Comparing WP_011426948.1 NCBI__GCF_000092045.1:WP_011426948.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
Q56222 NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 1; NADH dehydrogenase I chain 1; NDH-1 subunit 1; EC 7.1.1.- from Thermus thermophilus (strain ATCC 27634 / DSM 579 / HB8) (see paper)
53% identity, 99% coverage: 2:416/420 of query aligns to 13:429/438 of Q56222
- K75 (= K64) binding FMN
- NADES 92:96 (≠ NADEG 81:85) binding FMN
- YICGEE 180:185 (= YICGEE 169:174) binding FMN
- INN 218:220 (= INN 207:209) binding FMN
- C353 (= C341) binding [4Fe-4S] cluster
- C356 (= C344) binding [4Fe-4S] cluster
- C359 (= C347) binding [4Fe-4S] cluster
- C400 (= C387) binding [4Fe-4S] cluster
4hea1 Crystal structure of the entire respiratory complex i from thermus thermophilus (see paper)
53% identity, 99% coverage: 2:416/420 of query aligns to 12:428/437 of 4hea1
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G63 (= G53), K74 (= K64), N91 (= N81), D93 (= D83), Y179 (= Y169), G182 (= G172), E183 (= E173), N218 (= N208), N219 (= N209), L401 (= L389)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: I180 (= I170), P198 (= P188), S351 (= S340), C352 (= C341), G353 (= G342), K354 (= K343), C355 (= C344), C358 (= C347), F398 (= F386), C399 (= C387), L401 (= L389)
2ybb1 Fitted model for bovine mitochondrial supercomplex i1iii2iv1 by single particle cryo-em (emd-1876) (see paper)
53% identity, 99% coverage: 2:416/420 of query aligns to 12:428/437 of 2ybb1
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G63 (= G53), G65 (= G55), N91 (= N81), D93 (= D83), G182 (= G172), E183 (= E173), E184 (= E174), N218 (= N208), N219 (= N209), T222 (= T212), P400 (≠ A388)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G65 (= G55), G66 (= G56), F69 (= F59), K74 (= K64), F77 (= F67), E96 (= E86), Y179 (= Y169), E184 (= E174), K201 (= K191), F204 (= F194), T324 (≠ S313)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: S351 (= S340), C352 (= C341), K354 (= K343), C355 (= C344), C358 (= C347), F398 (= F386), C399 (= C387), L401 (= L389), A402 (≠ G390)
8e9hF Mycobacterial respiratory complex i, fully-inserted quinone (see paper)
52% identity, 98% coverage: 2:413/420 of query aligns to 3:422/436 of 8e9hF
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G53 (= G53), R54 (= R54), G55 (= G55), A57 (= A57), K64 (= K64), N90 (= N81), D92 (= D83), Y178 (= Y169), G181 (= G172), E182 (= E173), E183 (= E174), N217 (= N208), N218 (= N209), S221 (≠ T212), L398 (= L389)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: P197 (= P188), S349 (= S340), C350 (= C341), G351 (= G342), K352 (= K343), C353 (= C344), C356 (= C347), S394 (≠ T385), F395 (= F386), C396 (= C387), L398 (= L389), G399 (= G390)
- binding zinc ion: C333 (= C324), E371 (= E362), H420 (= H411)
Sites not aligning to the query:
7p61F Complex i from e. Coli, ddm-purified, with nadh, resting state (see paper)
51% identity, 95% coverage: 18:414/420 of query aligns to 26:425/442 of 7p61F
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G61 (= G53), G63 (= G55), K72 (= K64), N90 (= N81), D92 (= D83), G181 (= G172), E182 (= E173), N217 (= N208), N218 (= N209), A399 (= A388), H400 (≠ L389)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G63 (= G55), G64 (= G56), A65 (= A57), F67 (= F59), K72 (= K64), L75 (≠ F67), E95 (= E86), Y178 (= Y169), E183 (= E174), F203 (= F194), R320 (≠ M310), T323 (≠ S313)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: S350 (= S340), C351 (= C341), W353 (≠ K343), C354 (= C344), C357 (= C347), F397 (= F386), C398 (= C387), H400 (≠ L389)
7t30B Structure of electron bifurcating ni-fe hydrogenase complex hydabcsl in fmn/NAD(h) bound state (see paper)
48% identity, 99% coverage: 5:418/420 of query aligns to 6:420/425 of 7t30B
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C326 (= C324), C364 (≠ E362), H413 (= H411), C419 (= C417)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G54 (= G53), G56 (= G55), K65 (= K64), N82 (= N81), D84 (= D83), E85 (= E84), G173 (= G172), E175 (= E174), N210 (= N209), G390 (≠ A388), L391 (= L389)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G56 (= G55), G57 (= G56), A58 (= A57), F60 (= F59), K65 (= K64), F68 (= F67), E85 (= E84), E175 (= E174), R192 (≠ K191), F195 (= F194), I312 (≠ M310), M313 (≠ L311), S315 (= S313)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: S342 (= S340), C343 (= C341), G344 (= G342), C346 (= C344), C349 (= C347), S387 (≠ T385), C389 (= C387), L391 (= L389), G392 (= G390)
Sites not aligning to the query:
7t2rB Structure of electron bifurcating ni-fe hydrogenase complex hydabcsl in fmn-free apo state (see paper)
48% identity, 99% coverage: 5:418/420 of query aligns to 6:420/425 of 7t2rB
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C326 (= C324), D329 (≠ K327), C364 (≠ E362), H413 (= H411), C419 (= C417)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: P189 (= P188), C343 (= C341), G344 (= G342), C346 (= C344), C349 (= C347), C389 (= C387), G392 (= G390)
Sites not aligning to the query:
8a6tB Cryo-em structure of the electron bifurcating fe-fe hydrogenase hydabc complex from thermoanaerobacter kivui in the reduced state (see paper)
48% identity, 95% coverage: 21:418/420 of query aligns to 168:565/630 of 8a6tB
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G201 (= G55), N227 (= N81), E230 (= E84), N355 (= N209), G535 (≠ A388), L536 (= L389)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: S320 (≠ E174), R337 (≠ K191), R340 (≠ F194), T341 (≠ P195), N342 (≠ A196), S433 (= S286)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: S487 (= S340), C488 (= C341), G489 (= G342), C491 (= C344), C494 (= C347), C534 (= C387), L536 (= L389), G537 (= G390)
- binding zinc ion: C471 (= C324), H558 (= H411), C564 (= C417)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: 31, 33, 36, 82, 85, 86
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: 575, 577, 582, 583, 585, 588, 592, 596, 597, 607, 612, 618, 622, 624, 626, 627
8b9zF Drosophila melanogaster complex i in the active state (dm1) (see paper)
50% identity, 91% coverage: 40:420/420 of query aligns to 56:435/441 of 8b9zF
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G69 (= G53), G71 (= G55), K80 (= K64), N98 (= N81), D100 (= D83), G189 (= G172), E191 (= E174), N226 (= N209), A408 (= A388), L409 (= L389)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: P205 (= P188), C361 (= C341), G362 (= G342), Q363 (≠ K343), C364 (= C344), C367 (= C347), T405 (= T385), C407 (= C387), L409 (= L389)
8eswV1 NADH dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 24 kDa subunit, isoform A (see paper)
50% identity, 91% coverage: 40:420/420 of query aligns to 54:433/439 of 8eswV1
- binding flavin mononucleotide: G67 (= G53), G69 (= G55), K78 (= K64), N96 (= N81), D98 (= D83), E99 (= E84), G187 (= G172), E188 (= E173), N224 (= N209), A406 (= A388)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: I185 (= I170), P203 (= P188), C359 (= C341), Q361 (≠ K343), C362 (= C344), C365 (= C347), T403 (= T385), I404 (≠ F386), C405 (= C387), L407 (= L389)
- binding : Y143 (≠ V128), N144 (≠ T129), Q150 (≠ E135), D174 (≠ T159)
Q91YT0 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 1, mitochondrial; NDUFV1; Complex I-51kD; CI-51kD; NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa subunit; EC from Mus musculus (Mouse) (see 2 papers)
52% identity, 88% coverage: 39:408/420 of query aligns to 73:446/464 of Q91YT0