Comparing WP_037153268.1 NCBI__GCF_000359745.1:WP_037153268.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 5 hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
7w2jC Cryo-em structure of membrane-bound fructose dehydrogenase from gluconobacter japonicus
36% identity, 86% coverage: 45:304/304 of query aligns to 1:257/418 of 7w2jC
- binding heme c: C13 (= C57), C16 (= C60), H17 (= H61), T42 (≠ P90), I44 (= I92), Y55 (≠ W103), L75 (= L123), Y76 (= Y124), A78 (≠ S126), M79 (≠ F127), R122 (= R169), H161 (= H207), C162 (= C208), C165 (= C211), H166 (= H212), A191 (≠ I239), P192 (= P240), R223 (≠ D270), P227 (≠ G274), M228 (≠ S275)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding heme c: 289, 290, 293, 294, 305, 306, 307, 309, 312, 313, 314, 322, 327, 331, 333, 340, 342, 343, 345
8jejC Cryo-em structure of na-dithionite reduced membrane-bound fructose dehydrogenase from gluconobacter japonicus
36% identity, 86% coverage: 45:304/304 of query aligns to 1:257/413 of 8jejC
- binding heme c: C13 (= C57), C16 (= C60), H17 (= H61), T42 (≠ P90), I44 (= I92), F60 (= F108), L64 (≠ M112), L75 (= L123), Y76 (= Y124), M79 (≠ F127), P80 (= P128), Y84 (= Y132), R122 (= R169), C162 (= C208), C165 (= C211), H166 (= H212), I186 (≠ E234), W189 (≠ G237), A191 (≠ I239), P192 (= P240), I194 (= I242), W205 (= W252), Y213 (= Y260), R223 (≠ D270), M228 (≠ S275)
- binding ubiquinone-10: M36 (≠ F84), P77 (= P125), S124 (≠ A171), W128 (= W175), C165 (= C211), L173 (≠ G219)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding heme c: 303, 304, 307, 308, 320, 321, 323, 327, 328, 336, 341, 345, 347, 354, 356, 359, 376
- binding ubiquinone-10: 408, 411
8gy3A Cryo-em structure of membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase from gluconobacter oxydans
35% identity, 91% coverage: 22:297/304 of query aligns to 20:291/440 of 8gy3A
- binding heme c: Y52 (≠ G56), C53 (= C57), C56 (= C60), H57 (= H61), S84 (≠ P90), I86 (= I92), W97 (= W103), F102 (= F108), L117 (= L123), F121 (= F127), F126 (≠ Y132), R163 (= R169), C203 (= C208), C206 (= C211), H207 (= H212), A232 (vs. gap), P233 (= P240), L235 (≠ I242), W245 (= W252), Y253 (= Y260), L254 (= L261), G263 (≠ D270), S264 (= S271), M269 (= M276)
- binding ubiquinone-10: E55 (≠ S59), T76 (≠ S82), F78 (= F84), Y118 (= Y124), P119 (= P125), I160 (≠ F166), G166 (≠ A171), Q167 (≠ L172), F169 (≠ A174), W170 (= W175), H202 (= H207), R210 (= R215), L213 (= L218)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding heme c: 292, 337, 340, 341, 353, 355, 358, 359, 372, 377, 382, 383, 386, 388, 391
Q47945 Alcohol dehydrogenase (quinone), cytochrome c subunit; ADH; Alcohol dehydrogenase (quinone), subunit II; Cytochrome c-553; Cytochrome c553; Ethanol:Q2 reductase; G3-ADH subunit II; Quinohemoprotein-cytochrome c complex; Ubiquinol oxidase; EC from Gluconobacter oxydans (strain 621H) (Gluconobacter suboxydans) (see paper)
35% identity, 89% coverage: 34:303/304 of query aligns to 33:305/478 of Q47945
- Q37 (≠ T38) modified: Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid
Sites not aligning to the query:
8gy2B Cryo-em structure of membrane-bound alcohol dehydrogenase from gluconobacter oxydans
36% identity, 85% coverage: 45:303/304 of query aligns to 6:267/433 of 8gy2B
- binding heme c: C18 (= C57), C21 (= C60), H22 (= H61), T46 (≠ P90), I48 (= I92), Y59 (≠ W103), L68 (≠ M112), R73 (≠ G117), V79 (≠ L123), Y80 (= Y124), M83 (≠ F127), F88 (≠ Y132), R126 (= R169), H165 (= H207), C166 (= C208), C169 (= C211), H170 (= H212), I201 (≠ Q238), A202 (≠ I239), P203 (= P240), L205 (≠ I242), W216 (= W252), F224 (≠ Y260), A234 (≠ D270), V235 (≠ S271), F236 (≠ A272), F236 (≠ A272), M239 (≠ S275)
- binding ubiquinone-10: C21 (= C60), L34 (= L78), P39 (= P83), P81 (= P125), L129 (= L172), W132 (= W175), E168 (= E210), R173 (= R215), I197 (≠ E234), D241 (≠ A277)
Sites not aligning to the query:
- binding heme c: 301, 302, 305, 306, 316, 317, 318, 320, 324, 342, 352, 354, 356, 359, 375, 428
Query Sequence
>WP_037153268.1 NCBI__GCF_000359745.1:WP_037153268.1
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by Morgan Price,
Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory