Comparing WP_041939755.1 NCBI__GCF_000058485.1:WP_041939755.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
1p9lA Structure of m. Tuberculosis dihydrodipicolinate reductase in complex with nadh and 2,6 pdc (see paper)
64% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 1:244/245 of 1p9lA
- active site: H132 (= H134), K136 (= K138)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: G7 (= G11), G10 (= G14), K11 (≠ R15), V12 (≠ M16), D33 (= D37), A34 (= A38), F52 (= F54), T53 (= T55), V57 (≠ A59), G75 (= G77), T77 (= T79), P103 (= P105), N104 (= N106), F105 (= F107), F217 (= F222)
- binding pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid: H133 (= H135), K136 (= K138), S141 (= S143), G142 (= G144), T143 (= T145), A192 (= A197)
1c3vA Dihydrodipicolinate reductase from mycobacterium tuberculosis complexed with NADPH and pdc (see paper)
64% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 1:244/245 of 1c3vA
- active site: H132 (= H134), K136 (= K138)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: K9 (≠ R13), G10 (= G14), K11 (≠ R15), V12 (≠ M16), D33 (= D37), A34 (= A38), F52 (= F54), T53 (= T55), V57 (≠ A59), G75 (= G77), T77 (= T79), P103 (= P105), N104 (= N106), F217 (= F222)
- binding pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid: T77 (= T79), N104 (= N106), K136 (= K138), S141 (= S143), G142 (= G144), T143 (= T145), A192 (= A197)
P9WP23 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase; HTPA reductase; EC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain ATCC 25618 / H37Rv) (see 2 papers)
64% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 1:244/245 of P9WP23
- K9 (≠ R13) mutation to A: Increases the nucleotide specificity from 6:1 for the wild-type enzyme to 34:1, due to a 4-fold decrease in NADPH affinity while the affinity for NADH remains nearly unchanged.
- K11 (≠ R15) mutation to A: 2.8-fold increase in catalytic activity with NADH as substrate, while the affinity for NADH is essentially unaffected. 70-fold decrease in affinity for NADPH, causing the nucleotide specificity to increase from 6:1 for the wild-type enzyme to 187:1.
- KV 11:12 (≠ RM 15:16) binding NAD(+); binding NADP(+)
- D33 (= D37) binding NAD(+)
- GTT 75:77 (= GTT 77:79) binding NAD(+); binding NADP(+)
- APNF 102:105 (= APNF 104:107) binding NAD(+); binding NADP(+)
- K136 (= K138) binding NAD(+); binding NADP(+)
1yl5A Crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis dihydrodipicolinate reductase (rv2773c) (crystal form a) (see paper)
64% identity, 97% coverage: 7:249/250 of query aligns to 5:246/247 of 1yl5A
5ugvA Dapb from mycobacterium tuberculosis (see paper)
64% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 2:245/245 of 5ugvA
5tjzA Structure of 4-hydroxytetrahydrodipicolinate reductase from mycobacterium tuberculosis with NADPH and 2,6 pyridine dicarboxylic acid (see paper)
64% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 2:245/245 of 5tjzA
- active site: H133 (= H134), K137 (= K138)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G8 (= G11), G11 (= G14), K12 (≠ R15), V13 (≠ M16), D34 (= D37), A35 (= A38), F53 (= F54), T54 (= T55), G76 (= G77), T77 (= T78), T78 (= T79), P104 (= P105), N105 (= N106), F106 (= F107), F218 (= F222)
- binding pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid: T78 (= T79), P104 (= P105), H134 (= H135), K137 (= K138), S142 (= S143), G143 (= G144), T144 (= T145), A193 (= A197)
5eesA Crystal structure of dapb in complex with NADP+ from corynebacterium glutamicum (see paper)
59% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 2:247/247 of 5eesA
- active site: H133 (= H134), K137 (= K138)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G8 (= G11), G11 (= G14), R12 (= R15), V13 (≠ M16), G34 (≠ D37), V35 (≠ A38), F53 (= F54), T54 (= T55), G76 (= G77), T78 (= T79), P104 (= P105), N105 (= N106), F106 (= F107), F220 (= F222)
- binding sulfate ion: H134 (= H135), K137 (= K138), K137 (= K138), G143 (= G144), T144 (= T145)
5eerA Crystal structure of dapb from corynebacterium glutamicum (see paper)
59% identity, 98% coverage: 5:249/250 of query aligns to 2:247/247 of 5eerA
5z2fA NADPH/pda bound dihydrodipicolinate reductase from paenisporosarcina sp. Tg-14 (see paper)
41% identity, 96% coverage: 7:247/250 of query aligns to 5:265/265 of 5z2fA
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: R11 (= R13), G12 (= G14), K13 (≠ R15), M14 (= M16), D35 (= D37), H36 (≠ A38), K37 (≠ G39), L76 (≠ F54), T77 (= T55), G99 (= G77), T100 (= T78), T101 (= T79), P126 (= P105), N127 (= N106), F128 (= F107)
- binding pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid: P126 (= P105), H155 (= H134), H156 (= H135), K159 (= K138), S164 (= S143), G165 (= G144), T166 (= T145), A215 (= A197)
5z2eA Dipicolinate bound dihydrodipicolinate reductase from paenisporosarcina sp. Tg-14 (see paper)
41% identity, 96% coverage: 7:247/250 of query aligns to 5:265/265 of 5z2eA
5wolA Crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate reductase dapb from coxiella burnetii
41% identity, 97% coverage: 5:247/250 of query aligns to 2:230/230 of 5wolA
- active site: H133 (= H134), K137 (= K138)
- binding pyridine-2-carboxylic acid: P104 (= P105), T144 (= T145), K147 (≠ R148)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: N7 (≠ L10), G11 (= G14), K12 (≠ R15), M13 (= M16), G34 (≠ D37), R35 (≠ A38), F54 (= F54), T55 (= T55), T56 (= T56), S59 (≠ A59), G77 (= G77), T78 (= T78), T79 (= T79), P104 (= P105), N105 (= N106), F106 (= F107)
4ywjA Crystal structure of 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase (htpa reductase) from pseudomonas aeruginosa
34% identity, 89% coverage: 7:229/250 of query aligns to 4:247/268 of 4ywjA
- active site: H156 (= H134), K160 (= K138)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G11 (= G14), R12 (= R15), M13 (= M16), D35 (= D37), R36 (vs. gap), F76 (= F54), T77 (= T55), V81 (≠ A59), G99 (= G77), T101 (= T79), A124 (≠ P105), N125 (= N106), F126 (= F107), R237 (= R219), F240 (= F222)
5tejB Structure of 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase from vibrio vulnificus with 2,5 furan dicarboxylic and nadh (see paper)
32% identity, 76% coverage: 49:237/250 of query aligns to 70:254/269 of 5tejB
- active site: H155 (= H134), K159 (= K138)
- binding 2,5 Furan Dicarboxylic Acid: T100 (= T79), H156 (= H135), K159 (= K138), S164 (= S143), G165 (= G144), T166 (= T145)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: F75 (= F54), T76 (= T55), S80 (≠ A59), G98 (= G77), T100 (= T79), P123 (= P105), N124 (= N106), Y125 (≠ F107), F239 (= F222)
Sites not aligning to the query:
5tejA Structure of 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase from vibrio vulnificus with 2,5 furan dicarboxylic and nadh (see paper)
32% identity, 76% coverage: 49:237/250 of query aligns to 70:254/269 of 5tejA
Sites not aligning to the query:
5temA Structure of 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase from vibrio vulnificus with 2,6 pyridine dicarboxylic and nadh (see paper)
32% identity, 76% coverage: 49:237/250 of query aligns to 70:254/266 of 5temA
- active site: H155 (= H134), K159 (= K138)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: F75 (= F54), T76 (= T55), S80 (≠ A59), G98 (= G77), T100 (= T79), P123 (= P105), N124 (= N106), Y125 (≠ F107), F239 (= F222)
- binding pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid: T100 (= T79), P123 (= P105), H156 (= H135), K159 (= K138), S164 (= S143), G165 (= G144), T166 (= T145)
Sites not aligning to the query:
Q9X1K8 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase; HTPA reductase; EC from Thermotoga maritima (strain ATCC 43589 / DSM 3109 / JCM 10099 / NBRC 100826 / MSB8) (see paper)
29% identity, 94% coverage: 5:239/250 of query aligns to 1:205/216 of Q9X1K8
1vm6B Crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate reductase (tm1520) from thermotoga maritima at 2.27 a resolution
29% identity, 94% coverage: 4:239/250 of query aligns to 5:210/218 of 1vm6B
- active site: H132 (= H134), K136 (= K138)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: G12 (= G11), S14 (≠ R13), G15 (= G14), R16 (= R15), M17 (= M16), D37 (= D37), V38 (≠ A38), F53 (= F54), S54 (≠ T55), S55 (≠ T56), E57 (≠ D58), A58 (= A59), G76 (= G77), T78 (= T79), Y101 (≠ P105), N102 (= N106), F103 (= F107), F192 (= F222)
1drwA Escherichia coli dhpr/nhdh complex (see paper)
29% identity, 99% coverage: 4:250/250 of query aligns to 4:270/272 of 1drwA
- active site: H158 (= H134), K162 (= K138)
- binding nicotinamide purin-6-ol-dinucleotide: G11 (= G11), G14 (= G14), R15 (= R15), M16 (= M16), E37 (≠ D37), R38 (≠ A38), F78 (= F54), T79 (= T55), R80 (≠ T56), G101 (= G77), T102 (= T78), T103 (= T79), A126 (≠ P105), N127 (= N106), F128 (= F107), F242 (= F222)
1dihA Three-dimensional structure of e. Coli dihydrodipicolinate reductase (see paper)
29% identity, 99% coverage: 4:250/250 of query aligns to 4:270/272 of 1dihA
- active site: H158 (= H134), K162 (= K138)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G11 (= G11), G14 (= G14), R15 (= R15), M16 (= M16), R38 (≠ A38), F78 (= F54), T79 (= T55), R80 (≠ T56), G83 (≠ A59), G101 (= G77), T103 (= T79), N127 (= N106), F128 (= F107), R239 (= R219), F242 (= F222)
1drvA Escherichia coli dhpr/acnadh complex (see paper)
29% identity, 99% coverage: 4:250/250 of query aligns to 2:268/270 of 1drvA
- active site: H156 (= H134), K160 (= K138)
- binding 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide: G9 (= G11), G12 (= G14), R13 (= R15), M14 (= M16), E35 (≠ D37), F76 (= F54), T77 (= T55), R78 (≠ T56), G81 (≠ A59), G99 (= G77), A124 (≠ P105), F126 (= F107), R237 (= R219)
Query Sequence
>WP_041939755.1 NCBI__GCF_000058485.1:WP_041939755.1
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by Morgan Price,
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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory