Full List of Papers Linked to VIMSS6581336
Q07786 L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase (EC from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (see 2 papers)
YDL246C Protein of unknown function, computational analysis of large-scale protein-protein interaction data suggests a possible role in fructose or mannose metabolism from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Engineering cofactor supply and NADH-dependent D-galacturonic acid reductases for redox-balanced production of L-galactonate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Harth, Scientific reports 2020 - “...and strains The Saccharomyces cerevisiae endogenous open reading frames (ORFs) of HXT13 (YEL069C) and SOR2 (YDL246C) were PCR amplified using the primer pairs SiHP011-SiHP012 ( HXT13 ) and SiHP015-SiHP016 ( SOR2 ). The open reading frame encoding YlSdr 22 ; UniProtKBQ6CEE9) was amplified from Yarrowia lipolytica...”
- Horizontal and vertical growth of S. cerevisiae metabolic network
Grassi, BMC evolutionary biology 2011 - “...N 0 N/A 0.68 2.2 -16 YDL080C YDR380W Y Y Y 0.67 0 0.08 0.033 YDL246C YLR070C Y Y Y N/A 0 N/A N/A YDR147W YLR133W Y Y N 0 0.5 0.09 0.02 YDR380W YGR087C Y Y Y 0.54 0 -0.07 0.065 YDR380W YLR044C Y Y...”
- Translation initiation: a regulatory role for poly(A) tracts in front of the AUG codon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Xia, Genetics 2011 - “...YNL128W 265 12 6.9881 0.3633 YBR056W-A 47 11 7.5809 0.4077 YDL140C 519 11 10.1271 0.4864 YDL246C 321 11 7.1664 0.4695 YDR033W 555 11 12.1143 0.7725 YDR055W 82 11 9.3654 0.5406 YER115C 294 11 8.1442 0.3465 YER159C 180 11 8.5424 0.2948 YER165W 145 11 12.1955 0.7079 YGL037C...”
- Improvement of galactose uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through overexpression of phosphoglucomutase: example of transcript analysis as a tool in inverse metabolic engineering
Bro, Applied and environmental microbiology 2005 - “...YFL011W YMR305C YKL216W YDR520C YGL035C YPL187W YMR199W YJR159W YDL246C YMR176W YOL058W YOR378W YGR249W URA3 GAL4 MAL31 GAL80 ZAP1 MLH2 PHO5 CEG1 RIB4 CTS1 GAL6...”
- A two-hybrid screen of the yeast proteome for Hsp90 interactors uncovers a novel Hsp90 chaperone requirement in the activity of a stress-activated mitogen-activated protein kinase, Slt2p (Mpk1p)
Millson, Eukaryotic cell 2005 - “...(2); YDL015c (TSC13) (2); YDL133w (1); YDL180w (1); YDL246c (SOR2) (1); YDL248c (COS7) (2); YDR051c (1); YDR281c (PHM6) (2); YDR319c (2); YDR412w (1); YER156c...”
- Endogenous xylose pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Toivari, Applied and environmental microbiology 2004 - “...encodes sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), and an open reading frame, YDL246c, that is almost identical to SOR1. The SDH enzyme also can use xylitol as a substrate...”
- “...noncoding regions. The probe for SOR1 also detects YDL246c. The PCR products were cloned into pCR2.1-TOPO (Invitrogen), excised from the vector by digestion...”
- Predicting protein functions from redundancies in large-scale protein interaction networks
Samanta, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2003 - “...(MMS4) YHR105W (YPT35) YBL049W (MOH1), YCL039W (MOH2) YDL246C (SOR2) YMR322C (SNO4) YDR430C (CYM1) YJL199C (MBB1), YPL004C (LSP1), YGR086C (PIL1) YLR097C (HRT3)...”
- D-xylose metabolism in Hypocrea jecorina: loss of the xylitol dehydrogenase step can be partially compensated for by lad1-encoded L-arabinitol-4-dehydrogenase
Seiboth, Eukaryotic cell 2003 - “...(NP_013171.1), S. cerevisiae Sor1 (NP_012693.1), S. cerevisiae Ydl246c (NP_010035.1), Pichia stipitis Xdh1 (P22144), Candida sp. Xdh1 (AAC24597.1), N. crassa...”
- Characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae YMR318C (ADH6) gene product as a broad specificity NADPH-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase: relevance in aldehyde reduction
Larroy, The Biochemical journal 2002 - “...[10-12], ADH3 [13], ADH5 [14], SFA1 [15-17], SOR1 [18], YDL246C ( possessing 99 % identity with SOR1), XYL2 (a xylitol dehydrogenase) [19] and BDH1 oa (2R,...”
