Comparing WP_036260031.1 NCBI__GCF_000746085.1:WP_036260031.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
8pf8A Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with fragment-m-72 (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 14:728/729 of 8pf8A
Sites not aligning to the query:
8oquA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with fragment-m-92 (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 15:729/730 of 8oquA
8oqtA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with fragment-m-91 (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 14:728/729 of 8oqtA
Sites not aligning to the query:
8oqnA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with fragment-m-53 (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 14:728/729 of 8oqnA
8opvA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with resveratrol (fragment-b-h11) (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 14:728/729 of 8opvA
8opuA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with sulfamethoxazole (fragment-b-e1) (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 14:728/729 of 8opuA
8oqrA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-oxidation trifunctional enzyme in complex with fragment-m-80 (see paper)
40% identity, 97% coverage: 5:715/736 of query aligns to 14:728/728 of 8oqrA