Comparing WP_009543700.1 NCBI__GCF_000017845.1:WP_009543700.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
4rjkG Acetolactate synthase from bacillus subtilis bound to lthdp - crystal form ii (see paper)
36% identity, 97% coverage: 7:538/550 of query aligns to 4:540/553 of 4rjkG
- binding magnesium ion: D437 (= D435), D464 (= D462), T466 (≠ G464)
- binding 3-[(4-amino-2-methylpyrimidin-5-yl)methyl]-2-(1-carboxy-1-hydroxyethyl)-5-(2-{[hydroxy(phosphonooxy)phosphoryl]oxy}ethyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-3-ium: E47 (= E50), Q110 (= Q113)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: I384 (≠ V382), G385 (= G383), S386 (≠ A384), H387 (= H385), Q410 (≠ A408), L412 (≠ M410), G436 (= G434), D437 (= D435), G438 (= G436), G439 (= G437), T466 (≠ G464), Y467 (= Y465), D468 (≠ G466), M469 (≠ L467), V470 (≠ I468), Y533 (= Y531)
4rjkF Acetolactate synthase from bacillus subtilis bound to lthdp - crystal form ii (see paper)
36% identity, 97% coverage: 7:538/550 of query aligns to 4:540/552 of 4rjkF
- binding magnesium ion: D437 (= D435), D464 (= D462), T466 (≠ G464)
- binding pyruvic acid: A25 (≠ E28), K26 (≠ E29)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: P23 (= P26), E47 (= E50), P73 (= P76), G385 (= G383), S386 (≠ A384), H387 (= H385), Q410 (≠ A408), L412 (≠ M410), G436 (= G434), D437 (= D435), G438 (= G436), G439 (= G437), T466 (≠ G464), Y467 (= Y465), D468 (≠ G466), M469 (≠ L467), V470 (≠ I468), Y533 (= Y531)
4rjiC Acetolactate synthase from bacillus subtilis bound to thdp - crystal form i (see paper)
36% identity, 97% coverage: 7:538/550 of query aligns to 5:541/555 of 4rjiC
- binding magnesium ion: D438 (= D435), D465 (= D462), T467 (≠ G464)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: P24 (= P26), E48 (= E50), P74 (= P76), S387 (≠ A384), H388 (= H385), Q411 (≠ A408), G437 (= G434), D438 (= D435), G439 (= G436), G440 (= G437), T467 (≠ G464), Y468 (= Y465), D469 (≠ G466), M470 (≠ L467), V471 (≠ I468), Y534 (= Y531)
5d6rB Acetolactate synthase from klebsiella pneumoniae in complex with mechanism-based inhibitor
39% identity, 96% coverage: 7:534/550 of query aligns to 8:538/548 of 5d6rB
- active site: I26 (≠ L25), G28 (= G27), A29 (≠ E28), K30 (≠ E29), I31 (≠ N30), E51 (= E50), T74 (= T73), H113 (= H112), Q114 (= Q113), S115 (≠ Y114), Q163 (≠ E162), L254 (= L253), E281 (≠ S280), M386 (vs. gap), Q412 (≠ A408), M414 (= M410), D439 (= D435), D466 (= D462), G468 (= G464), Y469 (= Y465), M471 (≠ L467), V472 (≠ I468), Q475 (≠ K471), Y535 (= Y531)
- binding 3-[(4-amino-2-methylpyrimidin-5-yl)methyl]-2-[(Z)-2-fluoro-1-hydroxy-2-phosphonoethenyl]-5-(2-{[(S)-hydroxy(phosphonooxy)phosphoryl]oxy}ethyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-3-ium: M386 (vs. gap), G387 (= G383), S388 (≠ A384), Q412 (≠ A408), M414 (= M410), D439 (= D435), G440 (= G436), G468 (= G464), Y469 (= Y465), N470 (≠ G466), M471 (≠ L467), Y535 (= Y531)
- binding magnesium ion: R63 (= R62), Q212 (≠ R212), D439 (= D435), D466 (= D462), G468 (= G464)
5dx6B Acetolactate synthase from klebsiella pneumoniae soaked with beta- fluoropyruvate
38% identity, 96% coverage: 7:534/550 of query aligns to 20:544/557 of 5dx6B
- active site: I38 (≠ L25), G40 (= G27), A41 (≠ E28), K42 (≠ E29), I43 (≠ N30), E63 (= E50), T86 (= T73), H125 (= H112), Q126 (= Q113), S127 (≠ Y114), Q175 (≠ E162), L268 (= L253), E295 (≠ S280), M392 (≠ V382), Q418 (≠ A408), M420 (= M410), D445 (= D435), D472 (= D462), G474 (= G464), Y475 (= Y465), M477 (≠ L467), V478 (≠ I468), Q481 (≠ K471), Y541 (= Y531)
- binding 3-fluoro-2-oxopropanoic acid: G264 (vs. gap), R265 (vs. gap), Q272 (≠ D257), A400 (= A390), R401 (= R391), Y404 (≠ H394)
- binding magnesium ion: S135 (≠ A122), T138 (= T125), D445 (= D435), D472 (= D462), G474 (= G464)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: G393 (= G383), S394 (≠ A384), F395 (≠ H385), Q418 (≠ A408), M420 (= M410), G444 (= G434), D445 (= D435), G446 (= G436), D472 (= D462), G474 (= G464), Y475 (= Y465), N476 (≠ G466), M477 (≠ L467), V478 (≠ I468), Y541 (= Y531)
1ozfA The crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae acetolactate synthase with enzyme-bound cofactors (see paper)
39% identity, 96% coverage: 7:534/550 of query aligns to 8:537/545 of 1ozfA
- active site: I26 (≠ L25), G28 (= G27), A29 (≠ E28), K30 (≠ E29), I31 (≠ N30), E51 (= E50), T74 (= T73), H113 (= H112), Q114 (= Q113), S115 (≠ Y114), Q163 (≠ E162), L253 (= L253), E280 (≠ S280), M385 (vs. gap), Q411 (≠ A408), M413 (= M410), D438 (= D435), D465 (= D462), G467 (= G464), Y468 (= Y465), M470 (≠ L467), V471 (≠ I468), Q474 (≠ K471), Y534 (= Y531)
- binding magnesium ion: D438 (= D435), D465 (= D462), G467 (= G464)
- binding phosphate ion: G249 (vs. gap), R250 (vs. gap), Q257 (≠ D257), R343 (= R346), R394 (= R391), L396 (≠ Y393), Y397 (≠ H394)
- binding thiamine diphosphate: G386 (= G383), S387 (≠ A384), F388 (≠ H385), Q411 (≠ A408), M413 (= M410), G437 (= G434), D438 (= D435), G439 (= G436), D465 (= D462), G467 (= G464), Y468 (= Y465), N469 (≠ G466), M470 (≠ L467), V471 (≠ I468), Y534 (= Y531)
1ozgA The crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae acetolactate synthase with enzyme-bound cofactor and with an unusual intermediate (see paper)
39% identity, 96% coverage: 7:534/550 of query aligns to 9:541/549 of 1ozgA
- active site: I27 (≠ L25), G29 (= G27), A30 (≠ E28), K31 (≠ E29), I32 (≠ N30), E52 (= E50), T75 (= T73), H114 (= H112), Q115 (= Q113), S116 (≠ Y114), Q164 (≠ E162), L257 (= L253), E284 (≠ S280), M389 (vs. gap), Q415 (≠ A408), M417 (= M410), D442 (= D435), D469 (= D462), G471 (= G464), Y472 (= Y465), M474 (≠ L467), V475 (≠ I468), Q478 (≠ K471), Y538 (= Y531)
- binding 2-hydroxyethyl dihydrothiachrome diphosphate: M389 (vs. gap), G390 (= G383), S391 (≠ A384), F392 (≠ H385), Q415 (≠ A408), M417 (= M410), G441 (= G434), D442 (= D435), G443 (= G436), D469 (= D462), G471 (= G464), Y472 (= Y465), N473 (≠ G466), M474 (≠ L467), V475 (≠ I468), Y538 (= Y531)
- binding magnesium ion: D442 (= D435), D469 (= D462), G471 (= G464)
- binding phosphate ion: G253 (vs. gap), R254 (vs. gap), Q261 (≠ D257), R347 (= R346), R398 (= R391), Y401 (≠ H394)
5wdgA Acetolactate synthase from klebsiella pneumoniae in complex with a reaction intermediate
39% identity, 96% coverage: 7:534/550 of query aligns to 9:530/538 of 5wdgA