Comparing WP_011318370.1 NCBI__GCF_000204075.1:WP_011318370.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
6fkuA Structure and function of aldehyde dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus: an enzyme with an evolutionarily-distinct c-terminal arm (recombinant protein with shortened c-terminal, in complex with NADP) (see paper)
44% identity, 95% coverage: 24:494/498 of query aligns to 29:511/511 of 6fkuA
- active site: N159 (= N154), E261 (= E252), C295 (= C286), E483 (= E466)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: I155 (= I150), T156 (= T151), N159 (= N154), K182 (= K177), S184 (≠ A179), E185 (= E180), G214 (≠ V209), G215 (= G210), K216 (≠ E211), G220 (= G214), Q221 (≠ K215), F237 (= F228), T238 (= T229), G239 (= G230), S240 (= S231), V243 (≠ T234), E261 (= E252), L262 (≠ M253), C295 (= C286), R342 (= R332), F343 (≠ Q333), E404 (= E387), F406 (= F389)
5gtlA NADPH complex structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase from bacillus cereus
39% identity, 96% coverage: 10:485/498 of query aligns to 20:490/491 of 5gtlA
- active site: N165 (= N154), K188 (= K177), E263 (= E252), C297 (= C286), E394 (= E387), E471 (= E466)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: I161 (= I150), P163 (= P152), K188 (= K177), A190 (= A179), E191 (= E180), Q192 (≠ D181), G221 (= G210), G225 (= G214), G241 (= G230), S242 (= S231), T245 (= T234), L264 (≠ M253), C297 (= C286), E394 (= E387), F396 (= F389)
5gtkA NAD+ complex structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase from bacillus cereus
39% identity, 96% coverage: 10:485/498 of query aligns to 20:490/491 of 5gtkA
- active site: N165 (= N154), K188 (= K177), E263 (= E252), C297 (= C286), E394 (= E387), E471 (= E466)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I161 (= I150), I162 (≠ T151), P163 (= P152), W164 (= W153), K188 (= K177), E191 (= E180), G221 (= G210), G225 (= G214), A226 (≠ K215), F239 (= F228), G241 (= G230), S242 (= S231), T245 (= T234), Y248 (= Y237), L264 (≠ M253), C297 (= C286), Q344 (= Q333), R347 (= R336), E394 (= E387), F396 (= F389)
4o6rA Crystal structure of a putative aldehyde dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia
38% identity, 97% coverage: 5:489/498 of query aligns to 2:483/489 of 4o6rA
- active site: N150 (= N154), K173 (= K177), E248 (= E252), C282 (= C286), E383 (= E387), E460 (= E466)
- binding adenosine monophosphate: I146 (= I150), V147 (≠ T151), K173 (= K177), G206 (= G210), G210 (= G214), Q211 (≠ K215), F224 (= F228), G226 (= G230), S227 (= S231), T230 (= T234), R233 (≠ Y237)
2d4eC Crystal structure of the hpcc from thermus thermophilus hb8
40% identity, 95% coverage: 9:481/498 of query aligns to 29:501/515 of 2d4eC
- active site: N173 (= N154), K196 (= K177), E271 (= E252), C305 (= C286), E409 (= E387), E486 (= E466)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I169 (= I150), T170 (= T151), P171 (= P152), W172 (= W153), K196 (= K177), A198 (= A179), G229 (= G210), G233 (= G214), A234 (≠ K215), T248 (= T229), G249 (= G230), E250 (≠ S231), T253 (= T234), E271 (= E252), L272 (≠ M253), C305 (= C286), E409 (= E387), F411 (= F389), F475 (= F454)
4neaA 1.90 angstrom resolution crystal structure of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (betb) from staphylococcus aureus in complex with NAD+ and bme-free cys289 (see paper)
36% identity, 95% coverage: 5:475/498 of query aligns to 16:485/505 of 4neaA
- active site: N166 (= N154), K189 (= K177), E264 (= E252), C298 (= C286), E399 (= E387), E476 (= E466)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: P164 (= P152), K189 (= K177), E192 (= E180), G222 (= G210), G226 (= G214), G242 (= G230), G243 (≠ S231), T246 (= T234), H249 (≠ Y237), I250 (≠ V238), C298 (= C286), E399 (= E387), F401 (= F389)
5izdA Wild-type glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase from thermoplasma acidophilum in complex with NADP
36% identity, 97% coverage: 5:487/498 of query aligns to 1:479/494 of 5izdA
- active site: N149 (= N154), K172 (= K177), E247 (= E252), C281 (= C286), E381 (= E387), E458 (≠ N462)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: L145 (≠ I150), T146 (= T151), W148 (= W153), K172 (= K177), P173 (= P178), S174 (≠ A179), S175 (≠ E180), R204 (≠ V209), G205 (= G210), G209 (= G214), D210 (≠ K215), G225 (= G230), S226 (= S231), T229 (= T234)
7w5nA The crystal structure of the reduced form of gluconobacter oxydans wsh-004 sndh (see paper)
40% identity, 95% coverage: 10:484/498 of query aligns to 14:483/492 of 7w5nA
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: W156 (= W153), K180 (= K177), A182 (= A179), T212 (≠ V209), G213 (= G210), G217 (= G214), F231 (= F228), G233 (= G230), S234 (= S231), V237 (≠ T234), Q337 (= Q333), E388 (= E387), F390 (= F389)
P25526 Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NADP(+)] GabD; SSDH; Glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; EC; EC 1.2.1.- from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
38% identity, 96% coverage: 8:483/498 of query aligns to 12:480/482 of P25526
3jz4A Crystal structure of e. Coli NADP dependent enzyme (see paper)
38% identity, 96% coverage: 8:483/498 of query aligns to 11:479/481 of 3jz4A