Comparing WP_009547107.1 NCBI__GCF_000017845.1:WP_009547107.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
2b5oA Ferredoxin-NADP reductase
74% identity, 71% coverage: 119:408/408 of query aligns to 2:292/292 of 2b5oA
- active site: Y71 (= Y188), S72 (= S189), C250 (= C366), E290 (= E406), Y292 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R69 (= R186), L70 (= L187), Y71 (= Y188), S72 (= S189), C90 (= C207), Y96 (= Y213), G107 (= G224), V108 (= V225), C109 (= C226), S110 (= S227), T150 (= T266), E290 (= E406), Y292 (= Y408)
1queA X-ray structure of the ferredoxin:nadp+ reductase from the cyanobacterium anabaena pcc 7119 at 1.8 angstroms (see paper)
69% identity, 73% coverage: 113:408/408 of query aligns to 1:303/303 of 1queA
- active site: Y79 (= Y188), S80 (= S189), C261 (= C366), E301 (= E406), Y303 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R77 (= R186), L78 (= L187), Y79 (= Y188), S80 (= S189), C98 (= C207), L102 (= L211), Y104 (= Y213), K105 (≠ Q214), G115 (= G224), V116 (= V225), C117 (= C226), S118 (= S227), T157 (= T266), E301 (= E406), Y303 (= Y408)
- binding sulfate ion: S223 (= S328), R224 (= R329), R233 (= R338), Y235 (= Y340)
1ewyA Anabaena pcc7119 ferredoxin:ferredoxin-NADP+-reductase complex (see paper)
69% identity, 73% coverage: 113:408/408 of query aligns to 1:303/303 of 1ewyA
- active site: Y79 (= Y188), S80 (= S189), C261 (= C366), E301 (= E406), Y303 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R77 (= R186), L78 (= L187), Y79 (= Y188), S80 (= S189), C98 (= C207), L102 (= L211), Y104 (= Y213), G115 (= G224), V116 (= V225), C117 (= C226), S118 (= S227), E301 (= E406), Y303 (= Y408)
1gjrA Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase complexed with NADP+ by cocrystallization (see paper)
70% identity, 71% coverage: 119:408/408 of query aligns to 2:295/295 of 1gjrA
- active site: Y71 (= Y188), S72 (= S189), C253 (= C366), E293 (= E406), Y295 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R69 (= R186), L70 (= L187), Y71 (= Y188), S72 (= S189), C90 (= C207), L94 (= L211), Y96 (= Y213), G107 (= G224), V108 (= V225), C109 (= C226), S110 (= S227), T149 (= T266), E293 (= E406), Y295 (= Y408)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: R92 (= R209), L94 (= L211), T147 (= T264), G148 (= G265), T149 (= T266), P186 (= P299), S215 (= S328), R216 (= R329), R225 (= R338), Y227 (= Y340), Q229 (= Q342), G254 (= G367), L255 (= L368), Y295 (= Y408)
2vzlA Ferredoxin-NADP reductase (mutations: t155g, a160t, l263p and y303s) complexed with NAD by cocrystallization (see paper)
69% identity, 71% coverage: 119:406/408 of query aligns to 2:293/295 of 2vzlA
- active site: Y71 (= Y188), S72 (= S189), C253 (= C366), E293 (= E406)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R69 (= R186), L70 (= L187), Y71 (= Y188), S72 (= S189), C90 (= C207), L94 (= L211), Y96 (= Y213), G107 (= G224), V108 (= V225), C109 (= C226), S110 (= S227), T149 (= T266), E293 (= E406)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: S72 (= S189), R92 (= R209), T149 (= T266), C253 (= C366), G254 (= G367), P255 (≠ L368), E293 (= E406)
Sites not aligning to the query:
3vo2A Crystal structure of zea mays leaf ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase iii (see paper)
56% identity, 70% coverage: 122:408/408 of query aligns to 12:296/296 of 3vo2A
- active site: Y77 (= Y188), S78 (= S189), C254 (= C366), E294 (= E406), Y296 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R75 (= R186), L76 (= L187), Y77 (= Y188), S78 (= S189), C96 (= C207), V97 (= V208), L100 (= L211), Y102 (= Y213), G112 (= G224), V113 (= V225), C114 (= C226), S115 (= S227), T154 (= T266), E294 (= E406), Y296 (= Y408)
1gawB Crystal structure analysis of the ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase from maize leaf (see paper)
53% identity, 75% coverage: 105:408/408 of query aligns to 4:305/305 of 1gawB
- active site: Y86 (= Y188), S87 (= S189), C263 (= C366), E303 (= E406), Y305 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R84 (= R186), L85 (= L187), Y86 (= Y188), S87 (= S189), C105 (= C207), Y111 (= Y213), G121 (= G224), V122 (= V225), C123 (= C226), S124 (= S227), T163 (= T266), Y305 (= Y408)
P00455 Ferredoxin--NADP reductase, chloroplastic; FNR; EC from Spinacia oleracea (Spinach) (see 3 papers)
51% identity, 78% coverage: 89:408/408 of query aligns to 58:369/369 of P00455
- RLYS 148:151 (= RLYS 186:189) binding FAD
- CVK 169:171 (≠ CVR 207:209) binding FAD
- Y175 (= Y213) binding FAD
- VCS 186:188 (= VCS 225:227) binding FAD
- T227 (= T266) binding FAD
- E367 (= E406) mutation to A: Slightly reduced activity.; mutation E->D,Q: Reduced activity.; mutation to L: Reduces activity by 99%.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1:55 modified: transit peptide, Chloroplast
P10933 Ferredoxin--NADP reductase, leaf isozyme, chloroplastic; FNR; EC from Pisum sativum (Garden pea) (Lathyrus oleraceus) (see 2 papers)
54% identity, 71% coverage: 119:408/408 of query aligns to 73:360/360 of P10933
- RLYS 139:142 (= RLYS 186:189) binding FAD
- S142 (= S189) binding NADP(+)
- CVK 160:162 (≠ CVR 207:209) binding FAD
- K162 (≠ R209) binding NADP(+)
- Y166 (= Y213) binding FAD
- VCS 177:179 (= VCS 225:227) binding FAD
- T218 (= T266) binding NADP(+)
- VP 250:251 (= VP 298:299) binding NADP(+)
- SR 280:281 (= SR 328:329) binding NADP(+)
- K290 (≠ R338) binding NADP(+)
- GL 319:320 (= GL 367:368) binding NADP(+)
- E358 (= E406) binding NADP(+)
- Y360 (= Y408) mutation to F: Results in a 2.0-fold reduction in kcat for the diaphorase reaction.; mutation to G: Results in a 302-fold reduction in kcat for the diaphorase reaction.; mutation to S: Results in a 22-fold reduction in kcat for the diaphorase reaction.; mutation to W: Results in a 2.2-fold reduction in kcat for the diaphorase reaction.
