Comparing WP_044177712.1 NCBI__GCF_000178955.2:WP_044177712.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
6ihhA Crystal structure of rasadh f12 from ralstonia.Sp in complex with NADPH and a6o
53% identity, 98% coverage: 5:250/250 of query aligns to 4:249/249 of 6ihhA
- binding (2R,3S)-2-ethyl-2-[(2E)-2-(6-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-2H-naphthalen-1-ylidene)ethyl]-3-oxidanyl-cyclopentan-1-one: S137 (= S138), H147 (≠ R148), Y150 (= Y151), L188 (= L189), L246 (≠ F247)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G14), N15 (≠ G16), S16 (≠ E17), G17 (= G18), I18 (= I19), R38 (= R39), R39 (= R40), D60 (= D61), V61 (= V62), N87 (= N88), S88 (≠ A89), G89 (= G90), V110 (≠ I111), T135 (= T136), S137 (= S138), Y150 (= Y151), K154 (= K155), P180 (= P181), G181 (= G182), A182 (≠ P183), I183 (= I184), T185 (= T186), S187 (≠ L188)
4bmsF Short chain alcohol dehydrogenase from ralstonia sp. Dsm 6428 in complex with NADPH
52% identity, 98% coverage: 5:250/250 of query aligns to 4:249/249 of 4bmsF
- active site: S137 (= S138), H147 (≠ R148), Y150 (= Y151), K154 (= K155), Q195 (≠ P196)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G14), N15 (≠ G16), S16 (≠ E17), I18 (= I19), R38 (= R39), R39 (= R40), A59 (= A60), D60 (= D61), V61 (= V62), N87 (= N88), S88 (≠ A89), G89 (= G90), V110 (≠ I111), S137 (= S138), Y150 (= Y151), K154 (= K155), G181 (= G182), I183 (= I184), T185 (= T186), I187 (≠ L188)
8ijgC Crystal structure of alcohol dehydrogenase m5 from burkholderia gladioli with NADP
49% identity, 98% coverage: 5:250/250 of query aligns to 4:250/250 of 8ijgC
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G14), T15 (≠ G16), S16 (≠ E17), I18 (= I19), R38 (= R39), R39 (= R40), D60 (= D61), V61 (= V62), N87 (= N88), G89 (= G90), R110 (≠ I111), N135 (≠ T136), A137 (≠ S138), Y150 (= Y151), K154 (= K155), P180 (= P181), G181 (= G182), T183 (≠ I184), T185 (= T186), G187 (≠ L188)
4esoB Crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase protein from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 in complex with NADP
39% identity, 98% coverage: 4:249/250 of query aligns to 2:246/251 of 4esoB
- active site: G16 (= G18), S136 (= S138), M146 (≠ R148), Y149 (= Y151), K153 (= K155)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G12 (= G14), T14 (≠ G16), H15 (≠ E17), M17 (≠ I19), R37 (= R39), N38 (≠ R40), N41 (≠ I43), S58 (≠ A60), D59 (= D61), I60 (≠ V62), N86 (= N88), A87 (= A89), G88 (= G90), T134 (= T136), S136 (= S138), Y149 (= Y151), P179 (= P181), G180 (= G182), I182 (= I184), T184 (= T186), T186 (≠ L188), K187 (≠ L189), G188 (≠ Q190)
6ci9D Rmm microcompartment-associated aminopropanol dehydrogenase NADP + aminoacetone holo-structure (see paper)
38% identity, 98% coverage: 1:246/250 of query aligns to 3:248/259 of 6ci9D
- active site: G20 (= G18), S145 (= S138), Y159 (= Y151)
