Comparing WP_029133988.1 NCBI__GCF_000428045.1:WP_029133988.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
Q1LRY0 Fused isobutyryl-CoA mutase; EC; EC 3.6.5.- from Cupriavidus metallidurans (strain ATCC 43123 / DSM 2839 / NBRC 102507 / CH34) (Ralstonia metallidurans) (see 2 papers)
74% identity, 98% coverage: 18:1085/1085 of query aligns to 25:1093/1093 of Q1LRY0
- H39 (= H32) binding axial binding residue
- 169:417 (vs. 162:410, 67% identical) GTPase chaperone MeaI
- GAGKSS 219:224 (≠ GSGKSS 212:217) binding GTP
- S223 (= S216) binding Mg(2+)
- I248 (≠ V241) binding Mg(2+)
- D249 (= D242) binding Mg(2+)
- D262 (= D255) binding Mg(2+); binding Mg(2+)
- R265 (= R258) binding GTP
- E310 (= E303) binding Mg(2+); binding Mg(2+)
- T311 (= T304) binding Mg(2+)
- NKFD 357:360 (= NKFD 350:353) binding GTP
- 418:579 (vs. 411:572, 58% identical) Linker
- F587 (= F580) binding substrate
- F598 (= F591) mutation to A: Switches the substrate specificity and enhances the catalytic efficiency of the isovaleryl-CoA mutase over the native isobutyryl-CoA mutase activity about 4000-fold. Is even more susceptible to inactivation than wild-type during turnover.
- R622 (= R615) binding substrate
- R728 (= R721) binding substrate
- Y772 (= Y765) binding substrate
- S821 (= S814) binding substrate
- R856 (= R849) binding substrate
- K861 (= K854) binding substrate
- E973 (= E966) binding GTP
- N1092 (= N1084) binding GTP
8sslA Isobutyryl-coa mutase fused q341a in the presence of gtp (see paper)
74% identity, 98% coverage: 18:1085/1085 of query aligns to 4:1072/1072 of 8sslA
- binding guanosine-5'-diphosphate: G200 (= G214), K201 (= K215), S202 (= S216), D241 (= D255), R244 (= R258), K337 (= K351), D339 (= D353), Q374 (≠ I388), A375 (= A389), S376 (≠ A390), N1071 (= N1084)
- binding magnesium ion: K201 (= K215), D241 (= D255)
5cjwA Isobutyryl-coa mutase fused with bound adenosylcobalamin, gdp, mg (holo-icmf/gdp), and substrate pivalyl-coenzyme a (see paper)
73% identity, 98% coverage: 18:1085/1085 of query aligns to 5:1063/1063 of 5cjwA
- active site: K6 (= K19), F571 (= F591), Y752 (= Y772), H753 (= H773)
- binding pivalyl-coenzyme A: F558 (= F578), F560 (= F580), R562 (= R582), R569 (= R589), F571 (= F591), R595 (= R615), S650 (= S670), T652 (= T672), R701 (= R721), T703 (= T723), Q705 (= Q725), Y745 (= Y765), Y752 (= Y772), H753 (= H773), S794 (= S814), F796 (= F816), R829 (= R849), K834 (= K854), H836 (= H856)
- binding cobalamin: G18 (= G31), H19 (= H32), D20 (= D33), A21 (= A34), S22 (= S35), M26 (= M39), Y66 (= Y79), Q67 (= Q80), G94 (= G107), G96 (= G109), V98 (= V111), Y116 (≠ F129), S117 (= S130), P118 (= P131), F600 (= F620), L605 (= L625), S623 (= S643), Q715 (= Q735), H753 (= H773), E756 (= E776), A757 (= A777), G841 (= G861), R842 (= R862), E878 (= E898), A879 (= A899), T881 (= T901), H966 (= H986)
- binding guanosine-5'-diphosphate: G199 (= G212), G201 (= G214), K202 (= K215), S203 (= S216), S204 (= S217), R245 (= R258), N337 (= N350), K338 (= K351), D340 (= D353), Q375 (≠ I388), S377 (≠ A390), N1062 (= N1084)
- binding magnesium ion: S203 (= S216), D229 (= D242), D242 (= D255), D242 (= D255), E290 (= E303), E290 (= E303)
4xc6A Isobutyryl-coa mutase fused with bound adenosylcobalamin, gdp, and mg (holo-icmf/gdp) (see paper)
73% identity, 98% coverage: 18:1085/1085 of query aligns to 5:1067/1067 of 4xc6A