3mhpA Fnr-recruitment to the thylakoid (see paper)
54% identity, 71% coverage: 119:408/408 of query aligns to 8:295/296 of 3mhpA
- active site: Y76 (= Y188), S77 (= S189), C253 (= C366), E293 (= E406), Y295 (= Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R74 (= R186), L75 (= L187), Y76 (= Y188), S77 (= S189), C95 (= C207), L99 (= L211), G111 (= G224), V112 (= V225), C113 (= C226), S114 (= S227), T153 (= T266), E293 (= E406), Y295 (= Y408)
- binding : L25 (≠ E136), T27 (≠ Y138), K28 (≠ P139), I29 (≠ L140), H40 (= H151), F86 (≠ K198), G87 (= G199), W163 (= W276), F167 (= F280), E168 (= E281), K169 (= K282), E171 (= E284), S188 (≠ T301), S189 (≠ A302), E195 (≠ D308), E196 (≠ K309), K199 (≠ E312), K203 (≠ N316)
1qgaA Pea fnr y308w mutant in complex with NADP+ (see paper)
53% identity, 71% coverage: 119:408/408 of query aligns to 21:308/308 of 1qgaA
- active site: Y89 (= Y188), S90 (= S189), C266 (= C366), E306 (= E406), W308 (≠ Y408)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R87 (= R186), L88 (= L187), Y89 (= Y188), S90 (= S189), C108 (= C207), L112 (= L211), Y114 (= Y213), G124 (= G224), V125 (= V225), C126 (= C226), S127 (= S227), T166 (= T266), W308 (≠ Y408)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: S90 (= S189), K110 (≠ R209), G165 (= G265), T166 (= T266), G167 (= G267), V198 (= V298), P199 (= P299), S228 (= S328), R229 (= R329), K238 (≠ R338), Y240 (= Y340), Q242 (= Q342), C266 (= C366), G267 (= G367), L268 (= L368), E306 (= E406), W308 (≠ Y408)
1fncA Refined crystal structure of spinach ferredoxin reductase at 1.7 angstroms resolution: oxidized, reduced, and 2'-phospho-5'-amp bound states (see paper)
53% identity, 71% coverage: 119:408/408 of query aligns to 9:296/296 of 1fncA
- active site: Y77 (= Y188), S78 (= S189), C254 (= C366), E294 (= E406), Y296 (= Y408)
- binding adenosine-2'-5'-diphosphate: K98 (≠ R209), V186 (= V298), P187 (= P299), S216 (= S328), R217 (= R329), K226 (≠ R338), Y228 (= Y340), L256 (= L368), G258 (= G370)
- binding dihydroflavine-adenine dinucleotide: R75 (= R186), L76 (= L187), Y77 (= Y188), S78 (= S189), C96 (= C207), L100 (= L211), Y102 (= Y213), G112 (= G224), V113 (= V225), C114 (= C226), S115 (= S227), T154 (= T266), E294 (= E406), Y296 (= Y408)
1qfzA Pea fnr y308s mutant in complex with NADPH (see paper)
54% identity, 71% coverage: 119:407/408 of query aligns to 21:307/308 of 1qfzA
- active site: Y89 (= Y188), S90 (= S189), C266 (= C366), E306 (= E406)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R87 (= R186), L88 (= L187), Y89 (= Y188), S90 (= S189), C108 (= C207), K110 (≠ R209), L112 (= L211), Y114 (= Y213), G124 (= G224), V125 (= V225), C126 (= C226), S127 (= S227), T166 (= T266)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: S90 (= S189), K110 (≠ R209), G165 (= G265), T166 (= T266), G167 (= G267), V198 (= V298), P199 (= P299), S228 (= S328), R229 (= R329), Y240 (= Y340), C266 (= C366), G267 (= G367), L268 (= L368), G270 (= G370), E306 (= E406)
Sites not aligning to the query:
1qfyA Pea fnr y308s mutant in complex with NADP+ (see paper)
54% identity, 71% coverage: 119:407/408 of query aligns to 21:307/308 of 1qfyA