Comparing WP_013835779.1 NCBI__GCF_000214825.1:WP_013835779.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3ic9C The structure of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase from colwellia psychrerythraea 34h.
37% identity, 95% coverage: 6:446/462 of query aligns to 4:462/483 of 3ic9C
- active site: C45 (= C47), C50 (= C52), S53 (= S55), V183 (= V187), E187 (= E191), H451 (= H435), E456 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I13 (= I15), G14 (= G16), G16 (= G18), T17 (≠ S19), E37 (≠ D39), G38 (≠ S40), T44 (= T46), G49 (= G51), C50 (= C52), K54 (= K56), F117 (≠ R121), A118 (= A122), T143 (≠ V146), G144 (= G147), N163 (≠ S167), I184 (= I188), R271 (= R269), G311 (= G301), D312 (= D302), T318 (≠ G308), L319 (≠ I309), L320 (= L310)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P11959 Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase; Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; E3 component of pyruvate complex; EC from Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Bacillus stearothermophilus) (see paper)
28% identity, 92% coverage: 14:440/462 of query aligns to 14:451/470 of P11959
- 39:47 (vs. 39:47, 44% identical) binding FAD
- K56 (= K56) binding FAD
- D314 (= D302) binding FAD
- A322 (≠ L310) binding FAD
1ebdA Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase complexed with the binding domain of the dihydrolipoamide acetylase (see paper)
28% identity, 92% coverage: 14:440/462 of query aligns to 8:445/455 of 1ebdA
- active site: P13 (≠ S19), L37 (= L43), C41 (= C47), C46 (= C52), S49 (= S55), N74 (≠ C80), V75 (≠ L81), Y180 (≠ V187), E184 (= E191), S320 (≠ N314), H438 (≠ Y433), H440 (= H435), E445 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G16), G12 (= G18), P13 (≠ S19), V32 (= V38), E33 (≠ D39), K34 (≠ S40), G39 (≠ T45), V40 (≠ T46), C41 (= C47), G45 (= G51), C46 (= C52), K50 (= K56), E112 (≠ R121), A113 (= A122), T141 (≠ V146), G142 (= G147), Y180 (≠ V187), I181 (= I188), R268 (= R269), D308 (= D302), A314 (≠ G308), L315 (≠ I309), A316 (≠ L310)
8qcjA Crystal structure of mycothiol disulfide reductase mtr from rhodococcus erythropolis (see paper)
26% identity, 94% coverage: 13:446/462 of query aligns to 7:453/458 of 8qcjA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G16), G12 (= G18), L30 (≠ V38), E31 (≠ D39), E32 (≠ S40), G37 (≠ T45), T38 (= T46), G43 (= G51), A113 (≠ K129), A138 (≠ V146), G139 (= G147), N158 (≠ S167), F178 (≠ V187), I179 (= I188), D302 (= D302), Q308 (≠ G308), L309 (≠ I309), K310 (≠ L310), H311 (= H311)
P09063 Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase; Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; E3 component of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex; LPD-Val; EC from Pseudomonas putida (Arthrobacter siderocapsulatus) (see paper)
29% identity, 89% coverage: 36:444/462 of query aligns to 33:447/459 of P09063
- 36:44 (vs. 39:47, 44% identical) binding FAD
- C44 (= C47) modified: Disulfide link with 49, Redox-active
- C49 (= C52) modified: Disulfide link with 44, Redox-active
- K53 (= K56) binding FAD
- A119 (= A122) binding FAD
- A142 (= A145) binding FAD
- GGGYI 179:183 (≠ GLGVI 184:188) binding NAD(+)
- Y182 (≠ V187) binding FAD
