Comparing WP_011425614.1 NCBI__GCF_000092045.1:WP_011425614.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
P76558 NADP-dependent malic enzyme; NADP-ME; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
59% identity, 98% coverage: 18:769/770 of query aligns to 5:758/759 of P76558
- K56 (≠ T69) modified: N6-acetyllysine
6zngF Maeb full-length acetyl-coa bound state (see paper)
46% identity, 97% coverage: 17:766/770 of query aligns to 3:743/753 of 6zngF
- active site: Y38 (= Y52), A74 (= A88), K93 (= K107), E135 (= E149), D136 (= D150), D160 (= D174), D161 (= D175), N286 (= N300)
- binding acetyl coenzyme *a: R511 (≠ V531), K514 (≠ R534), Y552 (= Y573), A553 (≠ E574), R557 (= R578), L560 (≠ R581), P571 (≠ D592), T590 (≠ Y612), V591 (= V613), N592 (≠ T614), L593 (≠ F615), Y625 (≠ H647), Q659 (≠ H682), L690 (= L713), N694 (= N717), Q724 (≠ A747)
6zn4A Maeb malic enzyme domain apoprotein (see paper)
60% identity, 52% coverage: 17:420/770 of query aligns to 2:405/406 of 6zn4A
6zn7A Maeb malic enzyme domain apoprotein (see paper)
60% identity, 52% coverage: 17:420/770 of query aligns to 2:405/405 of 6zn7A
- active site: Y37 (= Y52), A73 (= A88), K92 (= K107), E134 (= E149), D135 (= D150), D159 (= D174), D160 (= D175), N285 (= N300)
- binding magnesium ion: E134 (= E149), D135 (= D150), D160 (= D175)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: T164 (= T179), N191 (≠ S206), A193 (= A208), G194 (= G209), A195 (= A210), S196 (≠ A211), D218 (= D233), S219 (≠ I234), K235 (= K250), L260 (= L275), S261 (= S276), V262 (≠ A277), M283 (≠ L298), N285 (= N300), V315 (= V330)
5ceeA Malic enzyme from candidatus phytoplasma aywb in complex with NAD and mg2+ (see paper)
48% identity, 49% coverage: 44:419/770 of query aligns to 26:387/387 of 5ceeA
- active site: Y34 (= Y52), A70 (= A88), K89 (= K107), E131 (= E149), D132 (= D150), D156 (= D174), D157 (= D175), N283 (= N300)
- binding magnesium ion: E131 (= E149), D132 (= D150), D157 (= D175)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: T161 (= T179), N188 (≠ S206), G189 (= G207), G191 (= G209), A193 (= A211), D213 (= D233), K214 (≠ I234), V258 (≠ L275), S259 (= S276), I263 (≠ V280), L281 (= L298), N283 (= N300), V312 (= V330), N314 (= N332)
2a9fA Crystal structure of a putative malic enzyme ((s)-malate:nad+ oxidoreductase (decarboxylating))
51% identity, 44% coverage: 32:370/770 of query aligns to 18:354/383 of 2a9fA
2dvmA NAD complex structure of ph1275 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
42% identity, 53% coverage: 18:423/770 of query aligns to 1:402/438 of 2dvmA
- active site: Y37 (= Y52), R73 (≠ A88), K92 (= K107), E134 (= E149), D135 (= D150), D159 (= D174), D160 (= D175), N296 (= N300)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: T164 (= T179), G194 (= G209), A195 (= A210), A196 (= A211), V217 (≠ H232), E218 (≠ D233), L219 (≠ I234), P224 (vs. gap), F269 (≠ L275), T270 (≠ S276), L294 (= L298), N296 (= N300), N327 (= N332)
2haeD Crystal structure of a putative malic enzyme (malate oxidoreductase)
44% identity, 51% coverage: 22:412/770 of query aligns to 2:373/373 of 2haeD
2haeB Crystal structure of a putative malic enzyme (malate oxidoreductase)
44% identity, 51% coverage: 22:412/770 of query aligns to 2:373/373 of 2haeB
- active site: Y31 (= Y52), A67 (= A88), K86 (= K107), E128 (= E149), D129 (= D150), D153 (= D174), D154 (= D175), N280 (= N300)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: T158 (= T179), N185 (≠ S206), G188 (= G209), A189 (= A210), A190 (= A211), D210 (= D233), R211 (≠ I234), V255 (≠ L275), S256 (= S276), R257 (≠ A277), L278 (= L298), A279 (= A299), N280 (= N300), N311 (= N332)
6ioxA Crystal structure of porphyromonas gingivalis phosphotransacetylase in complex with acetyl-coa (see paper)
30% identity, 41% coverage: 455:766/770 of query aligns to 19:334/339 of 6ioxA