For advice on how to use these tools together, see
Interactive tools for functional annotation of bacterial genomes.
The PaperBLAST database links 789,361 different protein sequences to 1,256,019 scientific articles. Searches against EuropePMC were last performed on January 10 2025.
PaperBLAST builds a database of protein sequences that are linked
to scientific articles. These links come from automated text searches
against the articles in EuropePMC
and from manually-curated information from GeneRIF, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot,
CAZy (as made available by dbCAN),
the Fitness Browser,
and a subset of the European Nucleotide Archive with the /experiment tag.
Given this database and a protein sequence query,
PaperBLAST uses protein-protein BLAST
to find similar sequences with E < 0.001.
To build the database, we query EuropePMC with locus tags, with RefSeq protein
identifiers, and with UniProt
accessions. We obtain the locus tags from RefSeq or from MicrobesOnline. We use
queries of the form "locus_tag AND genus_name" to try to ensure that
the paper is actually discussing that gene. Because EuropePMC indexes
most recent biomedical papers, even if they are not open access, some
of the links may be to papers that you cannot read or that our
computers cannot read. We query each of these identifiers that
appears in the open access part of EuropePMC, as well as every locus
tag that appears in the 500 most-referenced genomes, so that a gene
may appear in the PaperBLAST results even though none of the papers
that mention it are open access. We also incorporate text-mined links
from EuropePMC that link open access articles to UniProt or RefSeq
identifiers. (This yields some additional links because EuropePMC
uses different heuristics for their text mining than we do.)
For every article that mentions a locus tag, a RefSeq protein
identifier, or a UniProt accession, we try to select one or two
snippets of text that refer to the protein. If we cannot get access to
the full text, we try to select a snippet from the abstract, but
unfortunately, unique identifiers such as locus tags are rarely
provided in abstracts.
PaperBLAST also incorporates manually-curated protein functions:
- Proteins from NCBI's RefSeq are included if a
entry links the gene to an article in
GeneRIF also provides a short summary of the article's claim about the
protein, which is shown instead of a snippet.
- Proteins from Swiss-Prot (the curated part of UniProt)
are included if the curators
identified experimental evidence for the protein's function (evidence
code ECO:0000269). For these proteins, the fields of the Swiss-Prot entry that
describe the protein's function are shown (with bold headings).
- Proteins from BRENDA,
a curated database of enzymes, are included if they are linked to a paper in PubMed
and their full sequence is known.
- Every protein from the non-redundant subset of
a database
of ligand-binding sites and catalytic residues in protein structures, is included. Since BioLiP itself
does not include descriptions of the proteins, those are taken from the
Protein Data Bank.
Descriptions from PDB rely on the original submitter of the
structure and cannot be updated by others, so they may be less reliable.
(For SitesBLAST and Sites on a Tree, we use a larger subset of BioLiP so that every
ligand is represented among a group of structures with similar sequences, but for
PaperBLAST, we use the non-redundant set provided by BioLiP.)
- Every protein from EcoCyc, a curated
database of the proteins in Escherichia coli K-12, is included, regardless
of whether they are characterized or not.
- Proteins from the MetaCyc metabolic pathway database
are included if they are linked to a paper in PubMed and their full sequence is known.
- Proteins from the Transport Classification Database (TCDB)
are included if they have known substrate(s), have reference(s),
and are not described as uncharacterized or putative.
(Some of the references are not visible on the PaperBLAST web site.)
- Every protein from CharProtDB,
a database of experimentally characterized protein annotations, is included.
- Proteins from the CAZy database of carbohydrate-active enzymes
are included if they are associated with an Enzyme Classification number.
Even though CAZy does not provide links from individual protein sequences to papers,
these should all be experimentally-characterized proteins.
- Proteins from the REBASE database
of restriction enzymes are included if they have known specificity.
- Every protein with an evidence-based reannotation (based on mutant phenotypes)
in the Fitness Browser is included.
- Sequence-specific transcription factors (including sigma factors and DNA-binding response regulators)
with experimentally-determined DNA binding sites from the
PRODORIC database of gene regulation in prokaryotes.
- Putative transcription factors from RegPrecise
that have manually-curated predictions for their binding sites. These predictions are based on
conserved putative regulatory sites across genomes that contain similar transcription factors,
so PaperBLAST clusters the TFs at 70% identity and retains just one member of each cluster.
- Coding sequence (CDS) features from the
European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)
are included if the /experiment tag is set (implying that there is experimental evidence for the annotation),
the nucleotide entry links to paper(s) in PubMed,
and the nucleotide entry is from the STD data class
(implying that these are targeted annotated sequences, not from shotgun sequencing).
Also, to filter out genes whose transcription or translation was detected, but whose function
was not studied, nucleotide entries or papers with more than 25 such proteins are excluded.
Descriptions from ENA rely on the original submitter of the
sequence and cannot be updated by others, so they may be less reliable.
Except for GeneRIF and ENA,
the curated entries include a short curated
description of the protein's function.
For entries from BioLiP, the protein's function may not be known beyond binding to the ligand.
Many of these entries also link to articles in PubMed.
For more information see the
PaperBLAST paper (mSystems 2017)
or the code.
You can download PaperBLAST's database here.
Changes to PaperBLAST since the paper was written:
- November 2023: incorporated PRODORIC and RegPrecise. Many PRODORIC entries were not linked to a protein sequence (no UniProt identifier), so we added this information.
- February 2023: BioLiP changed their download format. PaperBLAST now includes their non-redundant subset. SitesBLAST and Sites on a Tree use a larger non-redundant subset that ensures that every ligand is represented within each cluster. This should ensure that every binding site is represented.
- June 2022: incorporated some coding sequences from ENA with the /experiment tag.
- March 2022: incorporated BioLiP.
- April 2020: incorporated TCDB.
- April 2019: EuropePMC now returns table entries in their search results. This has expanded PaperBLAST's database, but most of the new entries are of low relevance, and the resulting snippets are often just lists of locus tags with annotations.
- February 2018: the alignment page reports the conservation of the hit's functional sites (if available from from Swiss-Prot or UniProt)
- January 2018: incorporated BRENDA.
- December 2017: incorporated MetaCyc, CharProtDB, CAZy, REBASE, and the reannotations from the Fitness Browser.
- September 2017: EuropePMC no longer returns some table entries in their search results. This has shrunk PaperBLAST's database, but has also reduced the number of low-relevance hits.
Many of these changes are described in Interactive tools for functional annotation of bacterial genomes.
PaperBLAST cannot provide snippets for many of the papers that are
published in non-open-access journals. This limitation applies even if
the paper is marked as "free" on the publisher's web site and is
available in PubmedCentral or EuropePMC. If a journal that you publish
in is marked as "secret," please consider publishing elsewhere.
Many important articles are missing from PaperBLAST, either because
the article's full text is not in EuropePMC (as for many older
articles), or because the paper does not mention a protein identifier such as a locus tag, or because of PaperBLAST's heuristics. If you notice an
article that characterizes a protein's function but is missing from
PaperBLAST, please notify the curators at UniProt
or add an entry to GeneRIF.
Entries in either of these databases will eventually be incorporated
into PaperBLAST. Note that to add an entry to UniProt, you will need
to find the UniProt identifier for the protein. If the protein is not
already in UniProt, you can ask them to create an entry. To add an
entry to GeneRIF, you will need an NCBI Gene identifier, but
unfortunately many prokaryotic proteins in RefSeq do not have
corresponding Gene identifers.
PaperBLAST: Text-mining papers for information about homologs.
M. N. Price and A. P. Arkin (2017). mSystems, 10.1128/mSystems.00039-17.
Europe PMC in 2017.
M. Levchenko et al (2017). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkx1005.
Gene indexing: characterization and analysis of NLM's GeneRIFs.
J. A. Mitchell et al (2003). AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2003:460-464.
UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase.
The UniProt Consortium (2016). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkw1099.
BRENDA in 2017: new perspectives and new tools in BRENDA.
S. Placzek et al (2017). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkw952.
The EcoCyc database: reflecting new knowledge about Escherichia coli K-12.
I. M. Keeseler et al (2016). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkw1003.
The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes.
R. Caspi et al (2018). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkx935.
CharProtDB: a database of experimentally characterized protein annotations.
R. Madupu et al (2012). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkr1133.
The carbohydrate-active enzymes database (CAZy) in 2013.
V. Lombard et al (2014). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkt1178.
The Transporter Classification Database (TCDB): recent advances
M. H. Saier, Jr. et al (2016). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkv1103.
REBASE - a database for DNA restriction and modification: enzymes, genes and genomes.
R. J. Roberts et al (2015). Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gku1046.
Deep annotation of protein function across diverse bacteria from mutant phenotypes.
M. N. Price et al (2016). bioRxiv, 10.1101/072470.
by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory