Comparing WP_036263857.1 NCBI__GCF_000746085.1:WP_036263857.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
5zaiC Crystal structure of 3-hydroxypropionyl-coa dehydratase from metallosphaera sedula (see paper)
32% identity, 99% coverage: 3:258/259 of query aligns to 4:258/259 of 5zaiC
- active site: A65 (≠ T65), F70 (= F70), S82 (≠ E83), R86 (≠ E87), G110 (= G111), E113 (≠ M114), P132 (= P133), E133 (≠ A135), I138 (≠ N140), P140 (≠ L142), G141 (≠ S143), A226 (= A223), F236 (≠ Y236)
- binding coenzyme a: K24 (≠ T23), L25 (≠ R24), A63 (≠ S63), G64 (= G64), A65 (≠ T65), D66 (= D66), I67 (= I67), P132 (= P133), R166 (≠ L168), F248 (= F248), K251 (= K251)
5jbxB Crystal structure of liuc in complex with coenzyme a and malonic acid (see paper)
35% identity, 97% coverage: 7:258/259 of query aligns to 7:260/261 of 5jbxB
- active site: A67 (≠ T65), R72 (= R71), L84 (≠ E83), R88 (≠ E87), G112 (= G111), E115 (≠ M114), T134 (≠ P133), E135 (≠ I134), I140 (≠ N140), P142 (≠ L142), G143 (≠ S143), A228 (≠ E229), L238 (vs. gap)
- binding coenzyme a: S24 (≠ R22), R25 (≠ T23), R26 (= R24), A28 (= A26), A65 (≠ S63), D68 (= D66), L69 (≠ I67), K70 (≠ A68), L110 (≠ T109), G111 (= G110), T134 (≠ P133), E135 (≠ I134), L138 (= L138), R168 (≠ L168)
3h81A Crystal structure of enoyl-coa hydratase from mycobacterium tuberculosis (see paper)
33% identity, 98% coverage: 3:256/259 of query aligns to 3:253/256 of 3h81A
- active site: A64 (≠ T65), M69 (≠ F70), T79 (≠ E83), F83 (≠ E87), G107 (= G111), E110 (≠ M114), P129 (= P133), E130 (≠ I134), V135 (≠ N140), P137 (≠ L142), G138 (≠ S143), L223 (= L233), F233 (≠ Y236)
- binding calcium ion: F233 (≠ Y236), Q238 (≠ F241)
3q0jC Crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis crotonase in complex with the inhibitor acetoacetylcoa
33% identity, 98% coverage: 3:256/259 of query aligns to 4:254/255 of 3q0jC
- active site: A65 (≠ T65), M70 (≠ F70), T80 (≠ E83), F84 (≠ E87), G108 (= G111), E111 (≠ M114), P130 (= P133), E131 (≠ I134), V136 (≠ N140), P138 (≠ L142), G139 (≠ S143), L224 (= L233), F234 (≠ Y236)
- binding acetoacetyl-coenzyme a: Q23 (≠ R22), A24 (≠ T23), L25 (≠ R24), A27 (= A26), A63 (≠ S63), G64 (= G64), A65 (≠ T65), D66 (= D66), I67 (= I67), K68 (≠ A68), M70 (≠ F70), F84 (≠ E87), G107 (= G110), G108 (= G111), E111 (≠ M114), P130 (= P133), E131 (≠ I134), P138 (≠ L142), G139 (≠ S143), M140 (= M144)
3q0gC Crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis crotonase bound to a reaction intermediate derived from crotonyl coa
33% identity, 98% coverage: 3:256/259 of query aligns to 4:254/255 of 3q0gC
- active site: A65 (≠ T65), M70 (≠ F70), T80 (≠ E83), F84 (≠ E87), G108 (= G111), E111 (≠ M114), P130 (= P133), E131 (≠ I134), V136 (≠ N140), P138 (≠ L142), G139 (≠ S143), L224 (= L233), F234 (≠ Y236)
- binding coenzyme a: L25 (≠ R24), A63 (≠ S63), I67 (= I67), K68 (≠ A68), Y104 (≠ V107), P130 (= P133), E131 (≠ I134), L134 (= L138)
3q0gD Crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis crotonase bound to a reaction intermediate derived from crotonyl coa
34% identity, 98% coverage: 3:256/259 of query aligns to 3:249/250 of 3q0gD
- active site: A64 (≠ T65), M69 (≠ F70), T75 (≠ E83), F79 (≠ E87), G103 (= G111), E106 (≠ M114), P125 (= P133), E126 (≠ I134), V131 (≠ N140), P133 (≠ L142), G134 (≠ S143), L219 (= L233), F229 (≠ Y236)
- binding Butyryl Coenzyme A: F225 (vs. gap), F241 (= F248)
Q9P4U9 Enoyl-CoA hydratase AKT3-1; AF-toxin biosynthesis protein 3-1; EC from Alternaria alternata (Alternaria rot fungus) (Torula alternata) (see paper)
