84.72 6.40 AFUA_1G00990 Short chain...”
- Exploring temporal transcription regulation structure of Aspergillus fumigatus in heat shock by state space model
Do, BMC genomics 2009 - “...corresponding grey and green nodes (hub nodes) : 1062 (AFU3G14590), 1172 (AFU4G08340), 1553 (AFU5G08750), 1554 (AFU5G08800), 1806 (AFU6G06430), 1289 (AFU4G12010), 1931 (AFU6G10610), 1933 (AFU6G10650), 1934 (AFU6G10660), 2038 (AFU7G00170), 2036 (AFU7G00120), 2039 (AFU7G00200), 2050 (AFU7G01000), 2077 (AFU7G01920), 2078 (AFU7G01930), 2311 (AFU8G06340), 2312 (AFU8G06350). (A) network of 37C,...”
6ibiC / A0A4P9I8G4 Copper binding protein from laetisaria arvalis (lax325) (see paper)
Aligns to 1:150 / 155 (96.8%), covers 97.9% of PF20238, 102.0 bits
- Ligand: copper (ii) ion (6ibiC)
X325_YARLI / Q6C0J1 Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein X325; LPMO-like protein X325; X325 family protein from Yarrowia lipolytica (strain CLIB 122 / E 150) (Yeast) (Candida lipolytica) (see paper)
Aligns to 16:160 / 261 (55.6%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 101.0 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (PubMed:31932718). Acts as a cell surface-bound protein that functions in the copper-accumulation pathway (By similarity).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
FPRO_01717 uncharacterized protein from Fusarium proliferatum ET1
Aligns to 17:164 / 221 (67.0%), covers 90.7% of PF20238, 100.0 bits
X325_PODAN / A0A090CRQ9 Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein X325; LPMO-like protein X325; X325 family protein from Podospora anserina (strain S / ATCC MYA-4624 / DSM 980 / FGSC 10383) (Pleurage anserina) (see paper)
Aligns to 20:159 / 229 (61.1%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 99.6 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (PubMed:31932718). Acts as a cell surface-bound protein that functions in the copper-accumulation pathway (By similarity). May also act as the major cell wall sensor that regulates MAP kinase-dependent hyphal anastomosis, the fusion of hyphal cells (By similarity).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
X325_CRYNH / J9VHN6 Copper acquisition factor BIM1; BCS-inducible membrane protein 1; Copper binding and release protein 1; Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein BIM1; LPMO-like protein BIM1; X325 family protein BIM1 from Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii serotype A (strain H99 / ATCC 208821 / CBS 10515 / FGSC 9487) (Filobasidiella neoformans var. grubii) (see 2 papers)
CNAG_02775 hypothetical protein from Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii H99
Aligns to 18:166 / 218 (68.3%), covers 97.9% of PF20238, 97.4 bits
- function: Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein that has diverged to biological functions other than polysaccharide degradation since it does not perform oxidative cleavage of polysaccharides (Probable). Cell surface-bound protein that functions in the copper- accumulation pathway shared by the CUF1-dependent copper transporter CTR1 (PubMed:31932719, PubMed:35737716). Involved in maintaining cell wall integrity during copper deficiency (PubMed:35737716). Binds Cu(2+) with an estimated 1:1 stoichiometry and might serve as an extracellular copper ligand (PubMed:31932719). FRE4 and FRE7 metalloreductases probably function together with CTR1 and BIM1 to liberate the Cu(2+) bound to the BIM1 copper-binding site for subsequent import of Cu(+) into the cell by CTR1, via the reduction of BIM1-bound Cu(2+) to Cu(+) to reduce binding affinity for BIM1 but increase affinity for CTR1 (PubMed:31932719). Facilitates copper acquisition in the brain of mammalian hosts and acts as a copper-dependent virulence trait in fungal meningitis (PubMed:31932719). While BIM1 plays a critical role in cryptococcal meningitis, at least in part through its role in copper acquisition, it could play additional roles during copper limitation or as a means to invade and colonize host tissues in the brain, by compromising host carbohydrate integrity via its lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) activity, which has still to be determined (PubMed:31932719).
cofactor: Cu(2+) (Binds 1 copper ion per subunit.)
subunit: Interacts with the CUF1-dependent copper transporter CTR1.
disruption phenotype: Exhibits growth defect on copper-deficient medium ot in the presence of the copper-specific chelator bathocuproine disulfonic acid (BCS) (PubMed:31932719). Shows a reduction in cell- associated copper, in the enzymatic activity of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, in laccase-dependent melanin production and in the accumulation of cellular iron, a well-established copper-dependent process (PubMed:31932719). Shows a distinct cell wall electron density pattern, which is not due to overall difference in cell associated copper levels or copper adsorption ability (PubMed:35737716). Leads to a reduction in the inner cell wall chito-oligomer layer when exposed to copper-deficiency (PubMed:35737716). Does not affect virulence in an A/J mouse pulmonary infection model (PubMed:31932719). - A lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein functions in fungal copper import and meningitis
Garcia-Santamarina, Nature chemical biology 2020 - “ response to alterations in Cu availability. Here we describe BIM1 ( CNAG_02775, Uniprot ID J9VHN6), a gene that is strongly expressed under Cu-limitation that encodes a member of a new Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase (LPMO)-like family. LPMO enzymes are secreted Cu-dependent enzymes that degrade recalcitrant carbohydrates...”
- Metals and the cell surface of Cryptococcus neoformans
Xue, Current opinion in microbiology 2023 - “...led to a detailed analysis of connections between the cell wall and copper. Specifically, CBI1/BIM1 (CNAG_02775) was identified as a gene that was dependent on Cuf1 and more highly expressed upon copper limitation. Two recent papers documented the roles of Cbi1/Bim1 in copper import, cryptococcal meningitis,...”
- Interactions between copper homeostasis and the fungal cell wall affect copper stress resistance
Probst, PLoS pathogens 2022 - “...Cuf1 regulon, one of the most highly induced genes during copper starvation is Cn CBI1/BIM1 (CNAG_02775), encoding a GPI-anchored protein that interacts with the Ctr1 high-affinity Cu + transporter [ 4 , 5 ]. The Cn Cbi1 c opper bi nding and release protein, previously named...”
- A lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase-like protein functions in fungal copper import and meningitis
Garcia-Santamarina, Nature chemical biology 2020 - “...regulated by Cuf1 in response to alterations in Cu availability. Here we describe BIM1 ( CNAG_02775, Uniprot ID J9VHN6), a gene that is strongly expressed under Cu-limitation that encodes a member of a new Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase (LPMO)-like family. LPMO enzymes are secreted Cu-dependent enzymes that...”
- “...bathocuproine disulfonic acid (BCS), an additional transcript was the second most highly induced gene ( CNAG_02775 ) under this condition 10 . The transcript encoding a protein termed Bim1 (BCS-inducible membrane protein), is elevated ~50-fold in C. neoformans cells grown under Cu-limiting conditions (BCS) compared to...”
- The copper regulon of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans H99
Ding, Molecular microbiology 2011 - “...Unknown function CNAG_07701 2.00 Cu transporter CNAG_04387 2.09 Pre-mRNA splicing factor CNAG_00876 2.87 Ferric-chelate reductase CNAG_02775 3.61 Unknown function CNAG_00979 5.06 Cu transporter a Cells at exponential phase were treated with 1 mM CuSO 4 or 1 mM BCS for 3 hr at 37C. RNA samples...”
XP_007411790 Hypothetical protein from Melampsora larici-populina 98AG31
Aligns to 20:172 / 218 (70.2%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 97.3 bits
XP_007414865 Hypothetical protein from Melampsora larici-populina 98AG31
Aligns to 20:171 / 172 (88.4%), covers 97.1% of PF20238, 96.7 bits
CNBG_3432 uncharacterized protein from Cryptococcus deuterogattii R265
Aligns to 18:166 / 218 (68.3%), covers 97.9% of PF20238, 96.5 bits
FPSE_05581 hypothetical protein from Fusarium pseudograminearum CS3096
Aligns to 16:183 / 231 (72.7%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 96.3 bits
FVEG_13122 hypothetical protein from Fusarium verticillioides 7600
Aligns to 16:183 / 233 (72.1%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 95.8 bits
- Careful with That Axe, Gene, Genome Perturbation after a PEG-Mediated Protoplast Transformation in Fusarium verticillioides
Scala, Toxins 2017 - “...the genes affected by genomic variations, we analyzed the relative expression of FVEG_03821, FVEG_03822, FVEG_13121, FVEG_13122, FVEG_13123, FVEG_07317 and FVEG_07318 ( Figure 5 ). Results indicated a profound alteration of gene expression in Fv_ lds1 D and Fv_ lds1 T strains at two and seven days...”
- “...lds1 D, DIP4 negatively affected the expression of FVEG_13121 with respect to the WT, whereas FVEG_13122 and FVEG_13123 are more expressed with respect to the WT. In Fv_ lds1 T, FVEG_13121 is down-modulated in comparison to the WT strain; the expression of the FVEG_13122 is similar...”
- A Natural Mutation Involving both Pathogenicity and Perithecium Formation in the Fusarium graminearum Species Complex
Suga, G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 2016 - “...F. avenaceum FAVG1_10471, F. oxysporum FOXB_02761, F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense race4 FOC4_g10001017, F. verticillioides FVEG_13122, F. fujikuroi FFUJ_05566, and Nectria hematococca mpVI NECHADRAFT_92223 (E value: 2e 165 to 2e 116 ), although the function of these proteins has not been determined. FGSG_02810 also has homology...”
FFUJ_05566 uncharacterized protein from Fusarium fujikuroi IMI 58289
Aligns to 16:183 / 233 (72.1%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 95.6 bits
FGSG_02810 hypothetical protein from Fusarium graminearum PH-1
Aligns to 16:183 / 231 (72.7%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 94.9 bits
- A Natural Mutation Involving both Pathogenicity and Perithecium Formation in the Fusarium graminearum Species Complex
Suga, G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 2016 - “...was detected in the mapped region of the mutant strain. The wild-type strain contains the FGSG_02810 gene, encoding a putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor protein, in this region. The contribution of FGSG_02810 to pathogenicity and perithecium formation was confirmed by complementation in the mutant strain using gene transfer,...”
- “...and Fa0444002 (HQ599309) have been deposited in GenBank. Construction of the transformation vector The FGSG_02809, FGSG_02810, and FGSG_02811 genes, including regions upstream and downstream of the open reading frame, were amplified from Fg0407011 by PCR using the HS458/HS459, HS450/HS451, and HS442/HS443 primer pairs, respectively ( Table...”
PADG_07354 uncharacterized protein from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18
Aligns to 24:204 / 244 (74.2%), covers 98.6% of PF20238, 93.8 bits
- Identification and immunogenic potential of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Gonçales, Frontiers in fungal biology 2023 - “...a group of GPI-proteins of unknown function, including PADG_03914, PADG_02867, PADG_04289, PADG_05482, PADG_07620, PADG_04649, PADG_08385, PADG_07354, PADG_06677, PADG_02955, PADG_06557, and PADG_00497, showed elevated expression in mycelia, indicating their potential roles in regulating the mycelial phase of P. brasiliensis ( Figure1 ). Figure1 Quantitative transcriptional expression of...”
XP_008598424 GPI anchored protein, putative from Beauveria bassiana ARSEF 2860
Aligns to 16:186 / 236 (72.5%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 87.3 bits
SS1G_03146 hypothetical protein from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70
Aligns to 18:132 / 193 (59.6%), covers 74.3% of PF20238, 83.3 bits
CNH03490 hypothetical protein from Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21
Aligns to 33:168 / 266 (51.1%), covers 97.1% of PF20238, 79.1 bits
ISF_08023 hypothetical protein from Cordyceps fumosorosea ARSEF 2679
Aligns to 16:207 / 256 (75.0%), covers 99.3% of PF20238, 76.6 bits
NECHADRAFT_92223 uncharacterized protein from Fusarium vanettenii 77-13-4
Aligns to 16:169 / 219 (70.3%), covers 100.0% of PF20238, 64.7 bits
Or search for genetic data about PF20238 in the Fitness Browser
by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory