Comparing WP_011937928.1 NCBI__GCF_000016745.1:WP_011937928.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
1dgjA Crystal structure of the aldehyde oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio desulfuricans atcc 27774 (see paper)
66% identity, 97% coverage: 1:903/931 of query aligns to 1:905/906 of 1dgjA
- active site: V391 (≠ I390), F427 (= F425), R503 (= R501), Y507 (≠ F505), R535 (= R533), E869 (= E867), M870 (≠ G868)
- binding molybdenum (iv)oxide: G424 (= G422), R535 (= R533), G698 (= G696), E869 (= E867)
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: V38 (= V38), G39 (= G39), C40 (= C40), G41 (= G41), G43 (= G43), Q44 (= Q44), C45 (= C45), G46 (= G46), C48 (= C48), R58 (= R58), C60 (= C60), C100 (= C100), G101 (= G101), C103 (= C103), C137 (= C137), C139 (= C139)
- binding pterin cytosine dinucleotide: Q99 (= Q99), C139 (= C139), F423 (= F421), G424 (= G422), R535 (= R533), W652 (= W650), H655 (= H653), G656 (= G654), Q657 (= Q655), G658 (= G656), A697 (≠ S695), G698 (= G696), S700 (= S698), S702 (≠ Q700), Q703 (≠ N701), C799 (≠ T797), N800 (= N798), V803 (≠ T801), V804 (= V802), Q807 (= Q805), S865 (≠ A863), G866 (= G864), V867 (= V865), G868 (= G866), E869 (= E867)
4usaA Aldehyde oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio gigas (mop), soaked with trans-cinnamaldehyde (see paper)
66% identity, 97% coverage: 1:905/931 of query aligns to 1:907/907 of 4usaA
- active site: I390 (= I390), F425 (= F425), R501 (= R501), F505 (= F505), R533 (= R533), E869 (= E867), L870 (≠ G868)
- binding bicarbonate ion: R460 (= R460), A531 (= A531), F532 (= F532), Y535 (= Y535), Q539 (= Q539)
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: V38 (= V38), C40 (= C40), E41 (≠ G41), G43 (= G43), C45 (= C45), G46 (= G46), C48 (= C48), R58 (= R58), C60 (= C60), C100 (= C100), G101 (= G101), C103 (= C103), C137 (= C137), C139 (= C139)
- binding hydrocinnamic acid: I255 (= I255), F425 (= F425), F494 (= F494), L497 (= L497), Y535 (= Y535), L626 (= L626)
- binding magnesium ion: E899 (≠ A897), E903 (≠ A901)
- binding (molybdopterin-cytosine dinucleotide-s,s)-dioxo-aqua-molybdenum(v): Q99 (= Q99), C139 (= C139), T420 (= T420), F421 (= F421), G422 (= G422), R533 (= R533), W650 (= W650), H653 (= H653), G654 (= G654), Q655 (= Q655), G656 (= G656), S695 (= S695), G696 (= G696), G697 (= G697), Q700 (= Q700), Q701 (≠ N701), C799 (≠ T797), N800 (= N798), T804 (≠ V802), Q807 (= Q805), S865 (≠ A863), G866 (= G864), V867 (= V865), G868 (= G866), E869 (= E867)
4us9A Aldehyde oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio gigas (mop), soaked with 3- phenylpropionaldehyde (see paper)
66% identity, 97% coverage: 1:905/931 of query aligns to 1:907/907 of 4us9A
- active site: I390 (= I390), F425 (= F425), R501 (= R501), F505 (= F505), R533 (= R533), E869 (= E867), L870 (≠ G868)
- binding 3-phenylpropanal: I255 (= I255), F257 (= F257), P258 (= P258), H752 (= H751)
- binding bicarbonate ion: R460 (= R460), L498 (≠ V498), A531 (= A531), F532 (= F532), Y535 (= Y535), Q539 (= Q539), R890 (= R888), Y892 (≠ R890)
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: V38 (= V38), C40 (= C40), E41 (≠ G41), G43 (= G43), C45 (= C45), G46 (= G46), C48 (= C48), R58 (= R58), C60 (= C60), C100 (= C100), G101 (= G101), C103 (= C103), C137 (= C137), C139 (= C139)
- binding magnesium ion: E899 (≠ A897), E903 (≠ A901)
- binding (molybdopterin-cytosine dinucleotide-s,s)-dioxo-aqua-molybdenum(v): Q99 (= Q99), C139 (= C139), T420 (= T420), F421 (= F421), G422 (= G422), R533 (= R533), W650 (= W650), H653 (= H653), G654 (= G654), Q655 (= Q655), G656 (= G656), S695 (= S695), G696 (= G696), G697 (= G697), Q700 (= Q700), Q701 (≠ N701), C799 (≠ T797), N800 (= N798), T804 (≠ V802), Q807 (= Q805), S865 (≠ A863), G866 (= G864), V867 (= V865), G868 (= G866), E869 (= E867)
4us8A Aldehyde oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio gigas (mop), soaked with benzaldehyde (see paper)
66% identity, 97% coverage: 1:905/931 of query aligns to 1:907/907 of 4us8A
- active site: I390 (= I390), F425 (= F425), R501 (= R501), F505 (= F505), R533 (= R533), E869 (= E867), L870 (≠ G868)
- binding bicarbonate ion: R460 (= R460), L498 (≠ V498), A531 (= A531), F532 (= F532), Y535 (= Y535), Q539 (= Q539)
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: V38 (= V38), C40 (= C40), E41 (≠ G41), G43 (= G43), C45 (= C45), G46 (= G46), C48 (= C48), R58 (= R58), C60 (= C60), C100 (= C100), G101 (= G101), C103 (= C103), C137 (= C137), C139 (= C139)
- binding benzaldehyde: I255 (= I255), I255 (= I255), L394 (= L394), F425 (= F425), F425 (= F425), F425 (= F425), F425 (= F425), L497 (= L497), L497 (= L497), R501 (= R501), A531 (= A531), Y535 (= Y535), Y535 (= Y535), L626 (= L626), L626 (= L626), L626 (= L626), P694 (= P694), G696 (= G696), G697 (= G697)
- binding (molybdopterin-cytosine dinucleotide-s,s)-dioxo-aqua-molybdenum(v): Q99 (= Q99), C139 (= C139), T420 (= T420), F421 (= F421), G422 (= G422), R533 (= R533), H653 (= H653), G654 (= G654), Q655 (= Q655), G656 (= G656), S695 (= S695), G696 (= G696), G697 (= G697), Q700 (= Q700), Q701 (≠ N701), C799 (≠ T797), N800 (= N798), T804 (≠ V802), Q807 (= Q805), S865 (≠ A863), G866 (= G864), V867 (= V865), G868 (= G866), E869 (= E867)
4c7yA Aldehyde oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio gigas (mop), soaked with sodium dithionite and sodium sulfide (see paper)
66% identity, 97% coverage: 1:905/931 of query aligns to 1:907/907 of 4c7yA