Comparing Ga0059261_1631 FitnessBrowser__Korea:Ga0059261_1631 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3thuA Crystal structure of an enolase from sphingomonas sp. Ska58 (efi target efi-501683) with bound mg
83% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 3:405/405 of 3thuA
Q1NAJ2 D-mannonate dehydratase; ManD; EC from Sphingomonas sp. (strain SKA58) (see paper)
83% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 1:403/403 of Q1NAJ2
4fi4A Crystal structure of mannonate dehydratase prk15072 (target efi- 502214) from caulobacter sp. K31
78% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 5:407/407 of 4fi4A
B0T0B1 D-mannonate dehydratase Caul1427; ManD; EC from Caulobacter sp. (strain K31) (see paper)
78% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 1:403/403 of B0T0B1
4gmeC Crystal structure of mannonate dehydratase (target efi-502209) from caulobacter crescentus cb15 complexed with magnesium and d-mannonate
75% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 1:403/403 of 4gmeC
4gmeA Crystal structure of mannonate dehydratase (target efi-502209) from caulobacter crescentus cb15 complexed with magnesium and d-mannonate
75% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 1:403/403 of 4gmeA
Q9AAR4 D-mannonate dehydratase CC0532; ManD; EC from Caulobacter vibrioides (strain ATCC 19089 / CIP 103742 / CB 15) (Caulobacter crescentus) (see paper)
75% identity, 100% coverage: 1:403/403 of query aligns to 1:403/403 of Q9AAR4
C6D9S0 D-galactonate dehydratase family member PC1_0802; D-mannonate dehydratase; EC 4.2.1.-; EC from Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (strain PC1) (see paper)
67% identity, 100% coverage: 3:403/403 of query aligns to 2:404/404 of C6D9S0
Q8FHC7 D-galactonate dehydratase family member RspA; D-mannonate dehydratase; Starvation sensing protein RspA homolog; EC 4.2.1.-; EC from Escherichia coli O6:H1 (strain CFT073 / ATCC 700928 / UPEC) (see paper)
67% identity, 100% coverage: 3:403/403 of query aligns to 13:415/415 of Q8FHC7
4il2B Crystal structure of d-mannonate dehydratase (rspa) from e. Coli cft073 (efi target efi-501585)
67% identity, 100% coverage: 3:403/403 of query aligns to 2:404/404 of 4il2B
B3PDB1 D-galactonate dehydratase family member RspA; D-mannonate dehydratase; Starvation sensing protein RspA homolog; EC 4.2.1.-; EC from Cellvibrio japonicus (strain Ueda107) (Pseudomonas fluorescens subsp. cellulosa) (see paper)
66% identity, 100% coverage: 3:403/403 of query aligns to 2:402/402 of B3PDB1
2qjjA Crystal structure of d-mannonate dehydratase from novosphingobium aromaticivorans (see paper)
70% identity, 100% coverage: 3:403/403 of query aligns to 2:402/402 of 2qjjA