- E202 (≠ D207) binding NAD(+)
- V236 (= V240) binding NAD(+)
- AVGR 264:267 (≠ TLGR 266:269) binding NAD(+)
- D306 (= D302) binding FAD
- M312 (≠ G308) binding NAD(+)
- A314 (≠ L310) binding FAD
1lvlA The refined structure of pseudomonas putida lipoamide dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+ at 2.45 angstroms resolution (see paper)
29% identity, 89% coverage: 36:444/462 of query aligns to 32:446/458 of 1lvlA
- active site: L39 (= L43), C43 (= C47), C48 (= C52), S51 (= S55), S79 (≠ C80), P80 (= P82), Y181 (≠ V187), E185 (= E191), M317 (≠ N314), H435 (≠ Y433), H437 (= H435), E442 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: E35 (≠ D39), G36 (≠ S40), G41 (≠ T45), T42 (= T46), C43 (= C47), G47 (= G51), C48 (= C52), K52 (= K56), W117 (≠ R121), A118 (= A122), A141 (= A145), T142 (≠ V146), G143 (= G147), Y181 (≠ V187), R266 (= R269), R269 (≠ N272), D305 (= D302), L312 (≠ I309), A313 (≠ L310), H314 (= H311)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: V177 (≠ I183), G178 (= G184), Y181 (≠ V187), I182 (= I188), E201 (≠ D207), A263 (≠ T266), V264 (≠ L267), G265 (= G268), R266 (= R269), E309 (≠ F306), M311 (≠ G308)
Sites not aligning to the query:
6awaA 1.83 angstrom resolution crystal structure of dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase from pseudomonas putida in complex with fad and adenosine-5'-monophosphate.
27% identity, 94% coverage: 8:443/462 of query aligns to 3:459/475 of 6awaA
- active site: L45 (= L43), C49 (= C47), C54 (= C52), S57 (= S55), V191 (= V187), E195 (= E191), F449 (≠ Y433), H451 (= H435), E456 (= E440)
- binding adenosine monophosphate: I187 (= I183), E211 (≠ D207), A212 (= A208), L213 (≠ Q209), V245 (= V240), V277 (≠ L267)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I10 (= I15), G13 (= G18), P14 (≠ S19), G15 (≠ A20), E34 (≠ K29), K35 (= K30), T48 (= T46), C49 (= C47), G53 (= G51), C54 (= C52), K58 (= K56), H121 (≠ D127), G122 (= G128), S151 (≠ V146), G152 (= G147), I192 (= I188), R279 (= R269), G318 (= G301), D319 (= D302), M325 (≠ G308), L326 (≠ I309), A327 (≠ L310), Y358 (≠ F343)
Sites not aligning to the query:
2eq6A Crystal structure of lipoamide dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
28% identity, 94% coverage: 14:449/462 of query aligns to 8:451/460 of 2eq6A
- active site: V37 (≠ L43), C41 (= C47), C46 (= C52), T49 (≠ S55), A176 (≠ V187), E180 (= E191), H435 (≠ Y433), H437 (= H435), E442 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I9 (= I15), G10 (= G16), G12 (= G18), P13 (≠ S19), G14 (≠ A20), E33 (≠ D39), A34 (≠ S40), G39 (≠ T45), V40 (≠ T46), C41 (= C47), G45 (= G51), C46 (= C52), K50 (= K56), F111 (≠ R121), A112 (= A122), A135 (= A145), T136 (≠ V146), G137 (= G147), S155 (= S167), R269 (≠ N272), D306 (= D302), L312 (≠ G308), L313 (≠ I309), A314 (≠ L310), H315 (= H311), Y344 (≠ F343)
Sites not aligning to the query:
6cmzA 2.3 angstrom resolution crystal structure of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia in complex with fad and NAD
29% identity, 93% coverage: 14:444/462 of query aligns to 9:450/462 of 6cmzA