33% identity, 95% coverage: 12:257/259 of query aligns to 24:269/296 of Q9P4U9
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 294:296 Peroxisomal targeting signal type 1
4i42A E.Coli. 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl coenzyme a synthase (ecmenb) in complex with 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoyl-coa (see paper)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 3:254/259 of query aligns to 23:276/285 of 4i42A
- active site: G86 (≠ T65), R91 (≠ F70), Y97 (vs. gap), H105 (≠ E83), L109 (≠ E87), G133 (= G111), V136 (≠ M114), G156 (vs. gap), S161 (≠ T137), D163 (≠ G139), G164 (≠ N140), A250 (= A228), Y258 (= Y236)
- binding 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA: V44 (≠ T23), R45 (= R24), S84 (= S63), G85 (= G64), G86 (≠ T65), D87 (= D66), Q88 (≠ I67), K89 (≠ A68), Y97 (vs. gap), V108 (≠ I86), Y129 (≠ V107), G133 (= G111), T155 (vs. gap), S161 (≠ T137), T254 (≠ V232), F270 (= F248), K273 (= K251)
P0ABU0 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA synthase; DHNA-CoA synthase; EC from Escherichia coli (strain K12) (see 4 papers)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 3:254/259 of query aligns to 23:276/285 of P0ABU0
- R45 (= R24) binding in other chain
- SGGDQK 84:89 (≠ SGTDIA 63:68) binding in other chain
- K89 (≠ A68) mutation to A: Strongly decreases affinity for substrate and DHNA-CoA synthase activity.
- R91 (≠ F70) mutation to A: Loss of DHNA-CoA synthase activity.
- Y97 (vs. gap) binding in other chain; mutation to F: Loss of DHNA-CoA synthase activity.
- YSIGG 129:133 (≠ VCTGG 107:111) binding in other chain
- Q154 (≠ M132) mutation to A: Reduces the specific DHNA-CoA synthase activity by 15-fold, whereas its affinity for hydrogencarbonate is reduced by 36-fold.
- QTG 154:156 (≠ M-- 132) binding hydrogencarbonate
- T155 (vs. gap) binding in other chain
- G156 (vs. gap) mutation to D: Loss of DHNA-CoA synthase activity.
- S161 (≠ T137) binding in other chain
- W184 (≠ I163) mutation to F: Reduces the specific DHNA-CoA synthase activity by 530-fold, whereas its affinity for hydrogencarbonate is reduced by 20-fold.
- Y258 (= Y236) binding substrate
- R267 (≠ V245) mutation to A: Strongly decreases affinity for substrate and DHNA-CoA synthase activity.
- F270 (= F248) mutation to A: Strongly decreases affinity for substrate and DHNA-CoA synthase activity.
- K273 (= K251) binding substrate; mutation to A: Impairs protein folding.
3t88A Crystal structure of escherichia coli menb in complex with substrate analogue, osb-ncoa (see paper)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 3:254/259 of query aligns to 19:272/281 of 3t88A
- active site: G82 (≠ T65), R87 (≠ F70), Y93 (vs. gap), H101 (≠ E83), L105 (≠ E87), G129 (= G111), V132 (≠ M114), G152 (vs. gap), S157 (≠ T137), D159 (≠ G139), G160 (≠ N140), A246 (= A228), Y254 (= Y236)
- binding o-succinylbenzoyl-N-coenzyme A: Q39 (≠ R22), V40 (≠ T23), R41 (= R24), A43 (= A26), S80 (= S63), G81 (= G64), G82 (≠ T65), D83 (= D66), Q84 (≠ I67), K85 (≠ A68), Y93 (vs. gap), V104 (≠ I86), L105 (≠ E87), Y125 (≠ V107), G129 (= G111), T151 (vs. gap), V155 (≠ A135), F158 (≠ L138), D159 (≠ G139), T250 (≠ V232), Y254 (= Y236), F266 (= F248), K269 (= K251)
4elwA Structure of e. Coli. 1,4-dihydroxy-2- naphthoyl coenzyme a synthases (menb) in complex with nitrate (see paper)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 3:254/259 of query aligns to 20:258/267 of 4elwA
- active site: G83 (≠ T65), L91 (= L80), G115 (= G111), V118 (≠ M114), G138 (vs. gap), S143 (≠ T137), D145 (≠ G139), G146 (≠ N140), A232 (= A228), Y240 (= Y236)
- binding nitrate ion: G114 (= G110), T137 (vs. gap), G138 (vs. gap), F144 (≠ L138), W166 (≠ I163)
4elxA Structure of apo e.Coli. 1,4-dihydroxy-2- naphthoyl coa synthases with cl (see paper)
31% identity, 97% coverage: 3:254/259 of query aligns to 20:259/268 of 4elxA
- active site: G83 (≠ T65), H88 (≠ F70), L92 (= L80), G116 (= G111), V119 (≠ M114), G139 (vs. gap), S144 (≠ T137), D146 (≠ G139), G147 (≠ N140), A233 (= A228), Y241 (= Y236)
- binding chloride ion: G115 (= G110), G139 (vs. gap), W167 (≠ I163)
O69762 Hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA hydratase-lyase; HCHL; P-hydroxycinnamoyl CoA hydratase/lyase; Trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase/vanillin synthase; EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens (see 2 papers)
33% identity, 82% coverage: 8:220/259 of query aligns to 14:227/276 of O69762
- K29 (≠ T23) binding acetyl-CoA
- A68 (≠ S63) binding acetyl-CoA
- M70 (≠ T65) binding acetyl-CoA
- L72 (≠ I67) binding acetyl-CoA
- Y75 (vs. gap) binding vanillin
- G120 (= G111) binding acetyl-CoA
- S123 (≠ M114) mutation to A: Reduced kcat compared to wild-type but not markerdly.
- S142 (≠ P126) binding acetyl-CoA
- E143 (= E127) mutation to A: Abolishes catalytic activity.
- W146 (≠ L130) binding acetyl-CoA
- G151 (= G139) binding vanillin
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 1 modified: Initiator methionine, Removed
- 239 binding vanillin; Y→F: Increased KM for feruloyl-CoA but retains a significant amount of catalytic activity with a kcat 10 times less than that of the wild-type.
2vssB Wild-type hydroxycinnamoyl-coa hydratase lyase in complex with acetyl- coa and vanillin (see paper)
33% identity, 82% coverage: 8:220/259 of query aligns to 11:224/247 of 2vssB
- active site: M67 (≠ T65), Y72 (vs. gap), D77 (≠ A74), R89 (≠ I86), Q93 (≠ L90), G117 (= G111), S120 (≠ M114), S139 (≠ P126), E140 (= E127), I145 (≠ M132), P147 (≠ I134), G148 (= G139)
- binding acetyl coenzyme *a: E25 (≠ R22), K26 (≠ T23), R27 (= R24), A29 (= A26), A65 (≠ S63), M67 (≠ T65), D68 (= D66), W113 (≠ V107), F115 (≠ T109), G117 (= G111), S139 (≠ P126), E140 (= E127)
Sites not aligning to the query:
2vssD Wild-type hydroxycinnamoyl-coa hydratase lyase in complex with acetyl- coa and vanillin (see paper)
33% identity, 82% coverage: 8:220/259 of query aligns to 12:225/246 of 2vssD
- active site: M68 (≠ T65), Y73 (vs. gap), D78 (≠ A74), R90 (≠ I86), Q94 (≠ L90), G118 (= G111), S121 (≠ M114), S140 (≠ P126), E141 (= E127), I146 (≠ M132), P148 (≠ I134), G149 (= G139)
- binding acetyl coenzyme *a: E26 (≠ R22), K27 (≠ T23), R28 (= R24), A30 (= A26), A66 (≠ S63), M68 (≠ T65), D69 (= D66), L70 (≠ I67), F74 (= F70), W114 (≠ V107), F116 (≠ T109), S140 (≠ P126)
- binding 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde: M68 (≠ T65), Y73 (vs. gap), F74 (= F70), Q96 (≠ A92), E141 (= E127), G149 (= G139), N150 (= N140)
Sites not aligning to the query:
Q4WF54 Mevalonyl-coenzyme A hydratase sidH; Siderophore biosynthesis protein H; EC 4.2.1.- from Aspergillus fumigatus (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100 / Af293) (Neosartorya fumigata) (see paper)
30% identity, 95% coverage: 13:257/259 of query aligns to 21:266/270 of Q4WF54
Sites not aligning to the query:
- 268:270 PTS1-type peroxisomal targeting signal
1ey3A Structure of enoyl-coa hydratase complexed with the substrate dac-coa (see paper)
26% identity, 95% coverage: 11:257/259 of query aligns to 13:256/258 of 1ey3A