Comparing WP_029133105.1 NCBI__GCF_000428045.1:WP_029133105.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
4zz7A Crystal structure of methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (dddc) from oceanimonas doudoroffii (see paper)
72% identity, 98% coverage: 1:489/497 of query aligns to 1:489/489 of 4zz7A
- active site: N149 (= N149), K172 (= K172), L246 (= L246), C280 (= C280), E382 (= E382), A462 (= A462)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: T146 (= T146), P147 (= P147), F148 (= F148), N149 (= N149), K172 (= K172), E175 (= E175), K205 (= K205), V208 (= V208), F222 (= F222), V223 (= V223), G224 (= G224), S225 (= S225), I228 (≠ V228), L246 (= L246), G247 (= G247), C280 (= C280), E382 (= E382), F384 (= F384)
5tjrD X-ray crystal structure of a methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase from pseudomonas sp. Aac (see paper)
67% identity, 99% coverage: 4:494/497 of query aligns to 3:468/468 of 5tjrD
- active site: N144 (= N149), K167 (= K172), L241 (= L246), C270 (= C280), E356 (= E382), A436 (= A462)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: I140 (= I145), T141 (= T146), F143 (= F148), K167 (= K172), E170 (= E175), K200 (= K205), F217 (= F222), S220 (= S225), I223 (≠ V228)
4iymC Crystal structure of putative methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 complexed with NAD, target 011934
54% identity, 97% coverage: 1:483/497 of query aligns to 4:487/491 of 4iymC
- active site: N153 (= N149), K176 (= K172), F250 (≠ L246), C284 (= C280), E386 (= E382), Q466 (≠ A462)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I149 (= I145), T150 (= T146), P151 (= P147), F152 (= F148), N153 (= N149), F154 (= F150), K176 (= K172), K209 (= K205), V212 (= V208), F226 (= F222), V227 (= V223), G228 (= G224), S229 (= S225), I232 (≠ V228), G251 (= G247), C284 (= C280), E386 (= E382), F388 (= F384)
P42412 Malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; MSA dehydrogenase; Methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; MMSA dehydrogenase; MMSDH; MSDH; EC from Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) (see 3 papers)
46% identity, 97% coverage: 1:483/497 of query aligns to 4:483/487 of P42412
- C36 (≠ R32) mutation to A: No effect at either the structural or enzymatic levels; when associated with A-160; A-287; A-351 and A-413.
- R107 (= R103) mutation to L: At least 50-fold decrease of the second-order rate constant for the acylation step.
- A150 (≠ T146) binding NAD(+)
- F152 (= F148) binding NAD(+)
- C160 (≠ M156) mutation to A: No effect at either the structural or enzymatic levels; when associated with A-36; A-287; A-351 and A-413.
- K176 (= K172) binding NAD(+)
- E179 (= E175) binding NAD(+)
- R180 (= R176) binding NAD(+)
- S229 (= S225) binding NAD(+)
- T251 (≠ G247) binding NAD(+)
- R283 (= R279) mutation to L: At least 50-fold decrease of the second-order rate constant for the acylation step.
- C287 (≠ I283) mutation to A: No effect at either the structural or enzymatic levels; when associated with A-36; A-160; A-351 and A-413.
- C351 (≠ V348) mutation to A: No effect at either the structural or enzymatic levels; when associated with A-36; A-160; A-287 and A-413.
- E382 (= E382) binding NAD(+)
- C413 (= C413) mutation to A: No effect at either the structural or enzymatic levels; when associated with A-36; A-160; A-287 and A-351.
1t90A Crystal structure of methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis
46% identity, 97% coverage: 1:483/497 of query aligns to 2:481/484 of 1t90A
- active site: N151 (= N149), K174 (= K172), L248 (= L246), C282 (= C280), E380 (= E382), A460 (= A462)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I147 (= I145), A148 (≠ T146), P149 (= P147), F150 (= F148), N151 (= N149), W159 (= W157), K174 (= K172), E177 (= E175), R178 (= R176), H207 (≠ K205), V225 (= V223), G226 (= G224), S227 (= S225), V230 (= V228), L248 (= L246), T249 (≠ G247), C282 (= C280), E380 (= E382), F382 (= F384)
2d4eC Crystal structure of the hpcc from thermus thermophilus hb8
34% identity, 95% coverage: 6:477/497 of query aligns to 29:501/515 of 2d4eC
- active site: N173 (= N149), K196 (= K172), E271 (≠ L246), C305 (= C280), E409 (= E382), E486 (≠ A462)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I169 (= I145), T170 (= T146), P171 (= P147), W172 (≠ F148), K196 (= K172), A198 (≠ S174), G229 (≠ D204), G233 (≠ V208), A234 (≠ D209), T248 (≠ V223), G249 (= G224), E250 (≠ S225), T253 (≠ V228), E271 (≠ L246), L272 (≠ G247), C305 (= C280), E409 (= E382), F411 (= F384), F475 (= F449)
5gtlA NADPH complex structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase from bacillus cereus
31% identity, 95% coverage: 4:477/497 of query aligns to 17:486/491 of 5gtlA
- active site: N165 (= N149), K188 (= K172), E263 (≠ L246), C297 (= C280), E394 (= E382), E471 (≠ D459)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: I161 (= I145), P163 (= P147), K188 (= K172), A190 (≠ S174), E191 (= E175), Q192 (≠ R176), G221 (≠ D204), G225 (≠ V208), G241 (= G224), S242 (= S225), T245 (≠ V228), L264 (≠ G247), C297 (= C280), E394 (= E382), F396 (= F384)
5gtkA NAD+ complex structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase from bacillus cereus
31% identity, 95% coverage: 4:477/497 of query aligns to 17:486/491 of 5gtkA
- active site: N165 (= N149), K188 (= K172), E263 (≠ L246), C297 (= C280), E394 (= E382), E471 (≠ D459)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: I161 (= I145), I162 (≠ T146), P163 (= P147), W164 (≠ F148), K188 (= K172), E191 (= E175), G221 (≠ D204), G225 (≠ V208), A226 (≠ D209), F239 (= F222), G241 (= G224), S242 (= S225), T245 (≠ V228), Y248 (= Y231), L264 (≠ G247), C297 (= C280), Q344 (≠ H328), R347 (≠ K331), E394 (= E382), F396 (= F384)
8rwkA Cryoem structure of the central ald4 filament determined by filamentid (see paper)
30% identity, 96% coverage: 5:480/497 of query aligns to 22:492/495 of 8rwkA
7radA Crystal structure analysis of aldh1b1
31% identity, 96% coverage: 7:485/497 of query aligns to 16:492/493 of 7radA