- active site: C42 (= C47), C47 (= C52), S50 (= S55), Y184 (≠ V187), E188 (= E191), H441 (= H435), E446 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G11 (= G16), G13 (= G18), P14 (≠ S19), E34 (≠ D39), R35 (≠ S40), G40 (≠ T45), T41 (= T46), C42 (= C47), G46 (= G51), C47 (= C52), K51 (= K56), E116 (≠ R121), A117 (= A122), T145 (≠ V146), G146 (= G147), V180 (≠ I183), G181 (= G184), Y184 (≠ V187), I185 (= I188), E204 (≠ D207), V268 (≠ L267), R270 (= R269), R273 (≠ N272), F277 (≠ R276), R289 (≠ V288), G308 (= G301), D309 (= D302), M315 (≠ G308), L316 (≠ I309), A317 (≠ L310), H318 (= H311)
- binding flavin mononucleotide: L152 (≠ V152), P153 (= P153)
6cmzB 2.3 angstrom resolution crystal structure of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia in complex with fad and NAD
29% identity, 93% coverage: 14:444/462 of query aligns to 9:450/459 of 6cmzB
- active site: C42 (= C47), C47 (= C52), S50 (= S55), Y184 (≠ V187), E188 (= E191), H441 (= H435), E446 (= E440)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: V150 (≠ I151), L152 (≠ V152), G181 (= G184), G183 (= G186), A205 (= A208), V268 (≠ L267), G269 (= G268)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G11 (= G16), G13 (= G18), P14 (≠ S19), E34 (≠ D39), R35 (≠ S40), T41 (= T46), C42 (= C47), G46 (= G51), C47 (= C52), K51 (= K56), E116 (≠ R121), A117 (= A122), T145 (≠ V146), G146 (= G147), S164 (= S167), Y184 (≠ V187), I185 (= I188), R270 (= R269), F277 (≠ R276), G308 (= G301), D309 (= D302), M315 (≠ G308), L316 (≠ I309), A317 (≠ L310), H318 (= H311)
P14218 Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase; Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; E3 component of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex; EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens (see 2 papers)
27% identity, 94% coverage: 8:443/462 of query aligns to 3:459/478 of P14218
- 34:49 (vs. 33:47, 44% identical) binding FAD
- C49 (= C47) modified: Disulfide link with 54, Redox-active
- C54 (= C52) modified: Disulfide link with 49, Redox-active
- K58 (= K56) binding FAD
- G122 (= G128) binding FAD
- D319 (= D302) binding FAD
- A327 (≠ L310) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1 modified: Initiator methionine, Removed
5u8vA Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (lpdg) from pseudomonas aeruginosa bound to NAD+ (see paper)
27% identity, 94% coverage: 8:443/462 of query aligns to 1:457/472 of 5u8vA
- active site: P12 (≠ S19), L43 (= L43), C47 (= C47), C52 (= C52), S55 (= S55), G81 (≠ C80), V82 (≠ L81), V189 (= V187), E193 (= E191), S329 (≠ N314), F447 (≠ Y433), H449 (= H435), E454 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I8 (= I15), G11 (= G18), P12 (≠ S19), G13 (≠ A20), E32 (= E33), G45 (≠ T45), T46 (= T46), C47 (= C47), G51 (= G51), C52 (= C52), K56 (= K56), H119 (≠ D127), G120 (= G128), A148 (= A145), S149 (≠ V146), G150 (= G147), S169 (= S167), I190 (= I188), R277 (= R269), G316 (= G301), D317 (= D302), M323 (≠ G308), L324 (≠ I309), A325 (≠ L310), H326 (= H311), H449 (= H435), P450 (= P436)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I185 (= I183), G186 (= G184), G188 (= G186), V189 (= V187), I190 (= I188), L208 (≠ F206), E209 (≠ D207), A210 (= A208), V243 (= V240), V275 (≠ L267), G276 (= G268)
Sites not aligning to the query:
5u8uD Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (lpdg) from pseudomonas aeruginosa (see paper)
28% identity, 94% coverage: 8:443/462 of query aligns to 5:461/477 of 5u8uD
- active site: P16 (≠ S19), L47 (= L43), C51 (= C47), C56 (= C52), S59 (= S55), G85 (≠ C80), V86 (≠ L81), V193 (= V187), E197 (= E191), S333 (≠ N314), F451 (≠ Y433), H453 (= H435), E458 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I12 (= I15), G15 (= G18), P16 (≠ S19), G17 (≠ A20), E36 (= E33), K37 (≠ D34), G49 (≠ T45), T50 (= T46), C51 (= C47), G55 (= G51), C56 (= C52), K60 (= K56), H123 (≠ R121), G124 (≠ A122), A152 (= A145), S153 (≠ V146), G154 (= G147), I194 (= I188), R281 (= R269), G320 (= G301), D321 (= D302), M327 (≠ G308), L328 (≠ I309), A329 (≠ L310), H330 (= H311), H453 (= H435), P454 (= P436)
Sites not aligning to the query:
5u8wA Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (lpdg) from pseudomonas aeruginosa bound to nadh (see paper)
28% identity, 94% coverage: 8:443/462 of query aligns to 2:458/473 of 5u8wA
- active site: P13 (≠ S19), L44 (= L43), C48 (= C47), C53 (= C52), S56 (= S55), G82 (≠ C80), V83 (≠ L81), V190 (= V187), E194 (= E191), S330 (≠ N314), F448 (≠ Y433), H450 (= H435), E455 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I9 (= I15), G12 (= G18), P13 (≠ S19), G14 (≠ A20), E33 (= E33), K34 (≠ D34), G46 (≠ T45), T47 (= T46), C48 (= C47), G52 (= G51), C53 (= C52), K57 (= K56), H120 (≠ R121), G121 (≠ A122), A149 (= A145), S150 (≠ V146), G151 (= G147), S170 (= S167), G317 (= G301), D318 (= D302), M324 (≠ G308), L325 (≠ I309), A326 (≠ L310), H327 (= H311), Y357 (≠ F343), H450 (= H435), P451 (= P436)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: I186 (= I183), G189 (= G186), V190 (= V187), I191 (= I188), E194 (= E191), E210 (≠ D207), A211 (= A208), L212 (≠ Q209), A275 (≠ T266), V276 (≠ L267), G277 (= G268), R278 (= R269), M324 (≠ G308), L325 (≠ I309), V355 (≠ I341), Y357 (≠ F343)
Sites not aligning to the query:
2eq7A Crystal structure of lipoamide dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8 with psbdo
29% identity, 93% coverage: 14:444/462 of query aligns to 6:443/452 of 2eq7A
- active site: P11 (≠ S19), L36 (= L43), C40 (= C47), C45 (= C52), S48 (= S55), G72 (≠ S73), V73 (≠ L74), V177 (= V187), E181 (= E191), S314 (≠ N314), H432 (≠ Y433), H434 (= H435), E439 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G18), P11 (≠ S19), G12 (≠ A20), E31 (≠ D39), K32 (≠ S40), G38 (≠ T45), T39 (= T46), C40 (= C47), R42 (= R49), G44 (= G51), C45 (= C52), K49 (= K56), T110 (≠ D114), A111 (≠ Q115), T137 (≠ V146), G138 (= G147), S157 (= S167), I178 (= I188), R262 (= R269), Y265 (≠ N272), D302 (= D302), M308 (≠ G308), L309 (≠ I309), A310 (≠ L310), H311 (= H311), Y341 (≠ F343)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: W146 (= W156), G174 (= G184), G176 (= G186), V177 (= V187), I178 (= I188), E197 (≠ D207), Y198 (≠ A208), V231 (vs. gap), V260 (≠ L267), G261 (= G268), R262 (= R269), M308 (≠ G308), L309 (≠ I309), V339 (≠ I341)
2yquB Crystal structures and evolutionary relationship of two different lipoamide dehydrogenase(e3s) from thermus thermophilus
29% identity, 93% coverage: 14:444/462 of query aligns to 6:443/455 of 2yquB
- active site: P11 (≠ S19), L36 (= L43), C40 (= C47), C45 (= C52), S48 (= S55), G72 (≠ S73), V73 (≠ L74), V177 (= V187), E181 (= E191), S314 (≠ N314), H432 (≠ Y433), H434 (= H435), E439 (= E440)
- binding carbonate ion: A310 (≠ L310), S314 (≠ N314), S423 (≠ T424), D426 (= D427)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G8 (= G16), G10 (= G18), P11 (≠ S19), G12 (≠ A20), E31 (≠ D39), K32 (≠ S40), G38 (≠ T45), T39 (= T46), C40 (= C47), R42 (= R49), G44 (= G51), C45 (= C52), K49 (= K56), T110 (≠ D114), A111 (≠ Q115), T137 (≠ V146), G138 (= G147), I178 (= I188), Y265 (≠ N272), G301 (= G301), D302 (= D302), M308 (≠ G308), L309 (≠ I309), A310 (≠ L310), H311 (= H311)
2yquA Crystal structures and evolutionary relationship of two different lipoamide dehydrogenase(e3s) from thermus thermophilus
29% identity, 93% coverage: 14:444/462 of query aligns to 6:443/455 of 2yquA
- active site: P11 (≠ S19), L36 (= L43), C40 (= C47), C45 (= C52), S48 (= S55), G72 (≠ S73), V73 (≠ L74), V177 (= V187), E181 (= E191), S314 (≠ N314), H432 (≠ Y433), H434 (= H435), E439 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G8 (= G16), G10 (= G18), P11 (≠ S19), G12 (≠ A20), E31 (≠ D39), K32 (≠ S40), G38 (≠ T45), T39 (= T46), C40 (= C47), R42 (= R49), G44 (= G51), C45 (= C52), K49 (= K56), T110 (≠ D114), A111 (≠ Q115), T137 (≠ V146), G138 (= G147), S157 (= S167), I178 (= I188), Y265 (≠ N272), G301 (= G301), D302 (= D302), M308 (≠ G308), L309 (≠ I309), A310 (≠ L310)
5x1yB Structure of mercuric reductase from lysinibacillus sphaericus (see paper)
26% identity, 93% coverage: 14:443/462 of query aligns to 8:447/454 of 5x1yB
- active site: A13 (≠ S19), V37 (≠ L43), C41 (= C47), C46 (= C52), S49 (= S55), A74 (≠ C80), G75 (≠ P82), Y178 (≠ V187), E182 (= E191), A318 (≠ N314), A437 (≠ Y433), Y439 (≠ H435), E444 (= E440)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: I9 (= I15), G12 (= G18), I32 (≠ V38), E33 (≠ D39), R34 (≠ S40), G39 (≠ T45), T40 (= T46), C41 (= C47), G45 (= G51), C46 (= C52), K50 (= K56), A114 (= A122), T138 (≠ V146), G139 (= G147), Y178 (≠ V187), R266 (= R269), G305 (= G301), D306 (= D302), F313 (≠ I309), V314 (≠ L310), A317 (= A313)
D9J041 Mercuric reductase; Hg(II) reductase; EC from Lysinibacillus sphaericus (Bacillus sphaericus) (see paper)
26% identity, 93% coverage: 14:443/462 of query aligns to 89:528/546 of D9J041
- C122 (= C47) modified: Disulfide link with 127, Redox-active
- C127 (= C52) modified: Disulfide link with 122, Redox-active
P31023 Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, mitochondrial; Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; Glycine cleavage system L protein; Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E3 subunit; E3; PDC-E3; EC from Pisum sativum (Garden pea) (Lathyrus oleraceus) (see 2 papers)
26% identity, 90% coverage: 41:454/462 of query aligns to 70:496/501 of P31023
- C76 (= C47) modified: Disulfide link with 81, Redox-active
- C81 (= C52) modified: Disulfide link with 76, Redox-active
- G149 (≠ A122) binding FAD
- D348 (vs. gap) binding FAD
- MLAH 354:357 (≠ --LH 310:311) binding FAD
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1:31 modified: transit peptide, Mitochondrion
- 67:76 binding FAD
Query Sequence
>WP_013835779.1 NCBI__GCF_000214825.1:WP_013835779.1
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