- binding 1-aminopropan-2-one: F97 (≠ Q92), S145 (= S138), T147 (= T140), W156 (≠ R148), Y159 (= Y151), G190 (= G182)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G16 (= G14), S18 (≠ G16), G20 (= G18), I21 (= I19), G40 (= G38), R41 (= R39), N42 (≠ R40), D66 (= D61), V67 (= V62), N93 (= N88), G95 (= G90), T143 (= T136), S145 (= S138), Y159 (= Y151), K163 (= K155), P189 (= P181), N191 (≠ P183), I192 (= I184), T194 (= T186), G196 (≠ L188), L197 (= L189)
7v0hG Crystal structure of putative glucose 1-dehydrogenase from burkholderia cenocepacia in complex with NADP and a potential reaction product
41% identity, 98% coverage: 3:247/250 of query aligns to 7:252/253 of 7v0hG
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G18 (= G14), S20 (≠ G16), K21 (≠ E17), G22 (= G18), I23 (= I19), A43 (≠ G38), S44 (≠ R39), S45 (≠ R40), G68 (≠ A60), D69 (= D61), V70 (= V62), N96 (= N88), S97 (≠ A89), G98 (= G90), Y100 (≠ Q92), I144 (≠ T136), S146 (= S138), Y159 (= Y151), K163 (= K155), P189 (= P181), G190 (= G182), M191 (≠ P183), I192 (= I184), T194 (= T186), G196 (≠ L188), T197 (≠ L189)
- binding (2R)-2-(hydroxymethyl)pentanedioic acid: S146 (= S138), Y159 (= Y151), M191 (≠ P183), I202 (≠ V194)
P50162 Tropinone reductase 1; Tropine dehydrogenase; Tropinone reductase I; TR-I; EC from Datura stramonium (Jimsonweed) (Common thornapple) (see paper)
37% identity, 98% coverage: 4:247/250 of query aligns to 18:267/273 of P50162
- 25:49 (vs. 11:35, 52% identical) binding NADP(+)
- S158 (= S138) binding substrate
- Y171 (= Y151) active site, Proton acceptor
1ae1B Tropinone reductase-i complex with NADP (see paper)
37% identity, 98% coverage: 4:247/250 of query aligns to 3:252/258 of 1ae1B
- active site: G17 (= G18), S143 (= S138), V153 (≠ R148), Y156 (= Y151), K160 (= K155)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G14), S15 (≠ G16), K16 (≠ E17), G17 (= G18), I18 (= I19), S37 (≠ G38), R38 (= R39), C62 (≠ A60), D63 (= D61), L64 (≠ V62), N91 (= N88), A92 (= A89), S143 (= S138), Y156 (= Y151), K160 (= K155), P186 (= P181), I189 (= I184), T191 (= T186), L193 (= L188), V194 (≠ L189)
3pk0B Crystal structure of short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase sdr from mycobacterium smegmatis (see paper)
39% identity, 97% coverage: 5:246/250 of query aligns to 8:250/262 of 3pk0B
8hfkA Crystal structure of cbar mutant (h162f) in complex with NADP+ and halogenated aryl ketone (see paper)
34% identity, 98% coverage: 5:248/250 of query aligns to 6:259/259 of 8hfkA
- binding 2-bromanyl-1-(4-bromanyl-2-oxidanyl-phenyl)ethanone: S143 (= S138), N144 (≠ A139), T145 (= T140), F153 (≠ R148), Y156 (= Y151), G187 (= G182), M193 (≠ L188), V197 (vs. gap), A259 (= A248)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G15 (= G14), R18 (≠ E17), I20 (= I19), A40 (vs. gap), N41 (vs. gap), S42 (vs. gap), D66 (= D61), N93 (= N88), S94 (≠ A89), L116 (≠ I111), T141 (= T136), Y156 (= Y151), K160 (= K155), P186 (= P181), G187 (= G182), G188 (≠ P183), T189 (≠ I184), T191 (= T186), M193 (≠ L188)
5fffA Noroxomaritidine/norcraugsodine reductase in complex with NADP+ and piperonal (see paper)
37% identity, 97% coverage: 4:246/250 of query aligns to 8:252/257 of 5fffA
- active site: K206 (= K199)
