Comparing WP_012709840.1 NCBI__GCF_000018545.1:WP_012709840.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
P25526 Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NADP(+)] GabD; SSDH; Glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; EC; EC 1.2.1.- from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see paper)
68% identity, 99% coverage: 1:481/484 of query aligns to 1:481/482 of P25526
3jz4A Crystal structure of e. Coli NADP dependent enzyme (see paper)
68% identity, 99% coverage: 3:481/484 of query aligns to 2:480/481 of 3jz4A
- active site: N156 (= N157), K179 (= K180), E254 (= E255), C288 (= C289), E385 (= E386), E462 (= E463)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: P154 (= P155), W155 (= W156), K179 (= K180), A181 (= A182), S182 (≠ A183), A212 (= A213), G216 (= G217), G232 (= G233), S233 (= S234), I236 (≠ V237), C288 (= C289), K338 (= K339), E385 (= E386), F387 (= F388)
8c54A Cryo-em structure of nadh bound sla dehydrogenase rlgabd from rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Trifolii srd1565 (see paper)
64% identity, 99% coverage: 3:483/484 of query aligns to 2:482/482 of 8c54A
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: I152 (= I153), T153 (= T154), P154 (= P155), K179 (= K180), A212 (= A213), K213 (≠ R214), F230 (= F231), T231 (= T232), G232 (= G233), S233 (= S234), V236 (= V237), W239 (≠ E240), G256 (= G257)
8of1A Structure of aldh5f1 from moss physcomitrium patens in complex with NAD+ in the contracted conformation
56% identity, 100% coverage: 1:484/484 of query aligns to 18:501/505 of 8of1A
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I170 (= I153), A171 (≠ T154), P172 (= P155), W173 (= W156), K197 (= K180), A230 (= A213), F248 (= F231), G250 (= G233), S251 (= S234), V254 (= V237), M257 (≠ E240), L273 (= L256), C306 (= C289), K356 (= K339), E403 (= E386), F405 (= F388)
P51649 Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 5 member A1; NAD(+)-dependent succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 5 papers)
55% identity, 99% coverage: 7:483/484 of query aligns to 57:535/535 of P51649
- C93 (≠ L45) to F: in SSADHD; 3% of activity; dbSNP:rs765561257
- G176 (= G128) to R: in SSADHD; <1% of activity; dbSNP:rs72552281
- H180 (≠ P132) to Y: 83% of activity; dbSNP:rs2760118
- P182 (≠ H134) to L: 48% of activity; dbSNP:rs3765310
- R213 (= R165) binding substrate; mutation to A: Reduces catalytic activity to less than 15% of wild-type.
- C223 (= C175) to Y: in SSADHD; 5% of activity; dbSNP:rs72552282
- KPAE 228:231 (≠ KPAA 180:183) binding NAD(+)
- T233 (= T185) to M: in SSADHD; 4% of activity; dbSNP:rs1326526453
- A237 (= A189) to S: 65% of activity; dbSNP:rs62621664
- N255 (≠ S207) to S: in SSADHD; 17% of activity; dbSNP:rs145087265
- G268 (= G217) to E: in SSADHD; <1% of activity; dbSNP:rs375628463
- GSTTTG 284:289 (≠ GSTEVG 233:238) binding NAD(+)
- R334 (= R283) binding substrate; mutation to A: Reduces catalytic activity to less than 15% of wild-type.
- N335 (= N284) to K: in SSADHD; 1% of activity; dbSNP:rs72552283
- C340 (= C289) modified: Disulfide link with 342, In inhibited form
- C342 (= C291) modified: Disulfide link with 340, In inhibited form; mutation to A: Loss of regulation by redox state.
- N372 (= N320) natural variant: N -> S
- P382 (= P330) to L: in SSADHD; 2% of activity
- V406 (= V354) to I: in dbSNP:rs143741652
- G409 (= G357) to D: in SSADHD; <1% of activity; dbSNP:rs118203984
- S498 (= S446) binding substrate; mutation to A: Reduces catalytic activity to less than 15% of wild-type.
- G533 (= G481) to R: in SSADHD; <1% of activity; dbSNP:rs72552284
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 36 G → R: no effect on succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity; dbSNP:rs4646832
2w8rA The crystal structure of human ssadh in complex with NAD+ (see paper)
54% identity, 99% coverage: 7:483/484 of query aligns to 7:485/485 of 2w8rA
2w8qA The crystal structure of human ssadh in complex with ssa. (see paper)
54% identity, 99% coverage: 7:483/484 of query aligns to 7:485/485 of 2w8qA
6j76A Structure of 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose dehydrogenase in complex with nap (see paper)
38% identity, 95% coverage: 15:476/484 of query aligns to 6:471/477 of 6j76A
- active site: N148 (= N157), E246 (= E255), C280 (= C289), E458 (= E463)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: I144 (= I153), T145 (= T154), A146 (≠ P155), W147 (= W156), N148 (= N157), K171 (= K180), T173 (≠ A182), S174 (≠ A183), G204 (≠ A213), G208 (= G217), T223 (= T232), G224 (= G233), S225 (= S234), A228 (≠ V237), S231 (≠ E240), I232 (≠ L241), E246 (= E255), L247 (= L256), C280 (= C289), E381 (= E386), F383 (= F388), H447 (≠ F452)
5x5uA Crystal structure of alpha-ketoglutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (kgsadh) complexed with NAD (see paper)
40% identity, 96% coverage: 14:480/484 of query aligns to 8:474/476 of 5x5uA
- active site: N151 (= N157), K174 (= K180), E249 (= E255), C283 (= C289), E380 (= E386), E457 (= E463)
- binding glycerol: D15 (≠ E21), A16 (= A22), A17 (≠ D23), G19 (≠ Q25)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: P149 (= P155), P207 (≠ A213), A208 (≠ R214), S211 (≠ G217), G227 (= G233), S228 (= S234), V231 (= V237), R329 (≠ P335), R330 (≠ A336), E380 (= E386), F382 (= F388)
5x5tA Crystal structure of alpha-ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (kgsadh) from azospirillum brasilense (see paper)
40% identity, 96% coverage: 14:480/484 of query aligns to 8:474/476 of 5x5tA