Comparing WP_053936339.1 NCBI__GCF_001294205.1:WP_053936339.1 to proteins with known functional sites using BLASTp with E ≤ 0.001.
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Found 20 (the maximum) hits to proteins with known functional sites (download)
8eszS1 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1 (see paper)
37% identity, 92% coverage: 2:709/768 of query aligns to 4:681/683 of 8eszS1
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C36 (= C34), Y37 (= Y35), A44 (= A42), G45 (≠ A43), C47 (= C45), R48 (= R46), C50 (= C48), C64 (= C62)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H96 (= H94), D99 (= D97), C100 (= C98), C103 (= C101), C109 (= C107), Q112 (= Q110), C152 (= C146), I153 (= I147), H154 (= H148), C155 (= C149), T156 (= T150), R157 (= R151), C158 (= C152), I182 (= I176), C202 (= C196), P203 (= P197), V204 (= V198)
7arcG Cryo-em structure of polytomella complex-i (peripheral arm) (see paper)
38% identity, 83% coverage: 2:640/768 of query aligns to 6:609/682 of 7arcG
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: R36 (≠ H32), C38 (= C34), Y39 (= Y35), G47 (≠ A43), C49 (= C45), R50 (= R46), C52 (= C48), C66 (= C62)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H98 (= H94), D101 (= D97), C102 (= C98), C105 (= C101), Q107 (= Q103), C111 (= C107), Q114 (= Q110), C150 (= C146), I151 (= I147), C153 (= C149), C156 (= C152), C200 (= C196), V202 (= V198), A204 (= A200), L205 (= L201)
- binding : K272 (≠ N268), Q274 (≠ E271), R275 (= R272), N277 (≠ T274), G539 (≠ Q569), L579 (= L609)
5gupG structure of mammalian respiratory supercomplex I1III2IV1 (see paper)
38% identity, 83% coverage: 1:640/768 of query aligns to 2:600/673 of 5gupG
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C35 (= C34), Y36 (= Y35), N45 (= N44), C46 (= C45), C49 (= C48), C63 (= C62)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H95 (= H94), C99 (= C98), C102 (= C101), Q104 (= Q103), C108 (= C107), Q111 (= Q110), R146 (= R145), C147 (= C146), I148 (= I147), C150 (= C149), T151 (= T150), C153 (= C152), V177 (≠ I176), C197 (= C196), P198 (= P197), A201 (= A200), L202 (= L201)
- binding : K269 (≠ N268), R270 (≠ S269), Q271 (≠ E271), R272 (= R272), R279 (≠ K279), L284 (≠ V283), L285 (≠ W284), Y287 (≠ Q286)
7qsoG Bovine complex i in lipid nanodisc, state 3 (slack) (see paper)
38% identity, 83% coverage: 1:641/768 of query aligns to 4:617/700 of 7qsoG
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: R35 (≠ H32), C37 (= C34), Y38 (= Y35), G46 (≠ A43), C48 (= C45), R49 (= R46), C51 (= C48), C65 (= C62)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H97 (= H94), D100 (= D97), C101 (= C98), C104 (= C101), Q106 (= Q103), G107 (= G104), C110 (= C107), Q113 (= Q110), C149 (= C146), I150 (= I147), Q151 (≠ H148), C152 (= C149), T153 (= T150), R154 (= R151), C155 (= C152), C199 (= C196), P200 (= P197), V201 (= V198), G202 (= G199), A203 (= A200)
7b0nG 3.7-angstrom structure of Yarrowia lipolytica complex I with an R121M mutation in NUCM. (see paper)
35% identity, 90% coverage: 2:692/768 of query aligns to 3:676/694 of 7b0nG
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C35 (= C34), G44 (≠ A43), C46 (= C45), R47 (= R46), C49 (= C48), C63 (= C62)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H95 (= H94), C99 (= C98), C102 (= C101), C108 (= C107), Q111 (= Q110), C149 (= C146), H151 (= H148), C152 (= C149), T153 (= T150), C155 (= C152), C199 (= C196), V201 (= V198)
7v2cM Active state complex i from q10 dataset (see paper)
37% identity, 83% coverage: 1:640/768 of query aligns to 3:615/690 of 7v2cM
- binding fe2/s2 (inorganic) cluster: C36 (= C34), Y37 (= Y35), G45 (≠ A43), C47 (= C45), R48 (= R46), C50 (= C48), C64 (= C62)
- binding magnesium ion: Q105 (= Q103), C198 (= C196), V200 (= V198)
- binding iron/sulfur cluster: H96 (= H94), D99 (= D97), C100 (= C98), C103 (= C101), Q105 (= Q103), C109 (= C107), Q112 (= Q110), C148 (= C146), C151 (= C149), T152 (= T150), R153 (= R151), C154 (= C152), C198 (= C196), V200 (= V198), A202 (= A200), L203 (= L201)
Q91VD9 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 75 kDa subunit, mitochondrial; Complex I-75kD; CI-75kD; EC from Mus musculus (Mouse) (see paper)
37% identity, 83% coverage: 1:641/768 of query aligns to 31:644/727 of Q91VD9