Comparing WP_000488665.1 NCBI__GCF_000382825.1:WP_000488665.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
2vpqB Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from s. Aureus complexed with amppnp (see paper)
56% identity, 97% coverage: 3:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/448 of 2vpqB
- active site: V116 (≠ N118), K156 (= K158), H206 (= H208), R232 (≠ N234), T271 (= T273), E273 (= E275), E287 (= E289), N289 (= N291), R291 (= R293), E295 (= E297), R337 (= R339)
- binding phosphoaminophosphonic acid-adenylate ester: K114 (= K116), I154 (≠ M156), K156 (= K158), G161 (= G163), G163 (= G165), I166 (= I168), F200 (≠ V202), I201 (= I203), E273 (= E275), I275 (≠ L277), M286 (= M288), E287 (= E289)
- binding magnesium ion: E273 (= E275), E287 (= E289)
2vr1A Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. Coli in complex with atp analog, adpcf2p. (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:438/444 of 2vr1A
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D194 (≠ G195), H207 (= H208), R233 (≠ N234), T272 (= T273), E274 (= E275), E286 (= E289), N288 (= N291), R290 (= R293), E294 (= E297), R336 (= R339)
- binding phosphodifluoromethylphosphonic acid-adenylate ester: K159 (= K158), R165 (≠ K166), M167 (≠ I168), Y201 (≠ V202), L202 (≠ I203), E274 (= E275), L276 (= L277), E286 (= E289), N288 (= N291), I435 (≠ T440)
2vqdA Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from pseudomonas aeruginosa complexed with ampcp (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/447 of 2vqdA
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), P196 (≠ G195), H209 (= H208), R235 (≠ N234), T274 (= T273), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291), R292 (= R293), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339)
- binding phosphomethylphosphonic acid adenosyl ester: K116 (= K116), I157 (≠ M156), K159 (= K158), G164 (= G163), G166 (= G165), F203 (≠ V202), L204 (≠ I203), H209 (= H208), Q233 (= Q232), H236 (≠ N235), L278 (= L277), E288 (= E289), I437 (≠ T440)
- binding magnesium ion: E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289)
4mv4A Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from haemophilus influenzae in complex with amppcp and mg2 (see paper)
52% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:437/442 of 4mv4A
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D193 (≠ G195), H206 (= H208), R232 (≠ N234), T271 (= T273), E273 (= E275), E285 (= E289), N287 (= N291), R289 (= R293), E293 (= E297), R335 (= R339)
- binding phosphomethylphosphonic acid adenylate ester: K159 (= K158), G164 (= G163), M166 (≠ G165), E198 (= E200), Y200 (≠ V202), L201 (≠ I203), H233 (≠ N235), L275 (= L277), E285 (= E289)
- binding magnesium ion: E273 (= E275), E285 (= E289)
3rupA Crystal structure of e.Coli biotin carboxylase in complex with two adp and two ca ions (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/444 of 3rupA
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D196 (≠ G195), H209 (= H208), R235 (≠ N234), T274 (= T273), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291), R292 (= R293), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: Y82 (≠ F82), G83 (= G83), K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), G164 (= G163), G164 (= G163), G165 (= G164), G166 (= G165), R167 (≠ K166), M169 (≠ I168), F193 (= F192), E201 (= E200), K202 (≠ R201), Y203 (≠ V202), L204 (≠ I203), H209 (= H208), Q233 (= Q232), H236 (≠ N235), K238 (= K237), L278 (= L277), E288 (= E289), R292 (= R293), V295 (= V296), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339), D382 (= D385), I437 (≠ T440)
- binding calcium ion: E87 (= E87), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291)
3g8cA Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase in complex with biotin, bicarbonate, adp and mg ion (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/444 of 3g8cA
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D196 (≠ G195), H209 (= H208), R235 (≠ N234), T274 (= T273), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291), R292 (= R293), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: I157 (≠ M156), K159 (= K158), G164 (= G163), M169 (≠ I168), E201 (= E200), K202 (≠ R201), Y203 (≠ V202), L204 (≠ I203), Q233 (= Q232), H236 (≠ N235), L278 (= L277), E288 (= E289), I437 (≠ T440)
- binding bicarbonate ion: K238 (= K237), R292 (= R293), Q294 (= Q295), V295 (= V296), E296 (= E297)
- binding biotin: Y82 (≠ F82), F84 (= F84), R292 (= R293), V295 (= V296), R338 (= R339), D382 (= D385)
- binding magnesium ion: E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289)
3jziA Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. Coli in complex with benzimidazole series (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/445 of 3jziA
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D196 (≠ G195), H209 (= H208), R235 (≠ N234), T274 (= T273), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291), R292 (= R293), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339)
- binding 7-amino-2-[(2-chlorobenzyl)amino]-1-{[(1S,2S)-2-hydroxycycloheptyl]methyl}-1H-benzimidazole-5-carboxamide: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), A160 (= A159), G164 (= G163), G165 (= G164), M169 (≠ I168), Y199 (= Y198), E201 (= E200), K202 (≠ R201), Y203 (≠ V202), H209 (= H208), Q233 (= Q232), H236 (≠ N235), L278 (= L277), I287 (≠ M288), E288 (= E289)
2w6oA Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. Coli in complex with 4-amino-7,7-dimethyl-7,8-dihydro-quinazolinone fragment (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/445 of 2w6oA
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D196 (≠ G195), H209 (= H208), R235 (≠ N234), T274 (= T273), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291), R292 (= R293), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339)
- binding 4-amino-7,7-dimethyl-7,8-dihydroquinazolin-5(6H)-one: K159 (= K158), K202 (≠ R201), Y203 (≠ V202), L204 (≠ I203), L278 (= L277), I437 (≠ T440)
2w6nA Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. Coli in complex with amino-oxazole fragment series (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/445 of 2w6nA
- active site: K116 (= K116), K159 (= K158), D196 (≠ G195), H209 (= H208), R235 (≠ N234), T274 (= T273), E276 (= E275), E288 (= E289), N290 (= N291), R292 (= R293), E296 (= E297), R338 (= R339)
- binding 2-amino-n,n-bis(phenylmethyl)-1,3-oxazole-5-carboxamide: I157 (≠ M156), K159 (= K158), M169 (≠ I168), E201 (= E200), K202 (≠ R201), Y203 (≠ V202), L278 (= L277)
2v59A Crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e.Coli in complex with potent inhibitor 2 (see paper)
53% identity, 97% coverage: 1:443/455 of query aligns to 1:440/445 of 2v59A