PSORTb v3.0 (Gram-negative)

Running PSORTb v3.0 on HSERO_RS15945 FitnessBrowser__HerbieS:HSERO_RS15945 (305 amino acids)

SeqID: HSERO_RS15945 FitnessBrowser__HerbieS:HSERO_RS15945
  Analysis Report:
    CMSVM-            CytoplasmicMembrane           [No details]
    CytoSVM-          Unknown                       [No details]
    ECSVM-            Unknown                       [No details]
    ModHMM-           CytoplasmicMembrane           [4 internal helices found]
    Motif-            Unknown                       [No motifs found]
    OMPMotif-         Unknown                       [No motifs found]
    OMSVM-            Unknown                       [No details]
    PPSVM-            Unknown                       [No details]
    Profile-          Unknown                       [No matches to profiles found]
    SCL-BLAST-        CytoplasmicMembrane           [matched 3183271: Inner membrane ABC transporter permease protein yddQ]
    SCL-BLASTe-       Unknown                       [No matches against database]
    Signal-           Non-Cytoplasmic               [Signal peptide detected]
  Localization Scores:
    CytoplasmicMembrane    10.00
    Periplasmic            0.00
    Extracellular          0.00
    OuterMembrane          0.00
    Cytoplasmic            0.00
  Final Prediction:
    CytoplasmicMembrane    10.00


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>HSERO_RS15945 FitnessBrowser__HerbieS:HSERO_RS15945

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory