Comparing WP_043917425.1 NCBI__GCF_000877395.1:WP_043917425.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
3lxdA Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase arr from novosphingobium aromaticivorans (see paper)
44% identity, 95% coverage: 20:399/400 of query aligns to 22:408/409 of 3lxdA
- active site: R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), N302 (≠ I295)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: R36 (≠ D34), E37 (= E35), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), S48 (= S46), K49 (= K47), E81 (≠ R79), V82 (= V80), T109 (= T106), I157 (= I154), G278 (= G274), D279 (= D275), S297 (= S290), V298 (= V291), F325 (= F318), W326 (= W319)
Sites not aligning to the query:
P16640 Putidaredoxin reductase CamA; Pdr; Putidaredoxin--NAD(+) reductase; EC from Pseudomonas putida (Arthrobacter siderocapsulatus) (see 2 papers)
39% identity, 100% coverage: 2:400/400 of query aligns to 5:413/422 of P16640
- A15 (= A12) binding FAD
- D37 (= D34) binding FAD
- K50 (= K47) binding FAD
- V83 (= V80) binding FAD
- R134 (= R128) binding FAD
- D284 (= D275) binding FAD
- V302 (= V291) binding FAD
1q1wA Crystal structure of putidaredoxin reductase from pseudomonas putida (see paper)
39% identity, 100% coverage: 2:400/400 of query aligns to 4:412/422 of 1q1wA
- active site: L13 (≠ Q11), L44 (≠ R42), P45 (= P43), L305 (≠ I295)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G8), G12 (= G10), L13 (≠ Q11), A14 (= A12), G35 (= G33), D36 (= D34), L44 (≠ R42), P45 (= P43), K49 (= K47), V82 (= V80), A108 (= A105), T109 (= T106), G110 (= G107), R133 (= R128), I159 (= I154), D283 (= D275), S300 (= S290), V301 (= V291), W329 (= W319)
3fg2P Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase for the cyp199a2 system from rhodopseudomonas palustris (see paper)
41% identity, 99% coverage: 2:396/400 of query aligns to 2:400/404 of 3fg2P
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G8 (= G8), G10 (= G10), H11 (≠ Q11), A12 (= A12), D34 (= D34), E35 (= E35), R42 (= R42), P43 (= P43), S46 (= S46), K47 (= K47), R78 (≠ K78), M79 (≠ R79), T106 (= T106), R127 (= R128), I153 (= I154), D275 (= D275), S292 (= S290), V293 (= V291), W321 (= W319)
2gr2A Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase, bpha4 (oxidized form)
36% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 5:397/401 of 2gr2A
- active site: L12 (≠ Q11), R43 (= R42), P44 (= P43), Q290 (≠ I295)
- binding adenosine-5-diphosphoribose: R109 (≠ N111), V146 (= V149), G147 (= G150), G149 (= G152), V150 (≠ Y153), I151 (= I154), E170 (= E173), T171 (= T174), R178 (= R181), G229 (= G236), I230 (= I237), G231 (= G238), E284 (= E289)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G11 (= G10), A13 (= A12), D35 (= D34), E36 (= E35), R43 (= R42), P44 (= P43), K48 (= K47), A77 (≠ V80), T104 (= T106), G105 (= G107), R125 (= R128), G267 (= G274), D268 (= D275), T285 (≠ S290), W286 (≠ V291), A289 (= A294), W315 (= W319)
2gr0A Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase, bpha4 (oxidized form, NAD+ complex) (see paper)
36% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 5:397/401 of 2gr0A
- active site: L12 (≠ Q11), R43 (= R42), P44 (= P43), Q290 (≠ I295)
- binding adenosine-5'-diphosphate: V146 (= V149), G147 (= G150), G149 (= G152), I151 (= I154), E170 (= E173), T171 (= T174), R178 (= R181), G229 (= G236), I230 (= I237), G231 (= G238)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G11 (= G10), A13 (= A12), D35 (= D34), E36 (= E35), R43 (= R42), P44 (= P43), K48 (= K47), T76 (≠ R79), A77 (≠ V80), T104 (= T106), G105 (= G107), R125 (= R128), I151 (= I154), G267 (= G274), D268 (= D275), E284 (= E289), T285 (≠ S290), W286 (≠ V291), A289 (= A294), W315 (= W319)
1f3pA Ferredoxin reductase (bpha4)-nadh complex (see paper)
36% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 6:398/401 of 1f3pA
- active site: L13 (≠ Q11), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), Q291 (≠ I295)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: A14 (= A12), V34 (≠ W32), D36 (= D34), E37 (= E35), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), A78 (≠ V80), T105 (= T106), G106 (= G107), R126 (= R128), G268 (= G274), D269 (= D275), E285 (= E289), T286 (≠ S290), W287 (≠ V291), A290 (= A294), W316 (= W319)
- binding nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide: V147 (= V149), G148 (= G150), G150 (= G152), V151 (≠ Y153), I152 (= I154), E155 (= E157), E171 (= E173), T172 (= T174), R179 (= R181), G230 (= G236), I231 (= I237), G232 (= G238), V233 (≠ I239), E285 (= E289), W316 (= W319), S317 (= S320)
2yvjA Crystal structure of the ferredoxin-ferredoxin reductase (bpha3- bpha4)complex (see paper)
36% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 6:398/402 of 2yvjA
- active site: L13 (≠ Q11), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), Q291 (≠ I295)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G10 (= G8), G12 (= G10), G35 (= G33), D36 (= D34), E37 (= E35), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), A78 (≠ V80), T105 (= T106), G106 (= G107), R126 (= R128), G268 (= G274), D269 (= D275), T286 (≠ S290), W287 (≠ V291), A290 (= A294), W316 (= W319)
- binding 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: V147 (= V149), G148 (= G150), G149 (= G151), G150 (= G152), I152 (= I154), V170 (= V172), E171 (= E173), T172 (= T174), R179 (= R181), G230 (= G236), I231 (= I237), G232 (= G238), V233 (≠ I239), E285 (= E289)
8pxkA Structure of nadh-dependent ferredoxin reductase, bpha4, solved at wavelength 5.76 a (see paper)
36% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 7:399/403 of 8pxkA
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G13 (= G10), A15 (= A12), D37 (= D34), E38 (= E35), R45 (= R42), P46 (= P43), K50 (= K47), A79 (≠ V80), T106 (= T106), G107 (= G107), R127 (= R128), I153 (= I154), G269 (= G274), D270 (= D275), E286 (= E289), T287 (≠ S290), W288 (≠ V291), A291 (= A294), W317 (= W319)
4h4uA Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase, bpha4 t176r mutant (reduced form)
35% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 6:398/401 of 4h4uA
- active site: L13 (≠ Q11), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), Q291 (≠ I295)
- binding flavin-adenine dinucleotide: G12 (= G10), A14 (= A12), D36 (= D34), R44 (= R42), P45 (= P43), A78 (≠ V80), T105 (= T106), G106 (= G107), L125 (≠ V127), R126 (= R128), I152 (= I154), E155 (= E157), G268 (= G274), D269 (= D275), E285 (= E289), T286 (≠ S290), W287 (≠ V291), A290 (= A294), W316 (= W319)
- binding nadph dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: V151 (≠ Y153), I152 (= I154), E171 (= E173), R172 (≠ T174), Q173 (≠ A175), G230 (= G236), I231 (= I237), G232 (= G238), I284 (≠ L288), E285 (= E289), Y315 (≠ F318)
4h4wA Crystal structure of ferredoxin reductase, bpha4 e175c/t176r/q177g mutant (reduced form)
35% identity, 99% coverage: 4:398/400 of query aligns to 5:397/399 of 4h4wA