- binding 1,3-benzodioxole-5-carbaldehyde: Y100 (≠ Q92), H158 (≠ R148)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G18 (= G14), T20 (≠ G16), G22 (= G18), I23 (= I19), R43 (= R39), C67 (≠ A60), D68 (= D61), V69 (= V62), N96 (= N88), I146 (≠ T136), Y161 (= Y151), K165 (= K155), P191 (= P181), A193 (≠ P183), I194 (= I184), T196 (= T186), G198 (≠ L188), T199 (≠ L189)
5ff9B Noroxomaritidine/norcraugsodine reductase in complex with NADP+ and tyramine (see paper)
37% identity, 97% coverage: 4:246/250 of query aligns to 8:252/257 of 5ff9B
- active site: K206 (= K199)
- binding 4-(2-aminoethyl)phenol: Y100 (≠ Q92), I155 (= I145), H158 (≠ R148)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G18 (= G14), T20 (≠ G16), K21 (≠ E17), I23 (= I19), S42 (≠ G38), R43 (= R39), C67 (≠ A60), D68 (= D61), V69 (= V62), N96 (= N88), I146 (≠ T136), S148 (= S138), Y161 (= Y151), K165 (= K155), P191 (= P181), A193 (≠ P183), I194 (= I184), T196 (= T186), G198 (≠ L188), T199 (≠ L189)
A0A1A9TAK5 Noroxomaritidine/norcraugsodine reductase; NorRed; EC 1.1.1.- from Narcissus pseudonarcissus (Daffodil) (see paper)
37% identity, 97% coverage: 4:246/250 of query aligns to 8:252/257 of A0A1A9TAK5
- TKGI 20:23 (≠ GEGI 16:19) binding NADP(+)
- SR 42:43 (≠ GR 38:39) binding NADP(+)
- DV 68:69 (= DV 61:62) binding NADP(+)
- NAG 96:98 (= NAG 88:90) binding NADP(+)
- Y100 (≠ Q92) binding substrate
- C149 (≠ A139) binding substrate
- Y161 (= Y151) binding NADP(+)
- K165 (= K155) binding NADP(+)
- IRTPGT 194:199 (≠ ILTPLL 184:189) binding NADP(+)
A7DY56 Tropinone reductase; EC; EC from Cochlearia officinalis (Common scurvygrass) (see paper)
37% identity, 98% coverage: 4:248/250 of query aligns to 15:261/273 of A7DY56
- Y209 (≠ T192) mutation to S: Loss of tropinone or nortropinone reduction, but faster reduction of cyclohexanones.
5t2uA Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family protein (see paper)
39% identity, 98% coverage: 2:246/250 of query aligns to 1:237/241 of 5t2uA
- active site: G17 (= G18), T135 (≠ S138), T145 (≠ R148), Y148 (= Y151), K152 (= K155)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G13 (= G14), G17 (= G18), R38 (= R39), D39 (≠ R40), R42 (≠ I43), D60 (= D61), L61 (≠ V62), N83 (= N88), A84 (= A89), Y87 (≠ Q92), I133 (≠ T136), T135 (≠ S138), Y148 (= Y151), K152 (= K155), P178 (= P181), P180 (= P183), T181 (≠ I184), T183 (= T186), T185 (≠ L188), T186 (≠ L189)
7yb2D Crystal structure of anthrol reductase (cbar) in complex with NADP+ and emodin (see paper)
34% identity, 98% coverage: 5:248/250 of query aligns to 10:264/264 of 7yb2D
- binding 3-methyl-1,6,8-trihydroxyanthraquinone: S147 (= S138), Y161 (= Y151), G193 (≠ P183), M198 (≠ L188), F199 (≠ L189), V202 (vs. gap), S203 (vs. gap), Y206 (≠ F193)
- binding nadp nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate: G19 (= G14), R22 (≠ E17), G23 (= G18), I24 (= I19), Y43 (vs. gap), A44 (vs. gap), N45 (vs. gap), S46 (vs. gap), D70 (= D61), V71 (= V62), N97 (= N88), S98 (≠ A89), L120 (≠ I111), T145 (= T136), S147 (= S138), Y161 (= Y151),