Comparing RR42_RS25130 FitnessBrowser__Cup4G11:RR42_RS25130 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3tw6B Structure of rhizobium etli pyruvate carboxylase t882a with the allosteric activator, acetyl coenzyme-a (see paper)
60% identity, 99% coverage: 5:1162/1167 of query aligns to 2:1129/1129 of 3tw6B
- active site: K124 (= K121), K162 (= K163), H212 (= H213), R238 (= R239), T277 (= T278), E279 (= E280), E293 (= E294), N295 (= N296), R297 (= R298), E301 (= E302), R349 (= R363), D544 (= D560), D650 (= D666), K713 (= K729), H742 (= H758), H744 (= H760), A877 (≠ T893)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: K124 (= K121), K162 (= K163), G167 (= G168), G169 (= G170), M172 (= M173), E204 (= E205), L206 (= L207), V207 (= V208), H212 (= H213), Q236 (= Q237), N239 (= N240), L281 (= L282), E293 (= E294), T450 (= T464)
- binding 5-(hexahydro-2-oxo-1h-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-6-yl)pentanal: R349 (= R363), D395 (= D409), K1102 (= K1132)
- binding magnesium ion: E279 (= E280), E293 (= E294), M529 (= M545), R530 (≠ L546), E532 (≠ Q548), D763 (= D779)
- binding zinc ion: D544 (= D560), K713 (= K729), H742 (= H758), H744 (= H760)
3tw6C Structure of rhizobium etli pyruvate carboxylase t882a with the allosteric activator, acetyl coenzyme-a (see paper)
60% identity, 91% coverage: 5:1070/1167 of query aligns to 2:1038/1044 of 3tw6C
- active site: K124 (= K121), K166 (= K163), H200 (= H213), R226 (= R239), T265 (= T278), E267 (= E280), E281 (= E294), N283 (= N296), R285 (= R298), E289 (= E302), R337 (= R363), D528 (= D560), D634 (= D666), K697 (= K729), H726 (= H758), H728 (= H760), A861 (≠ T893)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: K166 (= K163), M169 (= M173), V195 (= V208), H200 (= H213), Q224 (= Q237), E281 (= E294), T438 (= T464)
- binding coenzyme a: R411 (= R437), R413 (= R439), R453 (= R479), Q454 (= Q480), D455 (= D481), R456 (= R482), L1011 (= L1043)
- binding magnesium ion: E267 (= E280), E281 (= E294)
- binding phosphonoacetic acid: K229 (= K242), R285 (= R298), Q287 (= Q300), V288 (= V301), E289 (= E302)
- binding zinc ion: D528 (= D560), K697 (= K729), H726 (= H758), H728 (= H760)
2qf7B Crystal structure of a complete multifunctional pyruvate carboxylase from rhizobium etli (see paper)
58% identity, 92% coverage: 5:1078/1167 of query aligns to 2:1016/1017 of 2qf7B
- active site: K123 (= K121), K150 (= K163), H169 (= H213), R195 (= R239), T234 (= T278), E236 (= E280), E250 (= E294), N252 (= N296), R254 (= R298), E258 (= E302), R306 (= R363), D498 (= D560), D604 (= D666), K667 (= K729), H696 (= H758), H698 (= H760), T831 (= T893)
- binding phosphothiophosphoric acid-adenylate ester: M148 (= M161), K150 (= K163), M153 (= M173), E161 (= E205), V164 (= V208), H169 (= H213), Q193 (= Q237), E236 (= E280), L238 (= L282), I249 (= I293), E250 (= E294), T407 (= T464)
- binding magnesium ion: E236 (= E280), E250 (= E294), M483 (= M545), R484 (≠ L546), E486 (≠ Q548), D717 (= D779)
- binding zinc ion: D498 (= D560), K667 (= K729), H696 (= H758), H698 (= H760)
2qf7A Crystal structure of a complete multifunctional pyruvate carboxylase from rhizobium etli (see paper)
56% identity, 99% coverage: 5:1162/1167 of query aligns to 2:1073/1076 of 2qf7A
- active site: K124 (≠ E179), H147 (= H213), R173 (= R239), T212 (= T278), E214 (= E280), E228 (= E294), N230 (= N296), R232 (= R298), E236 (= E302), R284 (= R363), D479 (= D560), D585 (= D666), K648 (= K729), H677 (= H758), H679 (= H760), T812 (= T893)
- binding phosphothiophosphoric acid-adenylate ester: H147 (= H213), Q171 (= Q237), E214 (= E280), L216 (= L282), E228 (= E294), T385 (= T464)
- binding coenzyme a: R400 (= R479), Q401 (= Q480), D402 (= D481), R403 (= R482), A404 (= A483), I956 (≠ L1037), K960 (= K1041), L962 (= L1043), N985 (= N1066)
- binding magnesium ion: E214 (= E280), E228 (= E294), M464 (= M545), R465 (≠ L546), E467 (≠ Q548), D698 (= D779)
- binding zinc ion: D479 (= D560), K648 (= K729), H677 (= H758), H679 (= H760)
3tw6A Structure of rhizobium etli pyruvate carboxylase t882a with the allosteric activator, acetyl coenzyme-a (see paper)
57% identity, 92% coverage: 5:1083/1167 of query aligns to 2:1006/1007 of 3tw6A