Comparing WP_009544984.1 NCBI__GCF_000017845.1:WP_009544984.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
7t30A Structure of electron bifurcating ni-fe hydrogenase complex hydabcsl in fmn/NAD(h) bound state (see paper)
44% identity, 85% coverage: 5:207/238 of query aligns to 5:207/666 of 7t30A
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C36 (= C36), G45 (= G45), C47 (= C47), R48 (= R48), C50 (= C50), C64 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: F93 (= F93), H98 (= H98), F99 (≠ V99), C100 (= C100), C103 (= C103), Q105 (≠ V105), C109 (= C109), L141 (≠ F141), R147 (= R147), C148 (= C148), L150 (= L150), C151 (= C151), Q152 (≠ T152), C154 (= C154), C158 (= C158), C192 (= C192), V193 (≠ T193), N194 (≠ S194), C195 (= C195), G196 (= G196), A197 (≠ K197), C198 (= C198), C202 (= C202), P203 (= P203), T204 (= T204), G205 (= G205), T206 (≠ A206), I207 (= I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
8a5eA Cryo-em structure of the electron bifurcating fe-fe hydrogenase hydabc complex from acetobacterium woodii in the reduced state (see paper)
37% identity, 95% coverage: 5:230/238 of query aligns to 5:231/583 of 8a5eA
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: T34 (= T34), C36 (= C36), G45 (= G45), C47 (= C47), C50 (= C50), C64 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H96 (≠ G96), N97 (= N97), C100 (= C100), C103 (= C103), S106 (≠ N106), C109 (= C109), C148 (= C148), C151 (= C151), K152 (≠ T152), C154 (= C154), C158 (= C158), V166 (= V166), C191 (= C192), C194 (= C195), G195 (= G196), C197 (= C198), C201 (= C202), P202 (= P203), V203 (≠ T204)
Sites not aligning to the query:
6tg9A Cryo-em structure of nadh reduced form of NAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase from rhodobacter capsulatus (see paper)
39% identity, 86% coverage: 6:210/238 of query aligns to 21:236/949 of 6tg9A
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C51 (= C36), V59 (= V44), G60 (= G45), C62 (= C47), C65 (= C50), C79 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H111 (≠ G96), C115 (= C100), C118 (= C103), A120 (≠ V105), C124 (= C109), C176 (= C148), I177 (= I149), V178 (≠ L150), C179 (= C151), M180 (≠ T152), C182 (= C154), C186 (= C158), I206 (= I178), C218 (= C192), S220 (= S194), C221 (= C195), G222 (= G196), C224 (= C198), C228 (= C202), T230 (= T204), A231 (≠ G205)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 289, 380, 381, 545, 582, 583
- binding 2-amino-5,6-dimercapto-7-methyl-3,7,8a,9-tetrahydro-8-oxa-1,3,9,10-tetraaza-anthracen-4-one guanosine dinucleotide: 255, 289, 351, 352, 380, 414, 415, 419, 420, 421, 443, 444, 464, 467, 545, 546, 550, 582, 583, 583, 649, 650, 655, 680, 693, 698, 724, 820, 821, 823, 823, 824, 825, 829, 830, 833, 902, 918, 919
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 252, 254, 255, 257, 259, 261, 287, 289, 423
7p8na Tmhydabc- t. Maritima hydrogenase with bridge closed (see paper)
38% identity, 86% coverage: 3:207/238 of query aligns to 1:201/642 of 7p8na
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: N32 (≠ T34), C34 (= C36), Y42 (≠ V44), G43 (= G45), C45 (= C47), R46 (= R48), C48 (= C50), C60 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H92 (≠ G96), D95 (≠ V99), C96 (= C100), C99 (= C103), C105 (= C109), Q108 (= Q112), C143 (= C148), I144 (= I149), L145 (= L150), C146 (= C151), G147 (≠ T152), D148 (≠ R153), C149 (= C154), C153 (= C158), V161 (= V166), C186 (= C192), V187 (≠ T193), L188 (≠ S194), C189 (= C195), G190 (= G196), C192 (= C198), C196 (= C202), P197 (= P203), T198 (= T204), A200 (= A206), L201 (≠ I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: 575, 577, 579, 580, 612, 613, 615, 616
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 295, 350, 480, 481, 482, 486
8a6tA Cryo-em structure of the electron bifurcating fe-fe hydrogenase hydabc complex from thermoanaerobacter kivui in the reduced state (see paper)
36% identity, 94% coverage: 1:223/238 of query aligns to 1:222/571 of 8a6tA
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C36 (= C36), D37 (≠ H37), C47 (= C47), R48 (= R48), C50 (= C50), C63 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H95 (≠ G96), C99 (= C100), C102 (= C103), C108 (= C109), C146 (= C148), C149 (= C151), G150 (≠ T152), K151 (≠ R153), C152 (= C154), C156 (= C158), C189 (= C192), C192 (= C195), C195 (= C198), C199 (= C202), G202 (= G205)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding 2 iron/2 sulfur/5 carbonyl/2 water inorganic cluster: 229, 230, 231, 298, 323, 352, 353, 357, 412, 500
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 299, 354, 496, 500
5xf9B Crystal structure of NAD+-reducing [nife]-hydrogenase in the air- oxidized state (see paper)
37% identity, 88% coverage: 4:212/238 of query aligns to 3:208/234 of 5xf9B
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C35 (= C36), G44 (= G45), C46 (= C47), R47 (= R48), C49 (= C50), C61 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: F90 (= F93), H95 (= H98), F96 (≠ V99), C97 (= C100), C100 (= C103), S103 (≠ N106), C106 (= C109), C145 (= C148), I146 (= I149), L147 (= L150), C148 (= C151), G149 (≠ T152), C151 (= C154), L174 (≠ F177), C198 (= C202), G201 (= G205), A202 (= A206)
4hea3 Crystal structure of the entire respiratory complex i from thermus thermophilus (see paper)
32% identity, 84% coverage: 8:208/238 of query aligns to 6:215/756 of 4hea3
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C34 (= C36), S35 (≠ H37), G43 (= G45), C45 (= C47), R46 (= R48), C48 (= C50), C66 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H98 (≠ G96), D101 (≠ V99), C102 (= C100), C105 (= C103), C111 (= C109), Q114 (= Q112), R159 (= R147), C160 (= C148), I161 (= I149), C163 (= C151), R165 (= R153), C166 (= C154), F181 (≠ V169), C209 (= C202), P210 (= P203), V211 (≠ T204), A213 (= A206), L214 (≠ I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 355, 356, 488, 516, 517
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 235, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 270, 273, 387
7arcG Cryo-em structure of polytomella complex-i (peripheral arm) (see paper)
33% identity, 86% coverage: 6:210/238 of query aligns to 8:208/682 of 7arcG
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: R36 (≠ T34), C38 (= C36), Y39 (≠ H37), G47 (= G45), C49 (= C47), R50 (= R48), C52 (= C50), C66 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H98 (≠ G96), D101 (≠ V99), C102 (= C100), C105 (= C103), Q107 (≠ V105), C111 (= C109), Q114 (= Q112), C150 (= C148), I151 (= I149), C153 (= C151), C156 (= C154), C200 (= C202), V202 (≠ T204), A204 (= A206), L205 (≠ I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
7b0nG 3.7-angstrom structure of Yarrowia lipolytica complex I with an R121M mutation in NUCM. (see paper)
32% identity, 86% coverage: 6:210/238 of query aligns to 5:207/694 of 7b0nG
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C35 (= C36), G44 (= G45), C46 (= C47), R47 (= R48), C49 (= C50), C63 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H95 (≠ G96), C99 (= C100), C102 (= C103), C108 (= C109), Q111 (= Q112), C149 (= C148), H151 (≠ L150), C152 (= C151), T153 (= T152), C155 (= C154), C199 (= C202), V201 (≠ T204)
3i9vC Crystal structure of the hydrophilic domain of respiratory complex i from thermus thermophilus, oxidized, 2 mol/asu (see paper)
32% identity, 84% coverage: 8:208/238 of query aligns to 6:213/754 of 3i9vC
- binding calcium ion: D142 (= D135), H145 (= H138)
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C34 (= C36), S35 (≠ H37), G43 (= G45), A44 (= A46), C45 (= C47), R46 (= R48), C48 (= C50), C66 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H98 (≠ G96), D101 (≠ V99), C102 (= C100), C105 (= C103), K107 (≠ V105), C111 (= C109), L113 (= L111), Q114 (= Q112), C158 (= C148), I159 (= I149), C161 (= C151), C164 (= C154), F179 (≠ V169), I188 (= I178), C207 (= C202), P208 (= P203), V209 (≠ T204), A211 (= A206)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 270, 353, 354, 486, 514, 515
- binding manganese (ii) ion: 251, 279
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 268, 271, 384
3i9v3 Crystal structure of the hydrophilic domain of respiratory complex i from thermus thermophilus, oxidized, 2 mol/asu (see paper)
32% identity, 84% coverage: 8:208/238 of query aligns to 6:213/754 of 3i9v3
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C34 (= C36), S35 (≠ H37), G43 (= G45), C45 (= C47), R46 (= R48), C48 (= C50), C66 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H98 (≠ G96), D101 (≠ V99), C102 (= C100), C105 (= C103), C111 (= C109), Q114 (= Q112), C158 (= C148), I159 (= I149), C161 (= C151), C164 (= C154), F179 (≠ V169), I188 (= I178), C207 (= C202), P208 (= P203), V209 (≠ T204), A211 (= A206)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 353, 354, 486, 514, 515
- binding manganese (ii) ion: 251, 279
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 233, 236, 238, 239, 240, 268, 271, 384
2ybb3 Fitted model for bovine mitochondrial supercomplex i1iii2iv1 by single particle cryo-em (emd-1876) (see paper)
32% identity, 84% coverage: 8:208/238 of query aligns to 6:213/754 of 2ybb3
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C34 (= C36), S35 (≠ H37), G43 (= G45), C45 (= C47), R46 (= R48), C48 (= C50), C66 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H98 (≠ G96), C102 (= C100), C105 (= C103), K107 (≠ V105), C111 (= C109), Q114 (= Q112), C158 (= C148), H160 (≠ L150), C161 (= C151), C164 (= C154), C207 (= C202), P208 (= P203), V209 (≠ T204), L212 (≠ I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 353, 354, 486, 514, 515
- binding magnesium ion: 251, 279
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 233, 236, 238, 240, 267, 268, 384, 385
7q5yA Structure of nadh:ubichinon oxidoreductase (complex i) of the hyperthermophilic eubacterium aquifex aeolicus
32% identity, 86% coverage: 6:210/238 of query aligns to 4:211/626 of 7q5yA
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C34 (= C36), Y35 (≠ H37), G43 (= G45), C45 (= C47), R46 (= R48), C48 (= C50), C62 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H96 (≠ G96), D99 (≠ V99), C100 (= C100), C103 (= C103), A106 (≠ N106), C109 (= C109), Q112 (= Q112), C151 (= C148), V152 (≠ I149), V153 (≠ L150), C154 (= C151), Y155 (≠ T152), C157 (= C154), C161 (= C158), T167 (≠ A164), C193 (= C192), M195 (≠ S194), C196 (= C195), G197 (= G196), C199 (= C198), C203 (= C202), P204 (= P203), A207 (= A206), I208 (= I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
8gyms1 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 10, mitochondrial (see paper)
33% identity, 85% coverage: 6:207/238 of query aligns to 6:203/689 of 8gyms1
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: R34 (≠ T34), C36 (= C36), Y37 (≠ H37), C47 (= C47), C50 (= C50), C64 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H96 (≠ G96), C100 (= C100), C103 (= C103), Q105 (≠ V105), G106 (≠ N106), C109 (= C109), Q112 (= Q112), R147 (= R147), C148 (= C148), I149 (= I149), H150 (≠ L150), C151 (= C151), T152 (= T152), R153 (= R153), C154 (= C154), C198 (= C202), P199 (= P203), V200 (≠ T204), G201 (= G205), A202 (= A206)
7zm7A Cryoem structure of mitochondrial complex i from chaetomium thermophilum (inhibited by ddm) (see paper)
32% identity, 86% coverage: 6:210/238 of query aligns to 5:207/711 of 7zm7A
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: R33 (≠ T34), C35 (= C36), Y36 (≠ H37), G44 (= G45), C46 (= C47), R47 (= R48), C49 (= C50), C63 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H95 (≠ G96), D98 (≠ V99), C99 (= C100), C102 (= C103), Q104 (≠ V105), G105 (≠ N106), C108 (= C109), Q111 (= Q112), C149 (= C148), I150 (= I149), C152 (= C151), T153 (= T152), C155 (= C154), I179 (= I178), C199 (= C202), V201 (≠ T204), L204 (≠ I207)
5oefA Active semisynthetic [fefe]-hydrogenase cpi with aza-diselenato- bridged [2fe] cofactor (see paper)
31% identity, 87% coverage: 3:210/238 of query aligns to 1:208/574 of 5oefA
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C34 (= C36), F35 (≠ H37), K45 (≠ A46), C46 (= C47), C49 (= C50), C62 (= C64)
- binding magnesium ion: N40 (vs. gap), D42 (= D43)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H94 (≠ G96), F96 (≠ H98), K97 (≠ V99), C98 (= C100), C101 (= C103), R103 (≠ V105), R104 (≠ N106), C107 (= C109), L110 (≠ Q112), C147 (= C148), L148 (≠ I149), L149 (= L150), C150 (= C151), G151 (≠ T152), C153 (= C154), C157 (= C158), T161 (≠ E162), A165 (≠ V166), M166 (≠ W167), I177 (= I178), C190 (= C192), L191 (≠ T193), L192 (≠ S194), C193 (= C195), G194 (= G196), C196 (= C198), C200 (= C202), P201 (= P203), V202 (≠ T204), A204 (= A206), L205 (≠ I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 279, 282, 299, 319, 358, 361, 366, 503
- binding dicarbonyl[bis(cyanide-kappaC)]-mu-(iminodimethaneselenato- 1kappaS:2kappaS)-mu-(oxomethylidene)diiron(2+): 230, 231, 232, 299, 324, 325, 353, 354, 358, 417, 497, 503
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 300, 355, 497, 498, 499, 503
3c8yA 1.39 angstrom crystal structure of fe-only hydrogenase (see paper)
31% identity, 87% coverage: 3:210/238 of query aligns to 1:208/574 of 3c8yA
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: A32 (≠ T34), C34 (= C36), F35 (≠ H37), K45 (≠ A46), C46 (= C47), E47 (≠ R48), C49 (= C50), C62 (= C64)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H94 (≠ G96), F96 (≠ H98), K97 (≠ V99), C98 (= C100), C101 (= C103), R104 (≠ N106), C107 (= C109), L110 (≠ Q112), C147 (= C148), L148 (≠ I149), L149 (= L150), C150 (= C151), G151 (≠ T152), C153 (= C154), C157 (= C158), T161 (≠ E162), A165 (≠ V166), M166 (≠ W167), I177 (= I178), C190 (= C192), L191 (≠ T193), L192 (≠ S194), C193 (= C195), G194 (= G196), Q195 (≠ K197), C196 (= C198), C200 (= C202), P201 (= P203), A203 (≠ G205), A204 (= A206), L205 (≠ I207)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- active site: 279, 282, 299, 319, 358, 361, 366, 503
- binding 2 iron/2 sulfur/3 carbonyl/2 cyanide/water/methylether cluster: 230, 231, 232, 299, 324, 325, 353, 354, 358, 417, 497, 503
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 300, 355, 497, 498, 499, 503
1c4cA Binding of exogenously added carbon monoxide at the active site of the fe-only hydrogenase (cpi) from clostridium pasteurianum (see paper)
31% identity, 87% coverage: 3:210/238 of query aligns to 1:208/574 of 1c4cA