Comparing WP_013460983.1 NCBI__GCF_000183725.1:WP_013460983.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
Q8NBZ7 UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase 1; UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 1; UGD; UXS-1; hUXS; hUXS1; EC from Homo sapiens (Human) (see 4 papers)
58% identity, 98% coverage: 2:308/312 of query aligns to 88:392/420 of Q8NBZ7
- G98 (= G12) binding NAD(+)
- F99 (= F13) binding NAD(+)
- V100 (= V14) binding NAD(+)
- D119 (= D33) binding NAD(+)
- N120 (= N34) binding NAD(+)
- F122 (= F36) binding NAD(+)
- T123 (= T37) binding NAD(+)
- G124 (= G38) binding NAD(+)
- D144 (= D58) binding NAD(+)
- V145 (= V59) binding NAD(+)
- L149 (≠ I63) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- Y150 (≠ L64) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- L159 (= L73) binding NAD(+)
- S161 (≠ C75) binding NAD(+)
- K177 (≠ R91) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- T178 (= T92) binding NAD(+)
- N185 (= N99) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- G188 (≠ D102) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- K191 (≠ R105) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- R192 (≠ K106) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- A200 (= A114) binding NAD(+)
- E204 (= E118) mutation to A: Reduced UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase activity.
- Y231 (= Y145) active site, Proton acceptor; binding NAD(+); mutation to F: Abolished UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase activity.
- K235 (= K149) binding NAD(+)
- R236 (= R150) mutation to H: Strongly reduced UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase activity, caused by a local unfolding of the active site that allows for a rotation of the dimer interface, leading to the formation of a homohexamer.
- Y245 (= Y159) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- Q248 (= Q162) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- E249 (≠ H163) binding UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate
- T261 (= T175) binding NAD(+)
- H267 (≠ N181) binding NAD(+)
- R272 (= R186) binding NAD(+)
- R361 (= R277) mutation to Q: Strongly reduced UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase activity.
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1 modified: N-acetylmethionine
2b69A Crystal structure of human udp-glucoronic acid decarboxylase
58% identity, 98% coverage: 2:308/312 of query aligns to 1:305/312 of 2b69A
- active site: T115 (= T116), S116 (= S117), E117 (= E118), Y144 (= Y145), K148 (= K149), R185 (= R186)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G8 (= G9), G11 (= G12), F12 (= F13), V13 (= V14), D32 (= D33), N33 (= N34), T36 (= T37), G37 (= G38), D57 (= D58), V58 (= V59), L72 (= L73), A73 (= A74), S74 (≠ C75), A76 (= A77), T91 (= T92), T115 (= T116), Y144 (= Y145), K148 (= K149), I171 (= I172), N173 (= N174), R185 (= R186)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate: P61 (= P62), L62 (≠ I63), Y63 (≠ L64), P78 (= P79), N98 (= N99), G101 (≠ D102), L102 (≠ I103), K104 (≠ R105), R105 (≠ K106), Y158 (= Y159), N173 (= N174), R185 (= R186), V186 (= V187), N189 (= N190), T201 (= T202), Y203 (= Y204), Q208 (= Q209), R210 (= R211), I244 (≠ M247), D270 (= D273)
Q6GMI9 UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase 1; UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 1; UXS-1; EC from Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio) (see paper)
58% identity, 98% coverage: 2:307/312 of query aligns to 86:389/418 of Q6GMI9
- R234 (= R150) mutation to H: In Man o' war (mow) mutant; characterized by severe craniofacial defects. Fishes show defective organization and morphogenesis of chondrocytes, perichondrium and bone.
4lk3B Crystal structure of human udp-xylose synthase r236a substitution (see paper)
50% identity, 98% coverage: 2:308/312 of query aligns to 1:267/274 of 4lk3B
- active site: T112 (= T116), S113 (= S117), E114 (= E118), K119 (= K149), R156 (= R186)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G8 (= G9), G11 (= G12), F12 (= F13), V13 (= V14), D32 (= D33), N33 (= N34), T36 (= T37), G37 (= G38), D57 (= D58), V58 (= V59), L72 (= L73), A73 (= A74), S74 (≠ C75), P75 (= P76), T88 (= T92), A110 (= A114), T112 (= T116), K119 (= K149), I142 (= I172), H151 (≠ N181)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate: R156 (= R186), V157 (= V187), N160 (= N190), T172 (= T202), Y174 (= Y204), Q179 (= Q209), R181 (= R211), I215 (≠ M247)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate-glucuronic acid: P61 (= P62), L62 (≠ I63), Y63 (≠ L64), I83 (≠ V87), K87 (≠ R91), N95 (= N99), G98 (≠ D102), L99 (≠ I103), K101 (≠ R105), Y129 (= Y159), E133 (≠ H163)
4lk3C Crystal structure of human udp-xylose synthase r236a substitution (see paper)
49% identity, 98% coverage: 2:308/312 of query aligns to 1:264/271 of 4lk3C
- active site: T110 (= T116), S111 (= S117), E112 (= E118), K117 (= K149), R154 (= R186)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G8 (= G9), G11 (= G12), F12 (= F13), V13 (= V14), D32 (= D33), N33 (= N34), T36 (= T37), G37 (= G38), D57 (= D58), V58 (= V59), L72 (= L73), A73 (= A74), S74 (≠ C75), P75 (= P76), T86 (= T92), K117 (= K149), I140 (= I172), H149 (≠ N181)
- binding pyrophosphate 2-: R154 (= R186), V155 (= V187)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate-glucuronic acid: P61 (= P62), L62 (≠ I63), Y63 (≠ L64), N93 (= N99), G96 (≠ D102), L97 (≠ I103), K99 (≠ R105), R100 (≠ K106), Y127 (= Y159), E131 (≠ H163)
4m55E Crystal structure of human udp-xylose synthase r236h substitution (see paper)
36% identity, 76% coverage: 4:239/312 of query aligns to 1:156/164 of 4m55E
- active site: T105 (= T116)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G6 (= G9), G9 (= G12), F10 (= F13), V11 (= V14), D30 (= D33), N31 (= N34), F32 (= F35), T34 (= T37), G35 (= G38), D55 (= D58), V56 (= V59), S72 (≠ C75), P73 (= P76), T81 (= T92), T105 (= T116), T131 (= T175)
4zrnA Crystal structure of udp-glucose 4-epimerase (tm0509) with udp-glucose from hyperthermophilic eubacterium thermotoga maritima (see paper)
32% identity, 97% coverage: 5:308/312 of query aligns to 3:305/309 of 4zrnA
- active site: T117 (≠ S115), G119 (≠ S117), A120 (≠ E118), Y143 (≠ T139), K147 (= K149), Y181 (vs. gap), G185 (≠ R186)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G9), G10 (= G12), F11 (= F13), I12 (≠ V14), D31 (= D33), N32 (= N34), S34 (≠ F36), S35 (≠ T37), G36 (= G38), S51 (≠ E53), I52 (≠ L54), L73 (= L73), A74 (= A74), A75 (≠ C75), T92 (= T92), S115 (≠ Q113), S116 (≠ A114), Y143 (≠ T139), K147 (= K149), Y170 (≠ I172), V173 (≠ T175)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate-glucose: T117 (≠ S115), G119 (≠ S117), A120 (≠ E118), Y143 (≠ T139), N172 (= N174), G185 (≠ R186), V186 (= V187), H201 (≠ T202), F203 (≠ Y204), Y208 (≠ Q209), R210 (= R211), V244 (≠ M247), R267 (≠ P270), D270 (= D273)
6zllA Crystal structure of udp-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase from bacillus cereus in complex with udp-galacturonic acid and NAD (see paper)
30% identity, 99% coverage: 4:312/312 of query aligns to 2:315/321 of 6zllA
- active site: T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), S128 (≠ E118), Y149 (≠ R133), K153 (≠ S137)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G9), G10 (= G12), F11 (= F13), I12 (≠ V14), D32 (= D33), H33 (≠ N34), F34 (= F35), I35 (≠ F36), K43 (≠ S39), D62 (= D58), I63 (≠ V59), L81 (= L73), A82 (= A74), A83 (≠ C75), I124 (≠ A114), T126 (= T116), Y149 (≠ R133), K153 (≠ S137), Y176 (≠ I172), V179 (≠ T175), R185 (≠ N181), M188 (≠ R186)
- binding (2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-6-[[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(2,4-dioxopyrimidin-1-yl)-3,4-dihydroxy-oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxy-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxy-3,4,5-trihydroxy-oxane-2-carboxylic acid: P85 (= P76), V87 (≠ S78), R88 (≠ P79), T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), Y149 (≠ R133), T178 (≠ N174), R185 (≠ N181), A189 (≠ V187), R192 (≠ N190), T204 (= T202), F206 (≠ Y204), Q211 (= Q209), R213 (= R211), I250 (≠ M247), E276 (≠ D273)
6zldA Crystal structure of udp-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase from bacillus cereus in complex with udp-glucuronic acid and NAD (see paper)
30% identity, 98% coverage: 4:310/312 of query aligns to 2:313/314 of 6zldA
- active site: T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), S128 (≠ E118), Y149 (≠ R133), K153 (≠ S137)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G9), G10 (= G12), F11 (= F13), I12 (≠ V14), D32 (= D33), H33 (≠ N34), F34 (= F35), I35 (≠ F36), K43 (≠ S39), D62 (= D58), I63 (≠ V59), L81 (= L73), A82 (= A74), A83 (≠ C75), I124 (≠ A114), T126 (= T116), K153 (≠ S137), Y176 (≠ I172), T178 (≠ N174), R185 (≠ N181), M188 (≠ R186)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate-glucuronic acid: P85 (= P76), R88 (≠ P79), T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), S128 (≠ E118), Y149 (≠ R133), F177 (= F173), T178 (≠ N174), R185 (≠ N181), M188 (≠ R186), A189 (≠ V187), R192 (≠ N190), T204 (= T202), F206 (≠ Y204), Q211 (= Q209), R213 (= R211), I250 (≠ M247), E276 (≠ D273)
6zl6A Crystal structure of udp-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase from bacillus cereus in complex with udp and NAD (see paper)
30% identity, 98% coverage: 4:310/312 of query aligns to 2:313/314 of 6zl6A
- active site: T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), S128 (≠ E118), Y149 (≠ R133), K153 (≠ S137)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G9), G10 (= G12), F11 (= F13), I12 (≠ V14), D32 (= D33), H33 (≠ N34), F34 (= F35), I35 (≠ F36), K43 (≠ S39), D62 (= D58), I63 (≠ V59), L81 (= L73), A82 (= A74), A83 (≠ C75), I124 (≠ A114), T126 (= T116), K153 (≠ S137), Y176 (≠ I172), T178 (≠ N174), V179 (≠ T175), R185 (≠ N181), M188 (≠ R186)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate: T178 (≠ N174), A189 (≠ V187), R192 (≠ N190), T204 (= T202), F206 (≠ Y204), Q211 (= Q209), R213 (= R211), I250 (≠ M247), E276 (≠ D273)
6zljA Crystal structure of udp-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase y149f mutant from bacillus cereus in complex with udp-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-glucuronic acid and NAD (see paper)
30% identity, 98% coverage: 4:310/312 of query aligns to 2:313/314 of 6zljA
- active site: T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), S128 (≠ E118), F149 (≠ R133), K153 (≠ S137)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G7 (= G9), G10 (= G12), F11 (= F13), I12 (≠ V14), D32 (= D33), H33 (≠ N34), F34 (= F35), I35 (≠ F36), K43 (≠ S39), D62 (= D58), I63 (≠ V59), L81 (= L73), A82 (= A74), A83 (≠ C75), I124 (≠ A114), T126 (= T116), K153 (≠ S137), Y176 (≠ I172), T178 (≠ N174), V179 (≠ T175), R185 (≠ N181), M188 (≠ R186)
- binding (2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R},6~{R})-6-[[[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-[2,4-bis(oxidanylidene)pyrimidin-1-yl]-3,4-bis(oxidanyl)oxolan-2-yl]methoxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-oxidanyl-phosphoryl]oxy-3-fluoranyl-4,5-bis(oxidanyl)oxane-2-carboxylic acid: P85 (= P76), R88 (≠ P79), T126 (= T116), S127 (= S117), S128 (≠ E118), F149 (≠ R133), F177 (= F173), T178 (≠ N174), R185 (≠ N181), M188 (≠ R186), A189 (≠ V187), R192 (≠ N190), T204 (= T202), F206 (≠ Y204), Q211 (= Q209), R213 (= R211), I250 (≠ M247), E276 (≠ D273)
8vr2B Crystal structure of the pcryo_0617 oxidoreductase/decarboxylase from psychrobacter cryohalolentis k5 in the presence of NAD and udp
32% identity, 98% coverage: 3:309/312 of query aligns to 8:313/321 of 8vr2B
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G14 (= G9), G17 (= G12), F18 (= F13), I19 (≠ V14), D37 (= D33), N38 (= N34), E40 (≠ K40), R41 (≠ E41), N61 (≠ D58), V62 (= V59), A81 (≠ L73), A82 (= A74), A83 (≠ C75), F124 (≠ A114), K154 (= K149), P177 (≠ I172), N179 (= N174)
- binding uridine-5'-diphosphate: R147 (= R142), G189 (≠ D184), A190 (≠ G185), M194 (≠ F191), Y205 (≠ T202), I206 (= I203), F207 (≠ Y204), R214 (= R211), I251 (≠ L248)
6bwlA X-ray structure of pal from bacillus thuringiensis (see paper)
31% identity, 98% coverage: 4:310/312 of query aligns to 2:312/313 of 6bwlA